It's time to buff Fractures!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. UberNoob1337101

    I think that everyone on this forum can agree that Fractures pale in comparison to Ravens/Vortexes. They have been pretty OP in the past, but SOE over-nerfed it. Now it's the worst MAX AV in the game.

    So when comparing the weapon stats, Fractures do the least damage, are the least accurate and have the least range. That means that they're worse at range than both Vortexes/Ravens, and are in general are abysmal at their role.

    Other info says it too, Fractures kill the least while Ravens are at the top (Due to all over-exposure and fame Ravens gained, because they're good), and Vortexes are something in between.
    (Info taken from Oracle of Death, weapon stats for this month, October 2015)

    NCM3 Raven - Right : Avg. kills - 1156 : Avg. KPH - 7.58 : Avg. V. KPH - 4.64
    NCM3 Raven - Left : Avg. kills- 1134 : Avg. KPH-7.06 : Avg. V. KPH - 4.5

    Vortex VM21 - Right : Avg. kills - 358 ; Avg. KPH - 6.68 : Avg. V. KPH - 4.14
    Vortex VM21 - Left : Avg. kills - 312 : Avg. KPH - 5.55 : Avg. V. KPH - 3.35

    MR1 Fracture - Right : Avg. kills - 358 : Avg. KPH - 4.58 : Avg. V. KPH - 3.03
    MR1 Fracture - Left : Avg. kills - 341 : Avg. KPH - 4.34 : Avg. V. KPH - 2.97

    While yes, the first two stats are pretty unnecessary, it also tells how much popular and used Ravens are, since for every 1 guy using Vortexes, there's like in between 3 to 4 NC using Ravens. That's quite a difference in usage.

    So, I'd also suggest a small Vortex buff along with a Fracture buff, but let's get to the main thing...

    Fractures are the worst of the three option by a big margin, so I think a buff call is justified.

    And IMO this is what it needs :

    • Drastic DPS and accuracy buff
    • No drop
    • Significantly faster projectile speed
    • Now chases after ground vehicles like Coyotes/Striker missiles
    So, what do you think? I don't know about Vortexes though, they seem OK now, maybe faster charge-up or more damage per shot?
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  2. Tycoh

    What it needs is higher rate of fire, larger magazine and removal of that damned crosshair wiggle and that projectile acceleration over time BS. A simple increase in velocity would be better.
  3. HadesR

    You missed out one of the most important stats and that's

    VKPU ...

    Maybe because they are pretty close and doesn't really suit a buff topic ?

    Ravens : 1.72
    Fractures : 1.25
    Vortex's : 1.78

    So yeah maybe just maybe they need an ever so slight buff to adjust them that 0.5 difference ..

    And while they are at it hopefully they will buff Comets and Falcons so they are as good versus Infantry as Pounders
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  4. FrozenCustard

    I wouldn't give it a dps buff, pounders are for close range high dps but what it needs is more range.
  5. Taemien

    I don't know why Fracture's aren't MAX versions of the Striker like Vortexes (Lancer) and Ravens (Phoenixes).
  6. Tycoh

    Because it being red and TR is OP enough.
  7. Taemien

    Did you just suggest the Striker was OP?

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  8. Liewec123

    remove the character wobble and they'll be fine (imho as someone whos been trying to use them since pounders got their ammopool nerfed to oblivion.)
    they're fast, their arc is extremely managable, their damage is fine, the only thing keeping them down is the dam character wobble!
    its impossible to hit anything at long range when your character is wobbling around like they need a wee.
  9. Scr1nRusher

    They should have a ground Coyote effect & be buffed to be inline with the current striker interms of velocity.
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  10. CMDante

  11. CMDante

    They kinda are in spirit, both being low damage comparatively high-capacity rapid-fire rocket launchers. But the Striker is even worse because DBG decided that the coyote gimmick was a good idea on an ESRL.

    To make the Striker good it needs to drop the coyote mechanic and do more damage.
    To make the Fracture good it needs better velocity and not wiggle.
  12. CMDante

    That might actually be kinda fun, especially if the Striker had its coyote mechanic reworked to target ground instead. We could shoot sunderers that were behind cover!

    INB4 NC hypocrites show up and wail at it being unfair.
  13. asmodraxus

    Technically yes its time to fix the broken weapon list.


    PPA still useless
    PPA-H just as useless
    ZoE, seriously why is this thing still in the game, it makes decoy grenades seem useful
    Magrider needs some love

    Once the above gets looked at then the Fractures and the Banshee, Striker etc could do with a look at.
  14. Scr1nRusher


    Keep striker as AA Coyote.

    Have Fracture be the Ground Coyote.
  15. FrozenCustard

    If you really feel that way then make your own post instead of dismissing this post for later.
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  16. Tycoh

    I was really hoping for the fractures to become a high fire rate and extremely large mag/ammo pool launcher AT gun, i'm so tired of rocket launchers. I want star wars tracers for the fracture with 0 smoke trails.
  17. Taemien

    I dunno I kinda like the idea of a Ground Coyote. It allows the MAX to offload its payload and duck behind something before getting return fire. I might be even a little jealous of it. :D

    I don't want to derail the topic into a striker one.. but what I'd do with the striker is give it a semi-auto mode like it is now.. and a alpha strike mode where it fires all missiles at once. Risk and Reward mechanic. If you blatantly miss with the alpha.. that's alot of ammo wasted, but if you hit.. you did some damage (more than any other launcher).
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  18. Neo3602

    I would also suggest some thing to make it easier to see where they land at long range because right now it's impossible to tell where they land and thus a adjust your shots accordingly.
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  19. CMDante

    This, so many times this.
  20. CMDante

    The gimmick is kinda of neat, I'll admit, but exactly what the weapon -doesn't- need.

    Anyway, back to Fractures; There are a few things that would bump them up to par, most of them involve ease of use rather that raw power. They actually do good damage if you can manage to hit with them.
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