G2A Faction Balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. PasitheeVS

    I always wanted to shout out this controverse thesis, and I think it's the right time for that.

    The Striker is OP

    Surely not OP in the way the players asked for - as long range AV Option.
    However, it is the best Infantry AA Weapon in the game.
    After the Striker has been adjusted again and again and even after the Swarm has been released.

    It is a lock-on with no lock-on time "Coyote". It fully ignores Stealth. It can't be dodged. It takes ~1/2 of the health of a ESF per Mag - in a few seconds.

    A Valkyre with 2-3 Striker Heavies, and Engies to repair it... Coordinated, swapping seats when neccessary.
    I would love to see that.

    Also, it is the best "unique" ES Launcher against infantry and still okay against vehicles.

    The striker, combined with the Gatekeeper, anchored Prowlers (great against Liberators) makes

    TR OP at G2A

    giving their Mossies and Libs absolute Air Superiority. When it comes to base defense and the remote duel in A2G farming.

    The NC has also a nice, unique G2A Option. The Vanguard's primaries.
    Highspeed Projectiles, OHK on ESFs - a G2A Dalton.

    What does the VS have?

    Slow 225 m/s Magrider primaries with high bulletrop and only the AP version does a OHK.
    Lancer? meh. Annoying mechanic, you're lost against infantry when scoping to the air. But it has a high speed and no Bulletdrop.
    Apple iON? Pretty okay, but you need a slope and can only hit on short ranges due to slow projectile speed.

    What does the VS have for G2A left? NS weapons.

    As VS you get really frustrated by Air when playing Infantry or using Vehicles of all kinds. There is nothing you can really do against them. And when youself use Air as Vanu? You get shot down by TRs and some NCs unique AA Options.

    Believe me, I'm VS mainly, also played and playing NC and TR as ESF pilot, as Infantry and since some days as Prowler driver. Also, look at ps2oraclestats here you will find everything I said as stats.
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  2. Collin

    [IMG]Now the VS complain about the striker - Jesus Christ now i heard it all

    I mean really?
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  3. Liewec123

    i think you're trolling, but if not then you obviously don't own a lancer. :rolleyes:
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  4. LodeTria

    About the only time the striker is actually scary. Seen it on Cobad a few times and you have to run otherwise it's death.
    2 strikers in a valk is a scary thing to approach, and does massive damage to even liberators.
    The only thing I'd want changed about is that phoenix's can be use from the rumble seats rather than just hurting the valk.
  5. PasitheeVS

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  6. CMDante

    ******* take it. Not a single TR will lament the loss of their "OP" launcher.

    Alternatively; a G2A launcher is better against air than a G2G launcher? No ****?
  7. Collin

    Its getting more absurd every day here
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  8. Goretzu

    I assume you're probably just trolling but:

    33004 - Hawk GD-68 | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.73
    35004 - Nemesis VSH9 | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.69
    34004 - ASP-30 Grounder | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.57
    300202 - NC Annihilator | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.42
    300201 - VS Annihilator | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.34
    300203 - TR Annihilator | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.2

    34002 - T2 Striker | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.05
    300303 - TR R3 Swarm | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 3.01

    So yes it is decent at AA, but not exactly OP'd.

    3107 - NC Skyguard | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 6.07
    3106 - VS Skyguard | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 6.06
    3108 - TR Skyguard | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 5.79
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 1.98
    4008 - P2-120 AP | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 1.30
    3460 - Supernova FPC | Aircraft KPH | Daily Average: 1.20

    The AP Van has an advantage, but hardly an game breaking one.


    4305 - Light PPA | Q4 KPH | Daily Average: 56.04
    4605 - M30 Mustang AH | Q4 KPH | Daily Average: 47.16
    4906 - M14 Banshee | Q4 KPH | Daily Average: 32.96
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  9. xMaxdamage

    I'm totally with the OP guys, seriously, I think it's time to end striker domination and nerf it to a lancer-state.

    DBG please, listen to our voices! This is the first time all Three empires agree on something. DO IT
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  10. ModsFreeAreForTV

    "It's not OP in the way players wanted it" it's disturbing that players want/need OP weapons to feel as if they enjoy the game. Remember the days of Halo 1 where there weren't really OP things and everyone could use everything?
  11. Liewec123

    Kills Per Hour is a crappy stat to try and prove your point,
    incase you can't see the flaw in your stats i'll explain...
    people with striker are going to be focusing on air a lot more than people with lancer because its still not too great at its intended role as you admitted in your comment.
    people with lancers are killing nearly twice as many ground vehicles as people with strikers, the VS with G2A lock-on launchers take care of the air so its very rare that a lancer user will take the time to stop owning tanks and start shooting at air.
    hence striker users with underpar G2G potential will obviously be shooting at air more than lancer users.

    all your stat proves is that people don't want to focus on G2G with striker as much as they do with lancer.

    also speaking from experience using lancer, it is VERY easy to land shots, and they do hurt your target.

    side note, i love striker too, even before the recent buff i was using it and getting odd looks from everyone else with their Grounders.
    but lets not blow things out of proportion.
  12. Ronin Oni

    Will you PLEASE buy an Xboned1 and frag off?
  13. Shatteredstar

    Striker op? What is this, I don't even.
  14. stalkish

    Im confused?

    Is the date wrong and this is actually a necro?
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  15. ModsFreeAreForTV

    How about you *** boys learn about game development, capitalism, and a GOOD game?!
  16. Flag

    Striker OP? Hah, no.

    But it's good at what it does, and gives TR a unique edge in dealing with air, but nothing ground shattering.
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  17. FateJH

    You always did strike me as a sort of "Angry Scr1nRusher."
  18. Shatteredstar

    Not ground shattering, your choice of words is too good lol. For air striker is better than the other ES launchers, but for ground duty..striker is like "put the ap shell here where the red flares are!"
  19. Flag


    It's not that bad at anti-ground these days though. Sure, not lancer levels but if you ADS it the missiles have very low CoF. Still there but minimal. Damage is great, and it's awesome at deterring or even killing ESFs/air that doesn't stick around long enough for a traditional lock-on.

    Edit: I actually carry the striker with me on my TR character. It's not as great as a deci against maxes but for most other tasks it's fine, really.
  20. Shatteredstar

    Ya my biggest problem is that I seem to end up meeting max units whenever I equip striker. Against a max you need that high damage single shot because otherwise you get two shots and die. At least with lancer if I know a max is near I can TRY to charge a shot and catch him for decent damage!