[Suggestion] To: The Developers (Construction System Is Great!+Suggestions since I used the Construction System)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Destroyer0370, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Destroyer0370

    It compliments the existing game well, and gives another way to generate victory on the continent. Now the game is even more complex and engaging. Like I alluded to the above first sentence..There is still the other way to capture continents, territory control, otherwise, so there is a preference circumstance for a player to choose how he/she wants to capture a continent.

    - It is not overpowered, bases can be siege and taken out and their cores stolen.

    - Limited areas to build bases on the continent maps so they don't overcrowd other main bases' areas etc.

    - Make it that we can put down the structures on whatever terrain, in regards to high or low terrain, even if it makes the structures sink in the ground, or part of them in the side of the terrain(which the barricade wall can do, therefore do the same with the other structures).

    - Make it that we have a choice of Turrets we want to place down i.e. 2 machine gun turrets+ an anti aircraft turret(3 in total as usual). Currently only 1 of each type can be made by a player(which makes 3 in total).

    - Vehicle Pad creation perhaps? So we can make ANT, and basic Sunders in our base. The pad would be destructible of course! Note: will be like bunker and Walls, it does not need Cortium to be maintained.

    - Need more cortium deposits, it scarce to find in the continent maps.
    Maybe make cortium replenish/increase in size over time if present in a location?
  2. Destroyer0370

    - Need to deconstruct our own Structures that we place down with the ANT, we press the Alternative fire button and it turn into blue laser and we get back some cortium from the recycling!

    - Transfer Cortium resource to another ANT by way of Alternative fire button. The same method, pressing the alternative fire button in the ANT main/driver lazer, will transfer resources to another ANT that you want to give cortium to.

    - More XP needed for people who construct Hives+other bases. i.e. each Cortium unit that a player's Hive processes will give XP to the player who built it. Also, another example, each kill a turret makes, whether maned or Automatic, will give the player XP that built it!
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  3. Destroyer0370

    - Need Ability to Set Structure profiles when placing them down(i.e. Turrets, Bunkers, whatever else). Somewhat touched on above; Please give us the ability to press the "-" and "+" keys, when hovering over a green spot to place a structure down, to set the Height or Depth of the structure. Also, perhaps with that/the said, show "- elevation" and "+ Elevation" on the screen beside the object as the user/player increase the height or depth of the structure to be placed. This allows the user to set down structures that are consistent with each other,i.e. turrets, so one or the other is not exposed more to the enemy and engages the enemy at the same time(makes for a more efficient base defence).

    - A bit more detail about what said previously, giving XP from the Repair/Targeting/above cover shield(if people/vehicles get burnt up in them)/Turrets/Bunkers(If an ally kills enemy from your bunker then you should get support kill) that a player builds; Please give XP accordingly. Builder+harvesters of Corium currently do not get much XP for anything they do!

    - Need Ability to place the Turrets on the top of our bunkers. The turrets will lose the base/tall structure that gives them their height, if the player goes on the bunker with it ready to place it down. Maybe 2 Turrets can be placed on each bunker at least!

    - Maybe allow Targeting Modules etc. to be placed inside the bunkers to be a bit more safe from enemy fire?
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  4. Destroyer0370

    1. Can you gives us the ability to place down "Base foundations", so we can build the structures on them? This allows us players to build the base how we like, on an even surface!

    -Base foundation would be Square in shape
    - Multiple Base foundation Squares can be place beside each other/joined together
    -"+" and "-" keys would be uses to increase or decrease the height of them
    - A secondary "Ramp" base foundation will be needed also to allow vehicles to drive up on it(Note: The secondary Ramp Base Foundation will increase or decrease in Height and Length by pressing "+" and "-" keys. This allows the user to match it with the "Base foundation".
    -They would be found in the "Structures screen"
    Note: The "Base Foundation" and "Ramp Base Foundation" can only be destroyed by enemy when all structures build on or near them is gone/taken out.

    Can you also give us the ability to see a grid on the Base Foundation while we have a structure selected to be placed down (i.e. pressing the Spacebar key or whatever key assigned)? Note: The structure's, area/footprint would shade the grid on the Base foundation when the user hovers it over the Base foundation(with Grid overlay on it). This allows for precise placement of structures!

