Why is the VS the Try Hard faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Speaking as someone in one of the most tryhard outfits, Balto pretty much nailed it.

    VS don't have anything that's OP right now, and in fact have several things that are under performing by a huge margin but still manage to win consistently because not only do most VS not whine on orders chat and work together, most of the pubbies are more inclined to play the objective than padding stats, and then there are outfits like GOKU that... well to put it one way GINYU FORCE RULES!

    No really, the times we've done cultural exchanges and invited other outfit PL's to play with us it's always hilarious to listen to their reactions when we pull off a save or cap a point that would make any other outfit, inducing theirs fold. One particular example was when we resecured a tech plant right after CommanderShepard joined and he was just beside himself with how effortlessly we were able to stomp the people inside and stop the cap. To him that was something BWC (his old outfit) would never be able to accomplish with even twice the numbers, to us it was a Tuesday.
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  2. Taemien

    Translation: Tryhard is the non-MMORPG reference to Hardcore.

    Hardcore was a term (derived first in Everquest around 2001-2002) devised from players who couldn't compete in endgame content due to not being as skilled in their class or working as well with a team (group or raid) and thus was passed over for someone with better talents. They developed the term hardcore as a means of calling themselves 'casual'. They did this to imply that those who downed content and had better gear only did so because they played longer, and were able to do so only because they were neglecting 'real life' obligations or were socially inept and stuck to gaming as their only entertainment outlet.

    This was done because the self proclaimed 'casual' player wished to label others as 'hardcores' in order to make them social pariahs rather than be compared to them in their skill at the game, knowledge of their class, acquisition of gear, or the achievement that went with downing content. To put it shortly, they were having trouble with the game compared to others, and did not wish to be further measured against them.

    This is being done here. Those who play effectively and in coordinated groups are called Tryhards. Its the same term as Hardcore, except that these players do not with to be called 'Casual' due to negative connotation it has received over the years as the tables were turned around on them.

    To put it shortly, both the label Tryhard and Hardcore is used by someone who feels threatened due to having their accomplishments measured against a superior player. Instead they try to marginalize the other player's efforts by making them a social pariah instead. It appears there are many like that in this thread.

    They feel threatened by the Vanu Sovereignty's successes and are trying to use labels to marginalize them. Just watch, since they have been exposed, they will try to use personal attacks against me in order to make a false point.
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  3. pnkdth

    Only tryhards use tactics. Real pros run in with full auto hipfire screaming "BUT I LANDED 15 HEADSHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VS IS fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff OP!!!! Y AM I DYING?!?!?!?!"
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    I'm laughing so hard right now.
  5. Vertabrae

    I'll answer this, but keep in mind my answer ONLY applies to Emerald. Yeah this is long, so feel free to skip it totally.

    Back when I started playing in Dec 2012, Mattherson (now part of Emerald), was set up like this.

    NC had usually the highest pop, but usually couldn't figure out how to organize much of anything unless it involved Scatmaxes. VS had the lowest pop, but had some really good outfits. TR was middle pop, but had a couple of good small outfits, and two large ones. AoD which was even worse than anything the NC had, and TE (The Enclave). Now TE was run by Buzzcutpsycho. Who was, at that time, the number 1 ranked player. Whether you agreed that he should of been or not, well that didn't matter. His name was numero uno on the boards.

    For those of you who didn't know, Buzz was......interesting... He was rude, racist, and depending on your point of view, either a great outfit leader, or a complete tool. I was in TE, and personally thought he was a great outfit leader, but then I'll also admit he was a total a**hat.

    Now TE talked a ton, and i mean a whole crapload of trash. No outfit today even comes close. We talked trash while we fought, when we lost, and when we won. No "hey, good fight guys" Nope everyone on the battlefield was, to us, utter trash.

    Buzz was also , by far, the largest PS2 streamer at that time. Because of him being so well known, and because TE became so hated, the forums totally erupted. Mattherson became THE server. Not the best perhaps, but certainly the most well known. We were. to use a phrase I used back then, the Kardashians of the PS2 world. It was hard to find a thread TE wasn't mentioned somewhere in. As a result the whole server united against TE and the TR.

    The NC never really stood a chance. They never could get everyone on the same page. Some great smaller outfits showed up, but they were too little too late. The VS however, even with usually smaller pops, did very well. As the hatred for TE, and the TR as a whole rose, the VS rose to the challenge. After a couple server mergers, they had good pop, and outstanding outfits.

    Then TE left the game. All of a sudden TR was left without any large decent outfits. TR pop went down the tubes, and while NC fought well, they just weren't organized enough still. The VS however, had it all. They began to dominate the server. A lot of TR and NC players either left and joined the VS because they didn't feel like losing all the time, or simply left the game altogether.

    So in the end, after the mergers, population swings and all, the VS had the easiest time retaining players. They had good outfits who had been playing together for a long time. They had players who had been using VS equipment long enough to understand how to get the most of of it. And because they had gone on such a long winning streak, their players were much less likely to get frustrated and leave. TR and NC had to recruit a lot of newer players, and we all know how hard this game is on new players. VS could offer a place in a well established outfit, with good leaders, and a history of winning.

