Why do Vanu win more alerts?(answer inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MuggieWara, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. MuggieWara


    How many times have you seen Vanu not focusing population on the faction which is leading?
    How many times have you seen NC/TR doing that?

    Its as simple as that.
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  2. Tycoh


    Lets the dumbies have fun with each other while VS wins all the other continents by themselves.
  3. SanPelicano

    According to alert tracker between 19.-27. oct. on Miller

    NC wins: 21
    TR wins: 15
    VS wins: 14 alerts of the total 50.
  4. GhostAvatar

    I do love people who drill down to a single instance to try and prove the opposite. Yeah, lets just ignore this mountain of data that proves the point, then impose a load of rules that mean nothing to prove the opposite. Just like the politicians that redefine the criteria for unemployment just to improve the static.
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  5. OldMaster80

    This people would have a career in Italy :p
  6. DeadlyPeanutt

    most of the time when the VS is zerging, my factions just snipe out of spawn and redeploy before the timer ticks down.

    of course I like to leave a few tank mines in front of the vehicle spawn if I can get there... always fun to see that magrider kill from the next base with a 'marksman' award
  7. xMaxdamage

    I'm lazy so lemme copy myself from another thread, since this seems a very recursive topic:

    - and another post -

    obviously everything is IMHO but would be nice to discuss on these things :p

    ma sei l'oldmaster di mmorpgitalia?
  8. prodavit

    actually it depends on which server, time, and day you play. I play all faction and I do feel VS get most pop but that's because VS is coolest faction with its mass effect theme. Althought TR zerk are very common
  9. xMaxdamage

    it's more like NC got pop imba and vanu got almost two times their alert wins. that's what the "common pool" data tell
  10. Mianera

    Because the VS are OP and cant be seen at night, oololololololooloopooolololololol!!11!1!!!eleven!1!!
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  11. prodavit

    you only say that because you only play on TR, Everyone always talk about their faction like they are the victoms lol
  12. xMaxdamage

    no, I say that because it's true. I play all 3 factions btw.

    it's not like the NCs are 2x vanu and TR combined, but the last data I saw showed they were the most populated faction, aven if not by a huge margin.
  13. OldMaster80

    Shhht segreto! :p
  14. AxiomInsanity87

    Non è Google Translate sorprendente .
  15. \m/SLAYER\m/

    while TR and NC trying to handle with their guns, VS has nothing to do, only play alerts, only auraxuim LMG forced them to use other LMGs.
  16. SanPelicano

    I didnt want to prove anything, just showed that NC and TR Miller actually play and win the alerts.
  17. EGuardian1

    skill plays into alert wins, but not as much as organization and teamwork.

    Nothing shows this better than server smashes. When you take Pop out of the equation and have a more or less balanced skill base of players, it boils down to leadership and decisions. Individual skill decides the 1v1s, but no matter how good you are, you're not fighting an entire squad or platoon by yourself just because of your camo, your ads movement speed, or aiming skill.

    More than a few alerts I've played as a commander of a platoon or even just a squad were decided by a few key moves. The right people at the right time makes a huge difference. It's not even so much "good" leaders as perceptive leaders.

    If back capping a single base for a minute as a single squad stalls an entire enemy platoon or more, that's what can decide an alert.
  18. GhostAvatar

    Only cus a large portion of VS Miller have altfits. Hell I can remember reading a while back on the Miller Reddit sub that there was a specific one created solely for countering VS alert dominance for VS players to join. So in essence, its still only VS playing alerts.
  19. TheFlamingLemon

    VS just dominated a hossin alert and had 65% pop. whereas the other factions had run to Indar and Amerish. This is why you guys
    can't have nice things.
  20. Flag

    If that outfit exists, you seriously over-esitmate the size and impact of it compared to the usual suspects on either empire.

    On Emerald? Miller? What was world pop like? Are you honestly saying it's the fault of the VS (in this case) if NC and TR plainly refuse to play? If they actually tried, the population would not be as lop-sided but it seems TR and NC threw away their chances and opportunities.

    It's circular; Don't fight against VS because they overpop every fight -> VS lack opponents across the front line -> have no choice but to overpop -> more TR and NC give up -> etc etc. If instead they equalized the numbers on either front line (the situation allowing) there really cannot exist such an overpop, assuming it's a prime time 33/33/33 alert.