[Guide] Required reading for all NC !!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KXOPH, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. KXOPH

    Hello! Wrel showed us the new HMG to MAX. NC gleefully screamed "Hooray, hooray, NC MAX finally get a good weapon in the middle band reception as well as other factions." Guys! Do you really think that the DBG, those who still support legacy intact Higgbi where 2 factions should be interesting and easy to learn, and the third should be stupidly mobs under the control of the players (this NC) will give us a weapon!?!?!?! Are you serious on so naive?!?!? All that is necessary to wait for the shotgun NS NC Max and NS the HMG for VS and TR, so do not be fooled ...
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  2. Pikachu

    By good you mean worse at AI than TR&vanu MAX AI weapons and worse than shotgun slugs.

    Also stop being so surprised and hyped about the machine guns. Did you all forget that this sh*t was revealed early last year? Just like rocket rifle and AM rifle.
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  3. Netchiman

    Well, VS and NC believe that Pounders are super OP, and they're worse at AV than Fractures(!) and at best mediocre at AI.
  4. Diggsano

    Why do you set requirements for single celled organism like NC's? :D
  5. Mianera

    I don't understand what this thread is about. But I like these new MAX weapons, I think the NC will get the most use out of them.
  6. KXOPH

    You really do not understand anything!
    You carefully read my post?
    Once again! Developers will not allow the Tax HMG which were presented in the form on the back will go f***ing shotguns, only now from NS!!!
    How can you not see this? Two factions will have again good and interesting weapons, and NC will receive nothing (shotgun = \)
    It will be the same as with the weapon for "Haraser"

    Lots of what you should expect that the skin of weapons to be used as a new piece of sh*t for NC Max ... Namely antiaircraft shotguns !!! Why all the love shotguns, shotguns all want, need shotguns, and the fraction which has more of them will win !!!

    And it does not matter when one faction in deep shotguns, which are capable (in contrast to other types of weapons) to be effective only at close range, you should still continue to follow this stupid tradition pledged Higgbi and make NC itself is not interesting faction ...
    This "Game designer" with her boyfriend just took and destroyed one of the patches all NC weapon in favor of TR and VS

    I think many people remember that fateful patchnout stating about Nerf weapons NC and improvement of weapons and the VS TR ... I still can not believe that they're so ...

    Few people certainly will be interesting what I say now, but I still say it!
    If everything happens exactly as I expect, receive and NC NS shotgun and VS and TR getting those cool guns, I'm finally on the forehand side TR !!! And as a result of the project will go forever !!!
    Of course you can always say, "Come, you who are here want?"; but many players have left the game just the same arguments as I have? Think ...
  7. SwornJupiter

    If you think NC is uninteresting, try the TR. Their weapons are great and effective, sure, but feel really uninspired.

    It doesn't make sense for a MAX basilisk clone to be NC-specific. Also, it boggles my mind how you managed to twist a patch that gives NC more tools to fight with into, 'the devs HATE NC'...
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  8. KXOPH

    Another "genius" PS2 ...:confused:

    How are you already tired ... Do not you know that the weapon with a maximum of 12 rounds in the cage, horribly crooked that can only do damage at close range, with a f*c*i*g long cooldown, but for a the possibility of installing slug that was in turn it into even more dismal (crooked) sh*t with a long recharge, simply can not be a more effective weapon than the Max VS and TR ... who can not even allow to approach to the effective distance shots with a shotgun ... You really you can not understand it ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????:mad:
  9. DeadlyOmen

    Obvious troll is obvious.
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  10. Savadrin

    yeah 3/10, lack of effort or execution, I can't decide which.
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  11. KXOPH

    Of course this is trolling, but not stu**d on my part ... That's when the developers once again give NC shotguns (whether AA factional shotguns for NC, shotguns or NS) then you'll see who's been trolling :D:D:D:D:D:D
  12. Jbrain

    I dont understand what op is saying.. Is he saying that nc will not get the new HMG and instead get another shotgun ? That would make no sense.. the entire reason its a ns gun is so no faction would be left out.. But if they do skip giving us a hmg our only medium range hope that we have begged and pleaded and cried to devs for 4 years now that we desperately needed. I will be done and infact i just re-subed because i heard we were going to get a medium range weapon for nc max.. if they do screw us i really am done for good and i just dont have anything left to hope for or that they wake up and help nc in the places we needed for so long.

