3 years... No Occulus Rift support

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DefendYourBase, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. DefendYourBase

    Companies like this make me sick. Absolutely sick and disgusted.

    Most game comapnies just let their product go to ****.... DBG is no exception!
    What a wonderfullllll woooooooorlllllld!!!

    What do they hire for game directors and progression managers!? Half aborted fetuses? Brain dead!

    Their game creativity sucks like Obamas welfare goons!

    That stupid zombie game is more important than creating a highly polished solid product...

    A stupid zombie game..... It's stupid... And it's a zombie game... Zombies are stupid....
  2. DefendYourBase

    I see a future!!! It's great.. It's epic.. It's never before been seen... But we can't reach it.. Because.. I see another future!! Zombies!
  3. Liewec123

    i played it with Rift a year or 2 ago (using the VorpX injector) it was pretty, but not really viable ;)
    (granted i have a first generation rift so its really pixelated, it could work better with a much much higher resolution)
  4. DefendYourBase

    Right? People have used it and said the game looks awesome. But still lots of glitches since its not officially "supported"

    Pisses me off.. We should have OR support with head tracking that your characters head moves around looking where you look....

    They can design and sell their own Occulus Rift headsets... Helmets that look like VS,TR or NC with surround sound, and microphone... Playing in 3D man!! We would be all dying from lack of eating because we would be eating hearts from dead in 3D!!!
  5. Geddes

    go play something else that supports your oculus rift.
  6. FateJH

    I like how the subject line and the body of the OP had nothing to do with each other.
  7. Liewec123

    what i'm saying is, unless the final version is much much much higher resolution than the prototypes then it won't be viable to use in competitive games like this (were enemies can be 300m in the distance and barely 5 pixels on your computer monitor.
  8. sebastian oscar post

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  9. Goretzu

    I'm unconvinced that the Occulus Rift will ever really be anything other than niche, people have always blamed the lack of technology for the failure of previous version of wearable "3D", but I think in reality it is rather that it is same issue that hits 3D glasses for home 3D viewing.

    As such I don't think we're going to see even 33% usage of such things in FPS games (or any games) any time soon (and by soon I mean a decade plus).

    Certainly at this point DBGs would lose much more money fully supporting OR than not doing so.
  10. Megalegs

    3 years and occulus is still a Dev-kit.

    If it was released, and established, you might have a point for a new game OP.
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  11. stalkish

    Had the exact same meme in mind when i read the title lol. :D
  12. stalkish

    Better for things like this:

    That is a place i wouldnt mind spending some £ at, pitty its on the other side of the world from me lol.
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  13. Megalegs

    I'm a grumpy old man.

    When I was growing up this form of comedy was called "referencing" or a "reference".

    When repeated too often it became a "cliché".

    Grumble over.......

    (Richard Dawkins Coined the word "meme", or at least derived it from Ancient Greek, and he certainly didn't mean it for this)

    (Second Grumble over........)
  14. DefendYourBase

    You know why gamers are always getting screwed over? Making half complete games and selling us half completed crap which then they turn around and delete more things so you end up with half a half of a game. Happens ALL the time...

    Look in PC game files.. You will see a boat load of content they never implemented in the games becausr their game publishers haf to have thr game on the shelf for christmas!!

    I personally think its ridiculous. Like PC gamers are just guniea pigs for their console ports....
    And again.. If you read the DBG statement.. They had to cut staff for planetside 2 to make way for their new zombie game.

    Planetside 2 was their title. It should of been their major recognition. Instead they neglect the inly game of its kind for some zombie game that they already have DayZ... Why waste resource and compete with another zombie game rather than build up a game that NO OTHER game of its kind exists.

    Just sick of it. PC game industry is pretty much crap at this point. I wasted a lot of money putting together a comouter that can run PS2... Only to have most graphical elements of game removed because losers who dont want to upgrade their ancient crap desktops and complain about "performance".

    What a crap deal for people who dished money out for a good rig!
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  15. stalkish

    Thans for the info........i dont care.

    What you basically saying is:
    ''Younger generations cannot enjoy what i enjoyed because its been done before''

    Elitist much?
  16. PKSpark

    You can't sell oculus rift without a plastic shotgun you can pump back and forth for immersion
  17. Megalegs

    Sorry to offend.....

    It was meant as a joke, and not supposed to be Elitist, just new use of meme amuses me still.
  18. DefendYourBase

  19. DefendYourBase

    Ill never put a single dollar into a lame zombie game especially after it destroyes the most epic MMOFPS game of all time
  20. asmodraxus

    What is the cost benefit ratio of providing support for something that has not yet been commercially released in a retail game?

    Then take the same money and ask the player base would you rather have something that a minority of players (i.e. around 30 or so players) use or something that everyone can use? Answers on the back of a postcard to

    Disgruntled idiot with a DEVELOPER version of Occulus Rift
    That fails to understand what a DEVELOPER version is FOR
    I don't care
    Insert Zip code here
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