Autobalance this game or why bother

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Barracudan, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Barracudan

    The game has been ridiculous for a long time, i have tried my best to joind the under pop faction.. but it is getting ridiculous .. Question: Do you developers even Think about even population balance ? Why not force it or put inplace severe bonuses for the underpop team.. Its nto even fun any more, do you not want this game to be playerd ? Get a grip and get it fair ffs
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  2. customer548

    There is always a fun place to find when you're overpoped.
    Just choose your fight and your class. look for small fights. Swap from a class to others.
    Or go to an empty base and build a def by yourself while wairting for your opponents and your (possible) teammates' reinforcements.
    Then leave if you're still alone and unable to do anything.
    Then do it again.

    Or flank the zerg.
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  3. RainbowDash9

    or tough it up and you some damn tactics to defeat them. tank zerg at a base? spawn a base back and snipe a few tanks with your own. spawn camp with nothing but infantry? SPAWN A BASE BACK and get a AI harrasser and go to town. the possibilities are endless. hell get a galaxy and scrape yo fat *** over the corpses of your foes lol.

    point is its only not fun if you make it not fun
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    Don't think of a zerg as something you hit head on if your low pop.

    Consider it a something that you can pick apart over time.
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  5. customer548

    Clever words.
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  6. Savadrin

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  7. Scifi

    One of my only grips is the Harrasser for the VS & TR, it has weapons far better than the NC. If they got rid of the harrasser I would be happy, but the Devs are stupid MFKer's and dont care abt balance. So just dont take it seriously an have fun.
  8. FieldMarshall

    I for one enjoy playing the underpop faction the most. You get more kills, more xp/certs, more fun.
    The only thing you loose is territory, but so what.

    Running with the overpop zerg having to fight 96+ allies over a few kills, and sitting on the cap in an empty base just to get a few certs is not something i consider fun or profitable xp/cert wise.
    You also have to listen to the 14yo circle jerk cringe in /y over how "awesome" your zerg faction is.
    No thanks.

    So in a way, the underpop faction does get a "severe bonus". Way more kills and xp.
    On the flip side, a zerg gets punished in the same way with less things to shoot at and miniscule xp.

    Anyway. Getting zerged is avoidable. There is no reason why you should get zerged if you dont want to.
    Either by going to a different fight or joining a different faction.

    If it really bothers you, i would recommend making a character on all three factions so you can always play on the faction with the highest pop.
    I personally play all three factions so i can join the (currently) underpop faction.
  9. SwornJupiter

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  10. Sulsa

    I always choose to play the under popped side between TR and VS (not NC because it's a cesspool of re.ta.rd.)
    Yesterday on Emerald, VS was under popped on Amerish. Fighting against the TR push from their warpgate was absolutely glorious. I personally love the tension and excitement of trying to out play a zerg. I will hardly ever run on the empire with the pop advantage.
  11. Scr1nRusher

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  12. Crayv

    Just play the over pop faction and if you want to be the underdog just look for fights where you have a pop disadvantage and hold them off until the main zerg shows up to stomp them. You will feel like you did something as opposed to the feeling your only accomplishment is just losing territory at a slightly slower rate.
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    Being warp gated and spawn camped is really good.

    5 mins of target practice on moving REAL bots is great. VR has nothing on being spawn camped lol.
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  14. Littleman

    I play my TR first. If I can't find a good battle (because there are none, or one side in the fight is just steamrolling the other, or even when it's 50/50 the TR are just getting fisted like usual) I swap to my NC or VS if I see they have a relatively even fight going on somewhere and whichever empire I fancy in that moment. Usually NC if the battle balance just sucks as my TR, or VS if the balance as TR was even but the TR were still getting creamed. It's a matter of fun (NC) or power tripping stress relief (VS.) Still convinced more VS cheat than the other two empires. I don't just magically perform better as a VS.

    Also, I'd just like to point out, many of the posters above me seem to forget that PS2 isn't actually doing so hot, and is only getting worse in terms of population. No one sucks it up anymore - there ARE better, balanced FPS' out there. None quite like PS2, but then, PS2 ain't worth it if the experience sucks and it's the player that has to either put up with the crap or somehow make the most of it. Yeah... that's not recipe for success, that's an excuse admitting the game is in a really bad place.
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  15. Steza

    When under popped it can be quite fun I enjoy planting traps depending on the point etc. When the point is inside in a low room area or a very closed in area I enjoy running in before they show up shove some C4 on the roof. wait in spawn for the point to start flipping then click.

    When I see a tank zerg I enjoy the free life of AV harassers get up to speed, Hit the boost then jump to gunner seat take some shots at then immediately jump to driver and get on out of there. Something thrilling about hit and running something much bigger then you lol.

    Air though is kind of mean, two options here unless the base you're at has AA turrets is Rockets A2G or if you got enough certs spawn a Skyguard in friendly territory find a nice hill or anything high, sit on it and fire away. Just remember to lead your target unless it's stationary.

    Biolab under popped then it becomes tricky. light assault + shotgun is a good combo for just jumping in killing a few people and dying. It's inevitable.

    When all else fails maybe take a flash or if you're in a outfit bug your outfit to do a flash/harasser race that's always good fun.

    Those are some ways I find to enjoy the game when under popped as well as strike back. Good luck out there! :D
  16. Zap97

    Best strategy ever.
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  17. Moz

    Hit the nail on the head here pal.

    I find so many players complain about the game being boring or complaining about being spawn camped.

    People just dont get spawning bases back down a lattice..... they just dont. Instead they stay in the spawn shield complaining about spawn campers!
  18. RainbowDash9

    yup. i hate when people blame the game for things that the players themselves cause.

    spawn camping? players could fix this by not sitting outside spawn or not sitting in the spawn. zergs? could be fixed by getting a force just as big or not clumping up into a huge zerg that gets nothing done. bored? stop doing the same thing you always do and try something new.

    the reason i can still play this game after this long is (well one cuz it takes so long for me to get enough certs) because i constantly try new things or strive to get something i dont have. not necessarily directives either. got bulldog on harrasser even though i know it sucks ***, but that aint gonna stop me from trying! lol
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  19. zaspacer

    While I share your strong dislike of uneven Pop, SOE/DBG have never stated they have an issue with it being in the game. Population Balance was never on the Roadmap or Wishlist. And SOE/DBG have not made any dedicated effort to balance Faction Pops.
  20. Littleman

    The irony of Planetside is that the more people and simultaneous capturable locations are allowed on a single continent at a time, the WORSE population balance and swings will become. When each side only has 150 people on a continent, throwing a few squads around to mess up battle flow or overwhelm an enemy isn't really an option. When there are really only 2-3 points on the map to attack at a time, generally everyone just clusters into one, maybe two.

    Long story made really short - the only way PS2 will realize population balance (in battles) is if it reduces the number of latticed facilities considerably (as in, amp/bio/tech bases ONLY) or goes the route of MAG and just has 128 players queue up against 128 other players and tosses them into a properly sized map that can realistically fit them all, then limits the number of tanks and aircraft on the field of battle at any given moment. Basically, an actual battlefield on steroids, not a battlefield without rational limitations.

    I can tell you for PS2, one solution is more in line with PS2's selling point. The latter just offers finer control for the developers. Though like MAG, if they're not producing new content, the game will eventually fade away either way.