    But i am hoping this is not true or just a troll post or something... maybe dev will tell us. I really wish they would read their own forums instead of reddit. I have never understood that either.
  13. XanIves

  14. WTSherman

    It's English, Jim, but not as we know it...
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  15. FieldMarshall

  16. Jubikus

    This may be a surprise to some but NC have always had good weapons this will not change user error.
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  17. KXOPH

    Not trolling it! Try to understand what I write now ...
    Why do you think the developers have not given our "Haraser" the weapon which was originally conceived, was ready to skin, even had the image "Haraser" with this weapon, but instead "Haraser" received "Mjolnir" Quite simply it's easier to maintain a balance two factions because there is always a whipping boy...
    They do not even have to come up with new and interesting gameplay mechanics all that they have done this have introduced another shotgun (yes yes "Mjolnir" is inherently a shotgun, just shoots than discontinuous) is just one of the Max NC guns slightly altered, so look yourself
    You see what is in the picture? And now look what it should be, and think about who's in charge here Troll
    Now, it would be logical to assume that the skin of weapons to be used in any other weapon, and most likely it will be a shotgun AA for Max NC
    While the other faction will get a good AA guns operating at long range ... Think for yourself ...

    If this evidence is not enough to you then here's another portion!
    Once upon a time a "Game designer" (<---- | In quotes) was going to enter a sniper rifle with a shotgun mode !!! Do you understand that? They want to shove shotguns in everything, and they would not care that the gauss weapons can not be a shotgun they spit on our wish and creating really interesting gameplay mechanic like TR and VS.
    It is true then our rifle still saved because a shotgun - a sniper rifle is impossible stupid.

    But that's not all! I was among those players who were protesting against the sniper rifle shotgun, among those who want to see for NC good rail guns, not shotguns, and that's when we have achieved that, I jokingly said, "You would have a gun shotgun added," what happened next think you know ... Of course now it is a little bit brought to mind later ... somewhere 1 year or 1.5 ... But why it was impossible to listen to the advice of the players, and immediately give NC 5 charging "Desert eagle"? Because it is not profitable to expend energy on 3 fraction when you can only support 2

    Similarly, will the new HMG for max. If they give their all factions, then NC will be out of competition, as we have weapons for CQC, and to avoid this, developers will have to enter shotguns for TR and VS (although it is a good idea), and NC weapon similar weapons TR and VS added ... But why do it? The team is now PS2 developers is extremely small, and will not pull such a large amount of work in a short time, which is already running out.
    According to this, it will be easier to just two factions HMG and the NC "Heavy shotgun:p " with a slug ...:D
    What we have in the end? Minimum waste of resources for the development of new content, the introduction of new content (well, what if one faction is infringed, they do not get used), then updates all complaints NC players as usual to throw in the trash, because no one will not alter because the resources of the team very small ... However, this decline will come back players on the servers or their migration to other fratsiyam, causing even greater imbalance in the game :)
  18. Jubikus

    Its simple they were making NC and VS have short range ES harasser weapons and the TR a long range one to balance out the first gen ones. Yes they already had a model picked out but tell me does a railgun seem like a short range AV weapon to you? no its not so they made the Mjolnir because it made more sense. And just to appease the NC they didnt make it a shotgun.
  19. KXOPH

    You finally can not understand anything? All you need to do is to enter the weapons with the skins, and the mechanics of such a "Aphelion" and "Volcano", it was perhaps a weapon with a semi-automatic mode but does the fact that there are now **** ... "Mjolnir" has the lowest damage , the worst accuracy, has a strong deviation of the flight path of the projectile, while "Aphelion" and "Volcano" this problem does not suffer, and are perfect for both the destruction of transport (land, air) and the infantry, turns 2 in one .. . "Mjolnir" barely cope with land transport
  20. Atakx

    The original model was conceived while they still intended to change the enforcer into a vulcan counterpart, but backlash was so strong from the TR VS before it had been fully balanced they scraped it and just kept the new reload, and instead made the mjolnir.