    Can you make it that we can get XP for people using our cortium, also our silos to build things?
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  5. Sovereign533

    Ability for the owner of a Silo to stop people from placing equipment from it.
    We lost a few bases now that could've survived if only people stopped putting down structures and wasting our resources when we were resource starved.

    Ability for the owner of a silo to prevent a Hive being deployed prematurely.

    Deconstruction should give back half the resources it cost to build the structure. Or if the structure is damaged then half of that health percentage. (So if a structure costs 1000 cort to build but is at 50% health it would only put 250 cort back into the silo if deconstructed)

    Ability to move structures closer to you or further from you when placing down builds so stuff is not out of the bounds of a monitor.

    Additional rings in the UI so you can see what a building is affected by. For example, when placing down a turret you also see the area of effect rings of the repair and AI structures for more optimal placement.
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  6. Destroyer0370

    - Please Make it that someone cannot just come in a person's base and put down a core. Sometimes we use the base for forward operations, holding the line etc. and do not want a core in it. If the core gets destroyed then the whole base goes! So no one else must have the ability to put down a core in a certain radius of our Silo!

    - Can you make it that we can upgrade our Silos to hold more cortium?

    - Can you make it also that the repair modules repair over time?
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  7. Pelojian

    foundations are a good idea and the ability to sink building a bit more, the ability to lock silos to solo, squad or public would be good, an option to allow/disallow hives, locked silos should have an icon on the map to show it's locked if you can't use that silo due to permissions.
  8. stalkish

    Allow ANTs to steal resources from enemy silos.
    The amount of times ive seen full silos from some random just filling it for XP is uncountable.
    Id say allow us to take friendly ones aswel, but thatl just lead to griefing.
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  9. Destroyer0370

    - Need to be able to lower and raise the height of the Skyshield by interacting with the module to a certain extent. The liberators simply point their front vertical and stay perpendicular to the base then the bottom gun can attack anything inside and this negates the purpose of the skyshield to prevent Air bombardment of the base. I have seen it happen! They blow the core up easily with this method.

    - Need the Auto turrets to be smart, especially the Anti Air + Machine/gatling gun turret, and attack anything/any enemy IF their primary targets(targets they were intended to take out) are not available and only other targets are present in the area. i.e. The machine gun turret is usually made to engage infantry, but it currently does not shoot at vehicles, whether ground or air, when it has automation. Another example...The anti air turret, does not shoot at infantry/light armoured vehicles(buggy) if only that target is in the area.

    - Need to have the ability to cert our modules, repair+Targeting+skyshield+fortification shield etc., so they can be more efficient and take less cortium to operate.
  10. Destroyer0370

    Missile Silos. Cortium,say 10000 units, is used for the missile.
    - Can turn on or off the silo by interacting with it, if you don't want it to consume that said amount of cortium to make a missile in it.
    - Targeting is is accomplished by someone who carries a targeting system in the battle area to make the missile more accurate.NOTE: The targeting system will take up the "Slot" where the suits like nano weave/Flak armour etc. are placed. Note: The targeting system will show a "Green Box" or so, to tell the player a Missile is available to them for launch.
    - The Missile's target of impact can constantly be changed by the targeting person while in flight, to make it even more accurate.
    -The cortium missile damage is immense and destroys a fairly large area.
    - All players on the continent map will get support kill XP if an enemy is killed by any Misslie, this includes the player who did the targeting(with the targeting system+the player who made the missile silo). This makes it fair so no one person can just get XP from the use of the missile system.
    -Perhaps make that the missile damage can penetrate the Skyshield somewhat, to damage the base under it.
  11. Destroyer0370

    - Need ability to set Minimum percentage of Cortium in Silo, to reserve for base functions. i.e. modules.
    Maybe in the screen when interacting with the silo's panel , make a button to go to silo options and we put the percentage. Note: This also applies to Hives. Therefore if a hive takes down the stored cortium to that level in the silo, then the hive stops functioning/shuts down, so the base has enough cortium to run the modules.
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  12. Nano(zip/zap)

    There are a few tweaks I'd like to add to the list of ideas. First would be the ability to adjust the walls size both height and width. It'd be nice if you could have like 3 lengths so that it is easier to set a wall between bunkers and close off routes for enemy flashes to drive right in.

