Having trouble in determining the winner...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turiel =RL=, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Turiel =RL=

  2. Turiel =RL=

    I should add something, so this doesn't drift away into a technical discussion about netcode and stuff.

    We play this game every night and we play against countless people. We kill some and we get killed and some of these kills and deaths come from serverlag. That's something we learned to live with and it's not always bad, because quite often we kill people that we shouldn't kill, but this time we had the lag on our side. It's basically a trade that equals out in the end.

    The issue I am talking about is that there are a few players who massively profit from such lag and it certainly doesn't equal out at all. When they cut through the enemy like this without taking any considerable damage and it is always the very same guys, then chances are that something is wrong. Cheating or not is another question, but something is certainly wrong with this.
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  3. Mentis2k6

  4. Flag

  5. Turiel =RL=

    I know your videos of course. Unfortunately they are somewhat inconclusive, because you play a lot of 7 hour sessions with 800+ kills and show a couple of 5 minute clips where you are farming ten low-level players in a row.

    Here is some "gameplay" that I find impressive:

    You got the third highest score/min after Daddy and LazyTR on the server. Where the hell are the guys who are using the aimbot shown in the video? I expected them to do much better than you guys. They ARE cheating after all.
  6. Turiel =RL=

    Besides that, my friend, it doesn't even matter what we see on your screen. Your screen doesn't matter. What matters is what the people see on their screen when you kill them. I posted the video above, what they see -> they see nothing. That's the problem! It feels exactly like the lag-switch-thing.
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  7. Mentis2k6

    so your telling me....daddy and lazy are hacking in your opinion aswell?....

    i will put a video together on the next weekend,i got like about 8?ish clips where i shoot you into bits n pieces.....

    its pretty silly that you think somebody is hacking because "you couldnt see him"...dude,if you run around without opening your eyes,i understand,its clearly my fault you couldnt see me...

    im playing with steady 100-120 ish ping,during alerts 170 ping,what the game on the other hand does,is not my problem.

    have you ever considered,that we are just better then you?just for a single moment?
  8. Mentis2k6

    is true,im just really fed up with the amount of hate tells/hackusations i get.
    on a weekdays evening session its about 4-5 ragetells....on weekends where i usually do about 1000 kills it goes to about 8-10 ragetells.funny part is,all those ppl dont even know me,or ever played with me.

    its not my fault the average ps2 players is resistant to improviement.
  9. Flag

    Yeah see that might be the thing... ;)
  10. Turiel =RL=

    All of them are better than me, but that's not the point. I am playing on 60 ping and my results are mediocre at best, but this is not about me. Even though I am the prototypical average player, I prefer to get killed in a "normal" way. I died about 15.500 times to all kinds of random dudes and most of these times it didn't feel like I was getting cheated. In fact I wouldn't even remember your name if it wasn't for this strange unusual pattern repeating itself again and again and again.

    Believe it or not: While the stuff on your screen my look normal to you, it certainly doesn't look normal to your targets. There is something going on with latency/lag that creates a parallel universe, where you seem to be able to see and kill people before you appear on their screen.
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  11. yellowbus

    You're still on it ?? Turiel, Shandrax, or whoever you are, can you please move on ? You're making a fool of yourself ;)

    Oh, and please, i believe i need a stats lesson from you, you look so smart /s

  12. Goretzu

    Depends what you call "hacking" if one of them might be.
  13. Turiel =RL=

    When it comes to picking names for forums you can only go with what is available, so I usually run through the names of my Everquest characters. This is why you find my stuff under names like Turiel, Shandrax, Neric and so on.

    In any case, I appreciate your effort to support your outfitmate.
  14. Turiel =RL=

  15. Pelainis117

    It is hilarious that people talk about them like they are "gods" or "cheaters" never saw issues killing them face to face. Easy targets I would say but from respect for old players I would call them fair opponents. And about "cheating" part.. Every single day yeah I mean it atleast one or 5 players call me "cheater" or "hacker" and post threats about me in reddit like I should be banned. That is really sad to be honest and this makes me want to play planetside 2 lower becouse of hate that people give and all the harrasments. So guys you should just chill and make something more useful for game feature and by the way there is anti cheat system in game that blocks cheaters..... Sorry but I'am always candid.

