T2 Striker gives TR such a huge and unfair advantage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Magma52, May 8, 2016.

  1. Magma52

    For those that don't know, the T2 Striker is a TR only rocket launcher that dumb fires 6 rockets that heat seek nearby targets. It's very easy to hit enemy aircraft due to the high velocity of each rocket. The damage output is usually such that 6 rockets hitting an ESF will bring it down to half health.

    NC and VS cannot take their Reaver or Scythes to TR infantry without being fire upon by someone with a Striker. Mosquitos only have to worry about traditional lock ons. Not having to deal with the Striker gives them enormous freedom to farm NC and VS infantry.

    NC have the Phoenix and VS have the Lancer. Both require a great deal of accuracy to hit an ESF. You also have to stand still (not the case with the Striker). Hitting an ESF with a Phoenix is difficult and it doesn't even one hit kill when you do. As an ESF pilot you have FAR better chances of staying alive against Phoenix or Lancer than you do with the Striker.

    You only have to look at your TR leaderboard players and you will find they are farming NC and VS infantry all day long and it is all down to the fact they don't have to deal with the Striker. It's so plainly obvious I feel like I am taking crazy pills because nobody is talking about it. TR have been saying Striker is useless for so long but they're only doing that because they're keeping a nerf at bay.

    There is nothing like the Striker in the NC or VS arsenal. TR will say "Oh, you have the Ravens on your MAX". True, Ravens are great but at least Fracture and Vortex are still similar. Same can be said for our Scattercannons vs TR's and VS's close range auto weapons (still kill very quickly). Dumb firing rockets from a launcher...there is nothing similar to that for VS and NC and it a huge discrepancy in the balance of the game.

    Striker needs to be traditional lock on with high velocity rockets (to keep it Empire specific) or it needs to be made into an NS variant and everyone can have it. Dumb firing is so incredibly unfair.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    Didn't read

    10/10 title was satire enough
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  3. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Obvious troll is obvious
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  4. Magma52

    That's because you think the Striker is for getting kills.

    It's a portable FLAK cannon that costs 0 nanites and it keeps TR infantry safe from ESFs. You're unwilling to read because you fear a nerf.

    There is absolutely nothing like that in the NC or VS arsenal.
  5. Magma52

    Another one. You're unwilling to take it seriously because you don't want your OP weapon nerfed.
  6. HomicideJack

    The Vanu have what amounts of a beam cannon with near instant travel time, and it's lethal against slow Vanguards. The NC get a TV-guided rocket launcher that can kill tanks from beyond line of sight. I think the low-DPS T2 can stay, thanks. If anything it could probably use a buff.
  7. Shiaari

    You may be unaware that once upon a time the Striker was a lock-on launcher with that magazine. In the original PlanetSide it was also a lock-on launcher. It was a huge blow to the faction flavor as a whole to lose that feature. And now you want to make it virtually useless.

    You must be trolling, because surely no one alive can be as stupid.
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  8. Ryo313

    They already did that .. its called the NS Swarm :/
    so we still have the OP STRIKER >.<'

    well... time to hop in a valkyrie with 4 Striker HAs and farm the hell out of the game xD

    /s in case nobody gets it >.>
    maybe the striker isn't even ment to be shot... better throw that thing onto the head of your enemies to kill them or at least distract them xD
  9. Magma52

    You might just call me stupid again and that's fine, but I genuinely don't know what your point is here.

    Maybe you haven't looked up much in the game and seen Mosquitos floating above an outpost casually shooting infantry without issue. The only time they need to fly away is due to two things: a FLAK cannon or a traditional lock on. NC or VS need to fly away because of 3 things: FLAK cannon, traditional lock ons and dumb fired rockets from a Striker. That's a advantage to TR.
  10. Magma52

    Tanks aren't farming infantry like an ESF does. Deterring an ESF is far more important to infantry (you know, what is needed to capture points and win battles) than deterring a tank.
  11. The Rogue Wolf

    The Striker is extraordinarily inaccurate (especially on the move), its Coyote lockon mechanic only takes effect within 40m of an aircraft (it doesn't work on ground vehicles at all), requires a far greater exposure time than dumbfires to achieve the same amount of damage, is poor against MAXes, and takes up a lot of screen space when equipped.

    The only thing it does well is flatten cocky ESF pilots who want to hover 50m off the ground and lolpod infantry. I think the TR would love to have it back to its old lockon system- it used to be a terror to the skies, and a lot more pilots ran with flares back then.
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  12. Magma52

    ...Swarm is traditional lock on.

    The issue I have isn't with the amount of rockets it's the fact that they are dumb fired and heat seek so easily.
  13. HomicideJack

    You're missing the point here, man. The T2 Striker's only useful trait is the fact that it can lock onto aircraft via dumbfire. It might as well fire plastic airsoft pellets against tanks. It's the worst launcher. I personally take the Grounder with me because at least it can deal relatively good damage to tanks.
  14. Shiaari

    You should play Vanu side more. The Lancer is a damn effective anti-air weapon with just a touch of practice.

    I called you stupid because your reasoning is.....your reasoning doesn't support the notion that you are thinking this through. The Striker works like Coyote missiles. I don't see you calling that overpowered.

    You need to set aside your opinion and pay attention to what is being said here.
  15. Magma52

    The only thing? Dude, are you serious? you say that like it's no big advantage. ESFs get enormous amounts of kills. Those cocky ESF pilots who float above a base are mostly Mosquitos. Stopping people from doing that saves about 10 people from killed in a space of only 5 seconds. A Striker does that. Phoenix and Lancer don't.
  16. Ryo313

    pls go and make a TR alt and buy the Striker... trust me its the worst out of the 3 ESRL ...

    the coyote mechanic is only usefull at close range where you can hit the ESF/Aircraft with any other dumbfire ...
    the range which triggers that "heatseeking" mechanic is so small that it doesn't even count as beeing there.
    pls try the striker in the VR to see at which range it triggers.. trust me its not that great xP

    it deals 200 dmg per rocket so you HAVE to hit with at least 5 rockets which isn't that easy/ pretty much impossible especially at range...

    the exposertime you have to even unclip the striker is huge ... you need 2.5s to shoot all 6 rockets which gets you pretty much killed in any situation where you can land those shots...

    with the Phoenix or the Lancer you can pretty much fire behind cover / from a safe distance. thats impossible with the striker.
  17. Shiaari

    Nono, Lancer does. Phoenix doesn't.

    You're just butt hurt that you have to pull an Annihaltor or a Swarm launcher.

    Please get over yourself.
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  18. Magma52

    Sure the Lancer takes practice. Same as the Phoenix. The Strilker, however, does not. That means far more TR players can pick up a Striker and be effective with it. This makes the air game so much more difficult for NC and VS. As a pilot I would prefer my chances against Phoenix or Lancer than against a Striker.

    As for the second part...honestly, I don't know what to tell you because again I don't understand what your point is. I DID call the dumb fire mechanic overpowered. Why are you now saying that I didn't?

    I get it, you think I am stupid. Fine, but I am paying attention and I am giving you answers. As I said to the other user, ESFs get mega kills. Striker deters this very effectively. Phoenix can hurt some tanks, but tanks aren't farming like ESFs do.
  19. CNR4806

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  20. DragenoidHighLord

    If you don't know what Coyote missiles are it means that the missles themselves lock on as soon as they enter a radious of the small core of any vehicle so that means it can even miss a vanguard and we all know its HUUUGE and who ever can't hit a vanguard ( i mean in general ) its probably with the Striker.Its good against ESFs at an extent as everyone mentioned ( a very large extent) so its useless against anything else so anything in TR rocket arsenal is better then the Striker.So the point here is Striker is virtually useless and its only a danger to hovering ESFs and any infantry getting dumbired on by the operator if a Striker.