Maybe its time to nerf HA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VookieTheCookie, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Armcross

    Ow the tears.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Lock ons have 1 job. To lock on to things.

    Thats why you buy them.
  3. FateJH

    No, people bought them for their versatility.

    You'd be better off to spend those certs on the Annihilator/Swarm and getting both the G2A and the G2G launchers for 300 certs less, or 1000 certs less as was the case when the game was really young. The only time when it would have been better to buy the G2A and G2G launchers over the Annihilator was when they were both 250 certs; while they have been like that for most of the game's life, admittedly, they're not like that now.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    To have a get out of jail free card?
  5. Jogido

    No offensive but I think these types of threads would have a lot more strength if you were to post some game play video to help present your point.

    It would also allow other to perhaps offer insight on things you might be able to do to improve. Which is a good thing as long as you have an open mind.
  6. The Rogue Wolf

    Right here is where I stopped taking you seriously. Have you ever fired any of the LMGs? At all?
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  7. AlterEgo

    You monster... your kind killed the HA! A shame on your family, a shame on your descendants, and a thousand shames on your soul!
  8. Azawarau

    Ill always disagree with this because heavies are a counter to everything

    They prevent every other class from playing their role

    Im glad the heavy shields were reworked

    It was needed
  9. Khallixtus

    Coming from a big HA player, the only really OP thing about Heavies is how good we are out of combat. By this I mean we are just as fast as everyone else, carry TONS of ammo and, most importantly, have access to FOUR med kits.

    If you want HA to be nerfed while still retaining their role and also making support classes more important:
    1) Get rid of their medkits. We have access to Medics because we are always on the ground with them.
    2) Lower their total ammo carry amount so that we don't carry so much ammo we never run out of it.
    3) Nerf base movement speed by 15%. Then, remove 15% from overshield movement debuff so that they are the same in fights, but slower to the fights. They are carrying a Rocket Launcher and an LMG.

    Their LMGs don't need a nerf. The only thing really going for them is their ammo. Their mid range is pretty good, but the CQC is absolutely worthless. Any good Light Assault or SMG Infiltrator will beat them easily. Their overshields were made great in the last patch, and now fit their niches perfectly, whilst absorbing enough damage to make HA strong, but not overbearingly.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Resist was the only HA shield not reworked.
  11. Khallixtus

    It was, it went from 45% to 40%.
  12. Azawarau

    It was adjusted slightly and still fits in the place it was in

    You can complain all you want but the fact is if you have less than full HP youll quickly have less EHP than the other shields and youll have less movement speed for more time compared to the others

    Theres no issue
  13. Scr1nRusher

    Thats not a rework.

    Both Adrenaline Shield & NMG were reworked after they got nerfed.

    It "fits" because it wasn't ******* changed at all, and it even got a 50% duration increase when it never suffered from energy issues due to how it functions.

    1 less bullet difference between old Resist & new Resist.

    That is a slap on the wrist compared to the other HA shield types which now take 2 less bullets.

    That factor doesn't matter in actual combat. Resist Shield HA's have the advantage over the other Shield HA's & every other normal infantry class.

    That is the reality Pre & Post changes.

    Just like there was no Issue with ZOE,PPA, old striker, Launch HE, etc etc etc.

    Resist Shield is the most used & fielded shield type, which correlates with all the HA shield problems.
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  14. Khallixtus

    Actually, it was changed this way so the overshields fit their role. One is proactive, one is reactive. If someone gets the drop on a Resist Shield HA, he's gonna lose a lot of his effectiveness, whereas an NMG/Adreno will retain the same amount of overshield HP. Likewise, if you turn on the Resist Shield before getting shot, it will negate more damage.

    Like they are supposed to.

    Taking either overshield has its risks and its advantages. Before the patch, the difference was, that NMG would always block as much damage, and could (and still can) be coupled with Nanoweave, to block more damage than Resist for one fight, then there was a long recharge. The Resist Shield was consistently effective as long as you used it perfectly to block damage before fights. Now they fit their roles.

    Anyways, the way to nerf HA is not to nerf their overshield or weapons (possibly SMG removal though), its to nerf what I mentioned earlier.
  15. Jbrain

    I am so tired of people always trying to get my fav playstyle nerfed for no apparent reason that they lost one fight. Imagine how many posts would be if we posted how many times in a battle we get multiple sniper fire. Ha are killable, the overrated shield doesn't do jack against head shots and in body shots it gives you maybe 1 second more life if enemy is full auto on you.