  16. Turiel =RL=

    It's quite interesting because the link that I posted above is dead. Maybe it was a bit too suspicious going 110:1 with a medic weapon, 100:1 with tanks and 90:1 with the Banshee on AVERAGE. That's like whenever he plays this, he is expected to get a 100:1 killstreak....HELLO??? The best thing about it is, that about 80% of his stats were even "S++", when a simple "S" for suspicious wasn't enough. But what can I say...

    Maybe the site is having issues and his profile will go back on tomorrow.
  17. Flag

    Or, you know, some people are actually really good at this game?

    At any rate, reported the problem with Mentis' page to Fisu. In the meantime feast your eyes on http://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=dingdingded&show=weapons if you need someone to complain about.

    (No he's not cheating either).
  18. Turiel =RL=

    ...and there are cheaters. The existence of guys with such stats proves both and it is very tough to tell who is who. For one thing, cheating makes it much easier to obtain good stats, the software and all kinds of tools are available and you can find it with Google.

    How do you know? His stats look screwed, but at least it's a small samplesize. Those 96 kills with the Cosmos for instance could be just one or two good runs.

    I got "S" on my Scatter simply because I got 80 kills in a row camping a door in a Bio Lab. After that I had enough certs for the Hacksaw and never played the Scatter again. That was basically one perfect outing, which I could repeat only once with the Hacksaw.

    The guys in question have such perfect outings ON AVERAGE.

    Yesterday I ran out of a door at the exact moment when a Galaxy fell from the sky exactly on my head. Such stuff happens and it certainly happens during killstreaks, which makes it even tougher.

    It is very well known how Daddy got his insane KD of 150:1 at one point. They say he pulled the plug when he was about to die. He could apply this method whenever he was in a vehicle, because since vehicles usually don't blow up instantly there is enough time for reaction. I think what he did is this: He simply didn't reconnect his lagswitch, so he lost connection permanently. Our friend Mentis for instance also has a very high KD in the 100:1 range with vehicles, because he is apparently using the same method.

    Here is how everyone can build it and I bet you a bottle of Vodka, that this is well known in Russia too:
  19. Flag

    And some people are just good.
    Shocking, I know. Considering the degree of crybabbying I've seen you do both here and in game....

    How I know? Well I know the guy fairly well for one. As for the Cosmos stats, yes it's mostly a few great runs (one of which I was his pocket engineer, a farm fest in a tower not too long ago).

    Here's the thing, which might be very hard to digest: You're not anywhere near as great as these fellas. In the same vein, neither am I, not in the infantry part of the game at any rate.

    Before you drag Daddy into this, yes he was a cheeselord who'd do a silly amount of things to preserve his stats. Even so, he was and is still a great pilot. Maybe not the best ever, but still great.

    Anyway, back to Mentis. Are his vehicle stats great? Well in a farming simulator sense sure. Then again he's on TR who get to have the historically best farming tools over the course of PS2 live play, so that's hardly a surprise (another farmer is LazyTR, I'm sure you've seen him).

    At the end of the day, you're just not a great player. Instead of crying foul at every player that's better than you, why don't you spend your time getting better instead? The good old "git gud"? That's really what sets the good players apart from the rest, they strive to get better, either for the sake of getting better or for the sake of knowing they're at the top, because of ego. You really should spend some time around these players, then maybe you'd see what lies behind the numbers.
  20. Goretzu

    Whether he is hacking or not is impossible to say (the only way you'd know is if he told you), but looking at his monthly K/D ratio he definately got a LOT better very quickly or started farming a lot more.

    The only genuinely suspicious thing is his very low number of assists to kills (52 assists in 5117 kills), even with his pretty high accuracy the way PS2 works other people "kill steal" you all the time so his shoot at to get the kill ratio is amazingly high.

    The other fella you mentioned could flawlessly track a cloaked inf inside a building in his ESF with flares equipped - I'll leave you to think about that for a while (Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth).