Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReNz0r, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Azawarau

    None of that

    Reduce the effectiveness of shield slightly and/or restrict movement speed and use of healing items

    Its not a large change thats needed

    RL arent a balance issue, the shields and all around effectiveness are
  2. Goretzu

    The problem is I suspect (in fact I'm pretty sure given how common AHK use has become) that most of the complaints are based around HA players that use Autohotkey etc. to script it so that they automatically shield and medikit spam (and possibly auto-microburst, remove recoil and even turn to face the attacker [which I was suprised about, but apparently ghetto aimbot is within its scope now]), which provides the illusion of the Shield being the issue, when in reality it is the exploitation of the lack of medikits absolute cooldown combined with the script program causing the problem.

    Don't get me wrong the Shield makes it worse than other classes with the medikit exploit + scripting, but it is still essentially the medikit exploit that needs to be fixed first.

    The second problem is people complain about HA having RLs pretty much as much as they do the Shield (and Shotguns and SMG and sometimes even LMGs).
  3. Devilllike

    I do not agree because

    first of all not everybody can play with frames of 100+ or 70+ and FPS is a big factor in a shooter game.
    Secondly from what i saw the people you guild hardly could even aim so yeah try making a vid with people that CAN aim and then lets see if you will say the same

    As an infiltrator i still ridicule heavys by knifing them or outplaying them with a bolt action VS an lmg in cqc fights
    My big solution is EMP grenade or fast kills,faster than their reactions

    BUT if you find a heavy that plays with your frames and can aim then its very hard to kill them in cqc without the proper weapons against them
  4. Azawarau

    My personal heavy experience lead me to think they needed a tone down. I dont see any issues with rocket launchers and cant imagine why anyone would complain about one aside from perhaps the phoenix (<That utility)

    How would you solve the issue with scripting if its the culprit
  5. Goretzu

    An absolutely rock-solid hard cooldown on their use, don't get me wrong it would be nice if they could directly target such scripting software a bit too (given that just 1 particular script will turn a poor player into a "good" one and a good player into an "exceptional" one, especially with HAs), but that's the easiest solution (unless AHK can actually get around all CDs).
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  6. Zombo

    erm, yes there are, HA can't:
    build AV turrets/give ammo/repair vehicles
    cloak/use spotters/hack turrets
  7. Azawarau

    A CD on the shield?

    Thats not a downside so much as the lack of an upside......? Does that make sense?

    That and a few of those things are things that heavies dont really have a practical use for when they can face the thing head on or someone else is doing it for them
  8. Crator

    Downsides to shield = Being lite up like a Christmas tree (literally) and slowing the movement speed
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  9. Zombo

    not having an upside is by definition a downside, yes, or would you say that light assault has no downside whatsoever in comparison to the engineer in regards to vehicles?

    and of course, ha has a real actual downside compared to the other classes: he can't use good weapons like the assault rifles or midrange carbines, or even burst carbines/assault rifles

    the only real hipfire-able weapon the heavy can utilize is the shotgun and smg, both of which have no mid range capability whatsoever, whereas the LMGs have the worst hipfire cof of all weapons besides the sniper rifles
  10. Azawarau

    You mean its an oxymoron

    Jack of all trades is both

    But heavy assaults are a bit more than that

    Engineers can repair vehicles which gives them the option to go for armor where heavies can either ring an engi with them or aim for healing. Now if your tank is destroyed and youre faced with another tank its not difficult to say the heavies odds are better. Where the engi outperforms a heavy the heavy will outperform that much more with examples like this
  11. bLind db

    Switch RL's to engi's, have them replace them turret slot. Bam, mobile AV. Huge buff to engi, slight nerf to HA that puts them in a more specific role, which will make them more balanced given that they have nothing else.
  12. DeadlyPeanutt

    lol, true :) HA balance problems are one of the main factors in the game's slow demise. When you can't get a rez or find an ammo pack, it's because everyone is playing HA.

    HA having more health is fine, but cut down their movement speed. Give their shield a 2 second delay, so it's not an instant win button, and make them chose between a rocket launcher and an LMG with twice the ammo in clip of any other class.
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  13. Zombo

    it would mae way more sense giving a HA the choice between the RL and the overshield tbh
    either the HA will fulfill it's AV roll, or the HA will fulfill its AI role

    who would play a class without a main weapon? lol

    and just to be clear: i don't think HA is unbalanced, they still lack reviving, repairing, flying and cloaking
    if you would make heavy slower than other classes, why NOT take a max?
    if any infantry class is OP it's the max, but of course, "costing resources is the balancing factor"
    not if you have enough medics around, then it's not

    just let's say the heavy would lose it's overshield or gets a two second delay on it: congratulations, the Medic is now the official new HA, just equip yourself with self-healing and heal grenades and you can (even now) wipe a HA's *** easily, imagine if HA loses it's shield how OP medic would be all of a sudden in AI fights

    of course, then we need to nerf the medic right guys? right? nerf hype train?
  14. Noooooch

    Heavies are fine as they are. Other classes can EASILY take down heavies if they play smart. I'm a heavy main and I get emp'd all the time. I get sniped all the time. I get killed by better positioned Light Assaults. I step on claymores, betties and prox mines.

    Stop complaining that you can't kill Heavies when you're not even playing your own class right.
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  15. Noooooch

    And as far as making Heavies choose between the overshield and rocket launcher, all you're doing is encouraging vehicle farming because Heavies need both the overshield and rocket launcher to engage enemy armor.
  16. Zombo

    i wasn't actually suggesting to do that, it was just a comment on the idea of "removing the LMG from HA if he carries the RL":

  17. Vectore

    How hard is it to land a few headshots on someone using an automatic weapon?

    (Or a straight headshot kill with a bolt action sniper rifle)
  18. Azawarau

    About as easy as it is for them to do the same to you id assume
  19. Goretzu

    On medikits, a long one of at least quite a few seconds.

    Depends on whether any "aim assist" is employed or not (bizarrely script software can actually act as a ghetto headshot aimbot).
  20. Corezer

    so what, like going 800/500 with a resist type shield that absorbs 80% of explosive damage (not including direct impact so vehicles can at least have a chance) to allow the class to be even more dominant against vehicles and still have an HP advantage over other classes that they don't even need to press "F" for and that regenerates every 10 seconds (6 with ASC) instead of every ~45 but the advantage isn't quite as big and the movement penalty is permanent so there are some clear drawbacks to the class (can't respond to points/gens flipping as fast)

    Make a topic and see the kind of responses you get. "Actually a buff overall but you know what, 1300 EHP with nanoweave is only 1625 EHP against body shots and 1300 to the head (even if it's every 10 seconds) versus ~2k to the body and 1600 to the head (even if it's only once per life for most players) the way things are now... hmmm.....pshhhh.......mmmmmm.....chhhh.... nah man, that's not good enough, this is a nerf." I know because I've suggested it before...