    A few upgrades that could be bought first for the ANT a "Vampire" harvesting upgrade that can steal Cortium from enemy silos and can still harvest but both at about 1/2 or 1/3 the standard tick rate. Also an upgrade that would allow the 4 passengers the ability to shoot/repair like the passengers in a Valkyrie can. I would actually make it useful to transport people with the ANT's that way. Or make a way to swap seating for another gun or more storage space.

    Next the bunkers should have upgrades to have 1 of the turrets types for about 1500 certs (a new upgrade for each turret type) then after it's placed the desired turret ca be selected from what's unlocked. The turrets for the bunkers shouldn't be able to use the Turret AI Modules, they should be like normal base turrets where they need a gunner/operator to man them. Another upgrade could be one that adds more "armor" or about 20% more HP, or perhaps ups the number of windows from 3 to 5 to give a better field of overlapping fire.

    I think the modules shield/turret AI/repair should also have upgrade that would increase their effect radius maybe like 2m to 10m based on the level of upgrade.

    I like the idea of a vehicle bay that's buildable but it would have to have some type large footprint so that the vehicles are not spawning into a wall or a cliff side. Another option would be an ammo tower that way a forward base can resupply air and ground vehicles or a repair tower that acts like a repair sundy but with a larger starting and overall effect radius. Maybe combine the ammo and repair option into 1 tower but change what it does based on upgrades used.
  13. Mickkas

    Funny thing is, you can actual deposit cortium into opposing faction silos. Why is this even a thing, lol. That should be the other way around.

    But here are my 2 cents. Cortium nodes should not respawn inside/beside bases. Spawn conditions for cortium should consider player base object distance. I see far too many bases with cortium respawning inside them. (There are a various areas where a multiple nodes spawn right beside each other) Any of the major battles I participate in involving a heavily walled off player base there are always 35k nodes present within the base.
  14. Lord_Mogul

    There are even people driving "Battle ANTs":
    With a full Cortium tank and maximum certed shield, putting a Fury on it they wreck havok to enemy sudneres and Tanks.
    The Shield should really work for the ANT as a way survive when escaping enemies, not to engage them in battle. The ANT is meant to be a resource harvester/construction worker, not a battle vehicle.
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  15. Nano(zip/zap)

    Just my opinion here but if it was purely intended to be a harvester then there would be no point in giving it so many seats. If it's just a harvester then the most seating it should have is the driver and gunner the rest should be for storing cargo. Instead it has 3 more seats than a harasser. If the devs are going to give it the same number of seats as valkyrie then it should be usable like one. I would be fine with it losing the extra seats if it is just going to be a harvester, but if it is going to be useable as a battle wagon then it would be nice if the extra seats were actually useful.

    Considering you have to harvest first having 4 people just sitting in the ANT till it's storage tank is full before going into a fight is a waste of manpower. I personally think they should be just harvesters with minimal defense, but it'd be nice if they could replace the harvesting mandibles with a weapons if it's going to be a battle wagon.
  16. Destroyer0370

    1. Bunkers. Currently, when shielded, the enemies inside our bunkers can shoot through our shielding to outside. Please fix this, and make the shield block their fire, when they are inside OUR shielded bunker.
    Please make the bunkers like this also.
    - It has shielding at the back door also, so enemies cannot simply walk in it.
    - The shield will damage the enemies badly, just like the sky shield does currently, if enemies walk through it to get inside.

    2. Lock ability on Turrets. The AI module is better than human player at targeting enemies, in most circumstance. Please make it that we can set in the suggested “options screen”, when in the silo menu, to lock each individual turret that is built/online.

    3. Turrets are currently not shooting back at player built turrets and Hacked turrets. Enemies destroy our turrets,when they have AI modules operating. Please fix this.

