Maintain K/D Above 1.5 With These Simple Tricks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nejisaurus, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Nejisaurus

    Ever since picking up PS2 in Dec 2015, I've learned many traits that separate a decent and terrible player. What I'll mention below will also point toward PS2's areas that need improvement in enforcing better incentives for players that relate to the games objectives, but that is not the topic now. [Serious]

    1. Avoid 96+ Red fights like the bubonic plague.
      • an even 12-24 is the optimum population.
      • Defense is the best offense.
    2. Pick 1 class and stick with it (No Light Assault)
      • If you need the jetpack because of bad sunderer placement, the fight is already lost.
      • LA's are the easiest classes in the game to pick off.
      • Situational awareness will eliminate LA's advantage.
      • There's a reason the top outfits have no LAs except in RARE cases.
    3. STOP SWITCHING WEAPONS. 1 weapon + muscle memory = profit.
    4. Defend 3-4 point bases. NEVER, EVER attack. (Indar Watchtower ~.~ , saerro listening post, mathersons, etc)
    5. Attack 1 Point bases with a 2:1 population advantage.
      • Leave if the base is spawn-camped.
    6. Never play alone.
    7. [Optional] Download Recursion Stat Tracker. If you're constantly getting killed by K/D ratio of 3.0+, LEAVE.
    PS: Infantry only. Edit: My K/D according to the website is 0.97. I still have catching up to do because I was terrible the first few weeks. I mean REALLY bad.
  2. Hambo

    Don't worry about your K/D my friend. If you're having fun and enjoying the game, then you're already doing everything correctly.
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  3. Savadrin

    KDR is a safe haven for people who don't want to understand what this game is really about, and the ones who keep jamming a square peg in the wrong place until the corners round off on their own.
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  4. LimaCharlie

    Increase infantry kdr? Just use a MAX with a rep buddy and a medic behind you. If everyone dies, just alternate out. :)
  5. Demigan

    I have a tip for you:


    In other games the statistic can be a testament to your skill, not in PS2 however. PS2 is about large-scale combat with uneven balance. A 100% vehicle player will almost certainly have a higher KD than an exclusive infantry player. Differences between MAX users and people who avoid it are also present, and also between players who join large fights and those who don't.

    Your suggestions are also counter-productive for the game as a whole. If everyone would do as you said there wouldn't be as many attacks on other bases, players would avoid uneven fights... causing those uneven fights to never be stopped etc etc. Your entire premise, that the game is about a highly paddable statistic that is 80% disconnected from skill, is a blight that must be eradicated. Stop encouraging people to think about KD as an important statistic. If it was backed up by things like vehicle kills per life, damage dealed, damage received, evenness of the battle (if you are mostly in overpop against a low pop for instance) etc etc it would be worth something, not much, but something. But right now? It's useless. You can't discern a low-skill player who pads his KD with vehicles from a high-skill player that uses infantry to destroy vehicles or break through chokepoints.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    Learn this 1 easy trick.................

    Farmers hate him!
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  7. Nejisaurus

    You know, I didn't believe it when I heard there are certain people that only play MAX with a K/D of 15+.......until I downloaded Recursion stat tracker a month ago. I won't say any names, but they exist. There's a profane name for planetmans that main MAX/Vehicle weapons. Hint: it starts with Shhh and ends with Errrr. But I have no room for judgement as ps2 welcomes all playstyles.:)
  8. Reclaimer77

    I think he was dead on about the LA stuff. This class needs some major love, and we all know it.
  9. Savadrin

    Except those of us who spend our days driving miss daisy in a jeep, we have crappy KDs ;)
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  10. Pelojian

    that's even before you factor in support actions as medic or engineer which you can't really measure with K/D. my infantry K/D is fairly bad ATM but i play mostly support. in the end does it matter if my session K/D isn't good if i have kept a group of people alive by heals/revives so they can hold their position until more players move up so we can push the defenders back?

    or if i i'm playing engineer supporting the push by providing ammo, laying mines as early warning on alternate routes to our position and repairing maxes/vehicles?

    The only thing that really matters is you have fun. the source of fun is different for different people. some like K/D, some like SPM, some like accuracy or HSR, some like certs per unit of time etc.

    the only wrong way to play is using glitches, bugs and hacks.
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  11. Cheezy Q

    I get a lot of what you're saying, and agree with some of it. But if I were you, I wouldn't focus so much on K/D as much as being a more effective player. The K/D will take care of itself eventually, so if you use stats, use them to monitor your improvement. You don't need to resort to tricks, as you call it, though some of those are good tips in general, just because you're playing smartly.

    Most FPS principles are the same regardless of the game, so if it's gun skill you want to improve, there are plenty of guides and stuff out there on how to help awareness, purposeful movement, aim, recoil control, etc. Just focus on one thing at a time for improvement. Then when you feel like you've got that down, move onto the next.

    As far as PS2 itself goes, there are lots of little things you can to do improve. For instance, Rambo-revives might make you think you're being effective. But if you AND the guy you're reviving don't come out of it alive, you really aren't doing much good. As someone else mentioned, there are plenty of guides and stuff out there for that kind of thing.
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  12. Zvezdan

    Hear me out here.
    You could pick something that ISN'T easy fights... and GROW AS A PLAYER. And then once you grow, your K/D rises... ON ITS OWN.
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  13. Liewec123

    caring about KDR makes the game horrible (imho)
    its much more fun and satisfying to push the envelope, make the risky plays, when/if it works out its so much fun :)
    my biggest advice in this game would be stop worrying about KDR :D
    my mains KDR is a flat 1.0 and i am completely fine with that :p
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  14. LimaCharlie

    I main as a harasser driver on PS4 and my kd is 2.9
    I have the most piloting ribbons on PS4 (US and EU),
    And I have the third most vehicle combat ribbons on PS4 (US and EU)
    So I drive a lot.

    I don't care about my kdr stat but i also don't find enjoyment when I die all the time. To me, getting kill streaks and staying alive is fun. It helps my faction, it helps my teammates, and it helps fellow harasser drivers and vehicles. How I'm I suppose to lead a squad of harassers if I'm dying all the time?
    So for me, staying alive is important, because like any game you play... It's not fun to die.

    I played bf3 (2.12 kd) and bf4 (2.07 kd) and played the support class only. Those games I actually cared about kd because the main enjoyment to do in that game was to kill other players. Planetside 2 has a bigger picture, which is awesome... Kdr doesn't matter so much.
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  15. Dirge

    -Go to 12-24 or 24-48 fights (because frame rate will murder you otherwise and 1-12s are boring.)

    -Make sure the enemy has more pop than you. 2-1 if defending, even - 60 percent if attacking.

    -Play whatever class you want

    -Have fun and improve as a player.

    Also KD is only the most partial of partial measures. So make sure you are taking into account other things if you are trying to improve.
  16. UberNoob1337101

    Stats don't mean jack **** in this game, man. It's impossible to distribute value of people in this game unless you go there and fight with or against them.
    Yeah, there is. The separation being that useless people who cower behind their spawn room or sitting in vehicles padding their stats while help is urgently needed, and a good player who does what's required to win, even if it makes his stats look terrible.

    There are players with 0.3 K/D, and they are BR100. And they still enjoy the game because they like supporting other people and by fighting against the odds. We need more of those who fight the good fight and fight as a team, not more useless farming scrubs who run from any and all forms of danger.

    Long story short, if you look for a CoD like game where your K/D matters most, co-ordination and teamplay is worthless and pointless and that fighting the good fight doesn't matter then I'm sorry to tell you this game isn't for you.
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  17. Cyrax Servius

    Finally some other people that get it.

    Yeah, stats are great for measuring personal growth and polish, but, this game is about being in the big fight, chaos, and high risk of death at every turn, it's what makes it unique. I personally am not going to go looking for "just the right battle" for the sake of stats, lol.

    It's not the high stat rollers that turn the battles, it's the ones that pound the point and eventually overcome using any tactic necessary that is currently in game...
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  18. Towie

    ...or if all else fails, just use an Aimbot - Theotakuu just killed me and a bunch of others with the most obvious Aimbot I have yet to come across, instantly snapping on target right before our eyes at point blank range.

    He's only been playing since November 2014 and merrily Aimbotting today, has a k/d of 5.57 at BR100.

    Does he have fun doing this ? I don't know - but it just isn't cricket. Still, at least he can boast about his k/d...
  19. travbrad

    I wouldn't necessarily say LA needs a buff. More like HA and infiltrator need some real nerfs. That 5% reduction to resist shield did nothing, and if anything they have been making infils more powerful lately with sniper/auto pistols and a more effective cloak.

    I say this is as someone who plays HA 80-90% of the time (if you can't beat em, join em). I would like to see a better mix of classes in infantry battles though.
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  20. Azawarau

    LA is one of my highest KDs and i have not had the experiences youre giving here

    This is in 96+ fights out in the open

    I also switch weapons depending on the situation. Muscle memory can work with multiple weapons on multiple factions...Except TR. Screw that recoil

    Your advice is on the cowardly side and isnt providing much thats useful for actually efficiently playing the game in favor of keeping a petty low KD
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