    I play ha cause we are the backbone of ground forces, we die way more than most classes because of it. I will say this a vs heavy is a lot harder to kill mainly because of how good orion is. Also if your br20 and the guy who killed you is br 105 then you should just remember hes fully certed and maybe you don't have nanoweave or something. there are tons of reasons you could of lost to ha that doesn't mean their op.

    Also taking away our smg would just kill any chance we have in cqc and would just cause more people to quit including me.

    I think a reason ha is popular is because of how vehicles are so popular in game, give light assault access to ns lock ons would make more people choose that class more including me or at least a dumbfired option. Anything to help combat the vehicle spam.
  16. Littleman

    I can't believe people still use the "aim for the head" argument like the HA CAN'T DO THAT TOO.

    Demigan is the only one that offered the proper "nerf" to heavies - improving the other classes. However, those buffs would preferably be in combat advantages, not gimmicky additions to their roles. Medics are a rare sight because healing isn't nearly as lucrative as a good kill streak (it's a pretty insulting difference, really.) The other classes don't exactly move faster than the HA by default, and I mean considerably faster at all times, not just +10% while sprinting. ADS speed is still based on individual weapons - it would way level the playing field if ALL carbines and ARs had .75x speed. Hip fire is only worth trying within 15-20m regardless of the weapon because of how bloom works, but even then, BECAUSE OF THE SHIELD a laser is required to put more rounds on target. Mind, I've beaten people with hip-fire from a lasered Carv 9, because RoF means bullet hell. Non-HA class base shields don't regenerate sooner, and that's an out-of-combat variable.

    Really, a lot of the "justifications" for why the HA is "fine" are evidence for any other developer to NEVER listen to these people for balance suggestions. Ever. They're ignorant at best, blatantly insidious at worst. It is never okay for a "heavy" class to have the same firepower, movement speed, and superior durability in a PvP game. Especially in a game solely built for PvP, and entirely dependent on there being a large number of players actively engaged in it. Recognize that it's not fine for there to be a sole "beats everyone" class, and that either this class shouldn't exist, or the other classes needs real advantages over it in an exchange of fire that makes the shield more of a necessary measure for balance, and not a crutch to make winning even easier.

    The only truth being said in this thread is that nerfing the HA's shield won't fix the problem every other class has going against them, which is that the HA is the only guy with an in-combat advantage AND out of combat he has all the same attributes as a combat medic or engineer (both of which are f***ing screwed as a result.) The LMG is NOT horrible, else people would be doing dismally as the HA. It's a slightly worse off AR, but within the ranges most automatic kills happen, it's negligible. Any tool killed at 75+ meters by ANY automatic in this game, from full health and shields especially, took the rounds while looking and acting like a shrub (that is, standing still in the open and not reacting to incoming fire.)

    Now, the LMG could be made to have a terrible CoF even while ADS (like, .6 cof while stationary ADS, 1cof while moving ADS) but then a dual Mercy max would be just as accurate crouched and stationary as the moving ADS HA. It hurts the medium range game, but not the short-medium range game, where most of the killing actually occurs, and where the problems really present themselves.


    Naw, players need to first recognize that the HA's shield is akin to the LA's jetpack allowing 100% accurate fire while active, and the infiltrator's cloak allowing firing while active. Currently, the jetpack and cloak just get someone into position, but in the end, it always boils down to a one on one exchange of fire, and the HA will always hold the advantages of:

    -Way bigger magazine, this means no breaks. THEY CAN AFFORD TO MISS.
    -Extra durability via shield. The NMG and Adrenaline can entirely negate the ambush advantage, making their attacker's positioning phase and first-to-engage advantage moot. Topping an HA as a non HA means the HA was actually slow on the draw - nothing to be proud of.

    The only answer other classes have to this is really to be more accurate and pray the HA is sloppy. That LMG isn't so hard to control, nor so inaccurate. Especially if you're lemming #2547 (of however many still playing) and equip a fore-grip and comp to EVERY DAMN GUN EVER (I can count the number of people per week that kill me with anything else attached on one hand.) Those two attachments do a lot for any gun. So let's not pretend the LMG is at all "bad." Worse than the AR or carbine? Sure. But the question was never if it was worse, it is whether or not that is enough to make it ineffective. The answer is no. Not by a long shot.
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  17. Azawarau

    You need to show why thats a bad thing

    What is so wrong with that?