    Now I've played all three factions on Mattherson, and now Emerald since I started. I actually like all three factions. So please, don't think I'm picking on anyone here. Again, this ONLY applies to Mattherson/Emerald. But, VS was for the longest time, the smallest pop, and often did poorly on other servers. After our VS started winning so often, thats about the time VS throughout the rest of the game started getting more pop, and more complaint threads about them. Funny how that works huh?
  6. Scorpion97

    And I was waiting for you to say that
  7. Scr1nRusher

    It was only a matter of time before Scorpion97 would show up and quote me.
  8. ferlinco

    I start with tr than NC than I try vs, go back to tr, NC and decided to stick with vs. Reasons, I like purple colour, I like vs max with no bullet drop av gun. But do take note I mostly use/buy Ns weapon. Best class to play is engie. Jack of all trade, master of none.
  9. customer548

    I may be wrong but i think there's a lot of psychological stuff related to Vanus. Orion is great, but is not the ultimate weapon of the game.
    I guess people started to open more and more forum threads asking for Orion/Vanus nerfs when I didn't had any real trouble with killing them ingame. At least, i had no more problem at killing Vanus than at killing Trs. I didn't notice any lack of balance.

    After that, the rumor that Vanus were overpowered started to spread out on ingame communication channels. People began to have an irrational ( my very own point of view, I may be wrong ) fear of fighting against Vanus.
    People wanting to win in an easy way thought that Vanus were really overpowered then rerolled to Vanus. Older Vanus players stayed.

    Now, Vanus are just overpoping most of times ( At least on my own server )... And NCs and TRs tend to avoid the fact of fighting Vanus more and more . ( again, that's my own point of view ).
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  10. BaronX13

    Lulz, not to bad talk GOKU, as I've played with you guys and you're loads of fun but...tone down the "we're amazing" speech just a wee bit please? I really respect you guys and every time I see a post like that I think of buzz and every other person full of hot air i've ever met. Rooting for the home team is great but....don't be a raiders fan....if you know what I mean.
  11. GhostAvatar

    Source??? And considering that DBG doesn't gather age information, I am going to hazard a guess that this is complete BS and nothing more than personal opinion.
  12. FieldMarshall

    In Planetside 1 it was the NC, for 2 reasons. It had the Jackhammer, the king of indoor fights that was never nerfed enough.
    And the guy with the most kills on the leaderboard (AzK) played NC.
    All the "tryhard" people (on Werner atleast) seemed to be NC.

    In Planetside 2 im guessing its for similar reasons.
    A weapon that had been considered OP (not saying i necessarily agree) for long enough.
    And the guy with the most infantry kills plays VS.

    They see people at the top and want to have a go at becoming nr.1.
    Thats my theory on why "tryhard" people gravitate towards VS.
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  13. Eternaloptimist

    You mean successful, co-ordinated, determined, good teamplayers? And no, I'm not biased towards VS. I have six toons, two on each faction and the VS ones (both on Cobalt now, thanks to server merges) tend to fall in with better combat teams than my NC (what was the objective again?) or TR (just keep shooting dammit!) groups I join.
  14. Plastikfrosch

    all factions have access to 0,75 carbines, assault rifles, smgs, shotguns. only the VS HAs do have 0,75 ads lmgs where there is a lack at nc and TR.
    And by the way the NC bandit is the strongest 0,75 carbine in the game. nearly the same TTK as the gd7f and more damage per mag because 167dms.
    The TR has the strongest 0,75ads ar, not in TTK but it has 10round per mag more than NC and VS which is an advantage.
    So 0,75ads is not a Vanu trait per se, just in case of the HAs and that will get deleted.....soon....perhaps....but in the future...lets say within this century.
  15. stalkish

    Peasants, mere peasants.

    Now Vegeta, thats one sick twisted saiyan you dont want to mess with.
  16. Danath

    So, to anyone having toons in every faction, by how much is your Orion Kills per minute superior to your best in other faction? I think I broke my record on "time to aurax this gun" with the Orion, +0,11 kills per minute compared to my TR and NC stats.
  17. Isokon

    I only have the CARV auraxiumed on my non-VS toons, but its kpm is 0.06 better than my Orion (and better/equal to any of my VS guns). If we include all guns, not just auraxiums, the TMG-50 is in front of the Orion by 0.28, The Anchor beats it by 0.1.
  18. pnkdth

    I cannot find much variance. Across my newly created characters, my overall stats is not even worth mentioning. I have one character of each faction on both Cobalt and Miller and always log on the lowest pop. Doesn't make my stats look great but that's my personal meta. Does that make me a 5th factioner? :D
  19. 0fly0

    My kill per minute with orion 0.69, my kill per minure with Ns-15m 0.78 ... My accuracy stat and headshot ratio are also better with my Ns-15m. I always perform better with accurate weapon, Ns-15m is much better for my playstyle.
  20. Shadowomega

    Came from DBG when it was still SOE its been a little over a year. As for age information there are other ways of gathering that data then asking for birth date, or simply asking for your age which most people will lie about anyway online. Next time to watch a video on youtube and get one of those tailored ads while not logged in click the little ! in the circle in the lower left side near the play/pause button, and see how data is gathered to tailor those ads.