    4. Unwanted Hive Placement. Please put in the suggested “options screen” of the silo menu, to prevent hive to go down in a 50 meter radius of our silo. Too many times I build my base and even when I lock it, people come and put down a core, and it taking my cortium and blows up my base when enemy come for it!

    5. Garage. Please make the garage more useful and not take up so much space. The design has angles pointing outwards that does nothing than take up valuable space.

    - The shielding on the garage come with it, not depend on the shielding module. Currently the sunder garage is just a box with two big holes in it for enemy to destroy the sunder! So make it that it has shielding by default please.
    - Perhaps make lift to go on top above on it and a lift to descend from inside of the garage. This is for defence purpose to get a better view of enemies.

    6. Closer Turret placements. Please can you make it that we can place turrets a bit closer together, the circle from a turret is quite large for another turret to be close to it.

    7. Can you make it that we see a “shaded green parts on the ground” where base structures can be placed,when a person has a structure selected to be placed? Sometimes it says “Too High” or “Too Low”, therefore the green areas on the map would help a person to quickly place a structure. Note: the user can assign a key if they want to view the ground in this mode, when placing down a structure.

    8. Turrets' Profiles. Can you make it that we can adjust each turret height after they are built in the “Options Screen” when interacting with the silo?

    9. Construction Structures closer to owned Bases. Please can you make it that we can build a bit closer, not too close to the capture points, but closer still to our owned bases? Note: The enemies territories and bases will still have a great radius, as it is now currently, that a person cannot build.
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  17. Kumaro

    More different types of walls and Bunkers that fit different areas better. Current ones doe really well around hills and flat terrain.
    But are limited in some regards. I would love some bigger differently shaped bunkers and one model that is similar to the one in starcraft with openings in all directions and the entrance below that.
    And i guess with the stuff on top they will add so that we can place a turret on the bunkers so that we can place low turrets..O_O
    Cause we really need that. Also we need the option to place out something that is more similar to low cower for infantry that can take a whole lot more hits before going down. To promote use of base building for blocking paths more instead of just building hives.
    I like this thread :3
  18. Pointyguide2

    The battle ant is fine as it is. you too can have a battle ant.

    we need to do something about cores being taken by one faction and nobody on that faction building hives.
    how about a common pool for all three factions in addition to the existing system. there can be a timer for cores. x ammounts of minutes till core goes to the common pool and is available to all factions. and whichever takes it keeps it.
  19. Vintorez

    I recommend giving the Xiphos turret a function, maybe load t-shirt cannons on it so we can at least bombard our enemies with faction pride.
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  20. Destroyer0370

    1. Cert into ANT for 25% more harvest and deposit rates.

    2. ANT directives to get Lumifiber.
    - Harvested Cortium units
    - Road Kills
    - Structures built from it when it is deployed
    - Deposited Cortium units
    - Kills(this is general like how you kill enemies both with the vehicle/road kill and Top gun kills)
    - Number of Allies that use/get something from the deployed ANT console(Base construction Support)

    3. Module Symbols when placing down structures to show it is in range of Repair/AI(if the structure being places is a turret)/Shielding(if it is a cover structure like a Bunker and Wall), so we know that it will get the benefits from the various modules. The symbols of the modules will just show on the screen, perhaps at the corner.

    4. If we are the ones that went and stole a core and have a base, then we should get the choice to place the core in our base. It will say “Deploy core in your base” and you press “Y” for yes or “N” for no, after you capture an Enemy's core. Other people are getting the cores automatically because of efficiency, in this circumstance(when the core stealer has a base ready), and the other people's bases are usually less defended.

    5. Please put a base on the Garage, it has no floors!

    6. Bunker Windows.
    - Please make them bigger so we can use Maxes/Heavies/Engineer turret(perhaps also) to shoot thorough with rockets etc, better. They are too small.
    - Please make more bunker windows, 2 more can fit to what I see on the back corner sides of the bunker

    7. Tougher Turrets Needed and also do more damage. Prowler tanks, other tanks also, simply go through a turrets with fair amount of ease, even the Anti-Vehicle Turret, that is meant to take out tanks!