    Ive told you several times already why its ok but your mouth is so big its preventing any noise from entering that thick skull even when you arent talking

    Make a point or shut up already

    I dont mean to be rude and im sorry for it but you really need a tall glass of shut up juice already

    Make your point
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  18. Tr34

    HA is only good in 1v1(infantry) and anti-vehicle situations, otherwise it doesn't have cloaking or "tricks" and very open to fire.
    It really says "I'm here, shoot me!". This is why I mostly play with infiltrator and light assault as infantry.
    Especially Infiltrator cloaking is the most advantageous special ability imo, making it my favorite class.
  19. Reclaimer77

    Because the Devs correctly identified the imbalance when it comes to Heavy Assault: The Overshield.

    So how did they address this?

    They made Resist Shield SO damn game-breakingly good, that nobody even cared the other two got nerfed. Even less cared because it was already common knowledge that Resist Shield was THE "MLG" shield to use already BEFORE it got buffed.

    Then the Devs ushered in a round of LMG BUFFS. For some reason the weapon class with like a zillion kills more than all other weapons combined, needed to be MORE accurate.

    So yeah, that's what's "wrong" with infantry balance right now. It's worst than ever before!
  20. Demigan

    And it didn't change jack.

    Sure, other classes stand a better chance when fighting him. Sure, the shields seem to have a more defined role with one being a reactive and one being an active shield. But the roles haven't changed. HA remains the most universally useful class in the game, good in almost every single situation, and most of those situations are where it counts.

    There are only two solutions: Remove the shield from the HA entirely, which puts him at a slight disadvantage in PvP but keeps him a strong choice. This is a bad way to balance things of course.
    The other solution is to change the gameplay, make sure the HA isn't as good for many situations. Add special abilities that make other classes much more important for the meta, from placing spawns to using deployable shields/cover to having direct combat advantages in many types of combat, such as a speed advantage over the Heavy, and that means an overall speed advantage, not just when you are sprinting.

    You are missing the point and you are using dumb arguments.
    "when hostiles shoot me in the head it doesn't do a lot". But it does something, and you can shoot them in the head just the same. So in the end, whether both of you shoot in the chest or in the head the HA has the advantage, 1 second more you say? With TTK's from 0,3 seconds and up that's huge! If you really think that 1 second extra is not a big advantage in this game then you are delusional.
    Also, you are complaining about multiple sniper fire? What the hell are you doing? Jumping up and down out in the open while shooting flares? I main LA, notorious for getting shot by snipers due to their open positions on high places, and I rarely see more than 1 sniper shooting me.

    Eh... What? Where did you get that bullmanure from? The only reason you are the "backbone" is because the HA is (more) useful in practically every situation than other classes. And HA don't die more, if anything they die less. In fact, they attract players that try to survive the longest, players that prefer to wait until the rest of their team has breached a place before moving in.
    HA are build to survive. HA have weapons to deal with larger groups. HA have weapons to deal with vehicles and MAX's. Other classes are mostly deemed support classes, that's not good for the game! Every class should be just as useful, and just as fun. In a game designed for blowing each other up, every class should be just as effective in combat as every other class. That's why every class needs specific tasks to fulfill in combat. HA can be the tanky infantry with lots of weapons, no problem, but other classes need advantages too that can help in direct combat. Deployable cover, better speed during combat, importance in the metagame etc.

    There are tons of reasons, but the fact remains that the HA has many more advantages. Imagine if we gave him a shield of 4000 extra health, your "reasoning" would still hold up. There would still be "tons of reasons you could have lost of an HA". However the moment we have two equally skilled players and put them in different situations, we quickly see the HA's advantages:
    • Even fight: HA wins most fights due to higher effective health
    • HA is flanked: HA is at a disadvantage and will win less fights, however it's not a lost fight due to the shield.
    • HA flanks: HA will win almost every single fight.
    So we already know the HA is OP in 1v1's in these scenario's. Add the LMG's large magazines it makes them far better in the large-scale combat that PS2 features. Add the rocketlauncher and they are good against vehicles and MAX's. Other classes struggle with at least two of these when there's HA's involved.

    SMG HA's... Yeah they suck. Aside from the obvious "glad you would leave", if you can't win in a CQC fight with your shield and LMG you really suck. If you get an advantage out of HA's with SMG, by all means use them. I see no reason to remove SMG's from HA's. I don't even know where this idea comes from, you need to feel attacked or something?

    Lock-ons? I dont' see a lot of lock-ons, and when I use a vehicle I love it that they are using lock-ons. Lock-ons open them up for an easy shell in the face. Lock-ons deal reduced damage. Lock-ons give you so much time to get back to cover and repair, you can barbecue somewhere in between getting hit and moving behind cover.
    Giving LA lock-ons is both a dumb idea and doesn't change the HA's hold on the game. Vehicle spam isn't a problem, lack of vehicle influence on captures is a problem.