3 years... No Occulus Rift support

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DefendYourBase, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. DefendYourBase

    Disgruntles and wvery rogjt to be. If you have any former knowledge of "promised features" you would have seen hopes of Occulus Rift as some of the developers werw testing it....

    And even then if we completely ignore Occulus Rift...

    How about nvidia 3d vision?! Says right there... Planetside 2 to be launched with 3d vision support and nope... 3 years later BROKEN PROMISE.

    You see.. Game companies thrive on gamers ignorance. If they know they can get away screwing you.. Guess what? They will. And you let them do it.. In fact it sounds like you enjoy being abused and taken advamtage of.
  2. DefendYourBase

    Its also the "community" of pc gamers who complain about performance because their PCs blow hard so the devs have to remove features to cater to the lame gamers with $hit pcs. Too busy buying drugs and alcohol or something to upgrade i guess. Most of USA are just welfare degenerates.
    We call those Rate Suckers in the Auto Insurance Industry ;).
    • Up x 1
  3. DefendYourBase

    DBG sees DayZ be so successful and says.. "I want a piece of that pie"....

    Makes game h1z1... Ignores PS2.

    Business logic 101
  4. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, **** you, hell no they should not invest that amount of Dev time that needs to go towards gameplay (this would be almost entirely CODING dev time, which is the most limited dev resource they have) to support a device THAT HASN'T EVEN BEEN BLOODY RELEASED YET.

    It's a DEV KIT, PRE-RELEASE model.

    Even when it first releases it's not worth supporting because SO FEW PEOPLE WILL HAVE IT.

    They have faaaaaaaaaaar more important things to work on in the code to improve the game for EVERONE.
  5. DefendYourBase

    Nvidia 3d vision wasnt a dev kit.. Promised to have it..

    LIEEEED to us.
  6. DefendYourBase

    I used occulus rift as a example really. I should if said 3d vision.

    Then what would be the excuse for you lamers to support devs broken promises and laziness?
  7. Ronin Oni

    Show me where they PROMISED it and didn't simply say that it was something they were looking at and would like to add.

    Go ahead, I'm waiting.
  8. DefendYourBase

  9. DefendYourBase

    Add this to the list too...


    VS, NC, and TR all drive same harassers lmao. What a joke.
  10. DefendYourBase


    Think we will ever see any of that either? 2 years ago...... Before they decided to make a stupid zombie game...
  11. Ronin Oni

  12. Ronin Oni

    This wasn't official... look at this FFS:
  13. DefendYourBase

    Ronin, you are one hell of a *** kisser.

    Heres another one they never included

    You keep saying not official, not proof

    Are you a dumba$$? Who do you tbink told Geforce they planned to have 3d vision support at LAUNCH of game.. Planetside 2 has deleted most of their old asa promises. Tuck tail and now trying to cover their tracks.

    Lmao... It takes 3 years to make 3 buggies? And they still havnt released.. Its in the Limbo you say?

    Have you seen those facebook pics... Skeleton says "still waiting"

    Youre the skeleton saying "waiting for buggies!! They are still in the Limbo!!"
  14. CapperDeluxe

    Hate to break it to ya, but even the Occulus itself hasn't even been released. As in not generally available except as a development kit. It isn't going to be available in retail for at least another few or several months.

  15. DefendYourBase

    You guys dont even read the thread before you have to insert your own ego do ya?
    You should read the entire thread. Someone stated your EXACT thing.

    I said i used it as example.

    They promised nvidia 3D vision and havnt delivered that either.
  16. Megalegs

    Or haven't included yet?

    Edit: referring to Nexus
  17. DefendYourBase

  18. DefendYourBase

    Yeah havnt included.. Its just been sitting in data for 2 years lol. There are a lot of facility designs also not included but already made.
  19. CrossFitForLifeBRAH

    You do realize the Oculus rift that has been available was a developers kit and I'm pretty sure the version that is made for joe-shmoe consumer is available for preorder. What other games are you using atm with the headset support? And, if you have a developers kit headset (that you payed way too much for) why don't you do some developing as intended or go back and read the disclaimers telling the likes of you, more or less, to wait for a version produced for retail sale.

    Isn't this 99$ headset avialable for preorder advertised as compitable with " various samsung smart phones?"

    All the information you present make me weep for future generations. Please refrain from creating progeny.

    It's funny when people complain about welfare and social entitlements and are ignorant of the fact they already pay for wellfare and all manners of social programs all thanks to the politicians they love like Nixon, Reagan etc. Those entitlements are just being distributed to the population in mass incarceration.
  20. Ronin Oni

    they told NVidia they were going to add it, but even the ****** PhysX turned out to not be worth their effort so they cut it. (part of OMFG)

    They never told the PLAYERS that they were promsing to provide it.

    And besides, THE ENTIRE LEAD STAFF from SOE days is gone. So anyone who ever made those promises doesn't even work there anymore any god damn ways.

    And I'll say it again....