20 (or more) Ideas for September.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlterEgo, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. AlterEgo

    Recently, His Wrelness released a video voicing His glorious and revolutionary ideas for the game's relaunch on September. Because I don't have a YT account, and because I don't know how to make one, I'm using this hellhole to bring to light a miniversion of my own ideas. You guys can do the same, and if you're overachievers that absolutely no one actually likes, then post MORE than 20! The choice is absolutely yours!
    1. VS MAX has received new shoes. Not heels, though.

    2. Sidedoor guns for the Valkyrie. Minigun, heavy MG (futuristic .50 cal). and plasma launcher.

    3. Ability for all Terran players with Commissar hats to pop out of their Prowlers, like Panzer commandants.

    4. A bit of optimization and server fixes. More of a suggestion, but a more playable game is a better one.

    5. Make the Magrider smaller, make the Magburner an omni-directional one, and adjust health.

    6. Make the Prowler faster... 25 m/h faster. Reduce fire rate.

    7. Make the Vanguard's top speed clock in at 30 m/h. Increase armor accordingly.

    8. Bring back Vanu's no bullet drop trait for all weapons. Decrease damage at range.

    9. Decrease Terran CoF and bloom by a significant margin (as in, make the cone smaller, and make it grow slower).

    10. Increase NC velocities by 175 m/s for every weapon. Add 0.3 seconds to each one's reload.

    11. Decrease Harasser speed and armor by 10% each.

    12. Increase the velocities of all tank guns.

    13. Revert the tank changes. Make it so that HE deals more radius throughout its splash, HEAT kills people near the center, and AP has splash, but it's not that good (Pretty much pre-nerf).

    14. Make facility benefits a thing.
    What? You think decreased turret heat is a benefit?

    15. Make implants more useful.

    16. Moar music.

    17. Advertise! As in, in the warpgate or all major facilities, make weapons advertisements appear, saying this has a sale, or that is a hot pick, or such and such!

    18. Let people be able to sit on Prowlers and Vanguards.

    19. Release new loading screens. When you pick a faction, only that faction's loading screens appear. They should be epic, as well.

    20. Make the resource system worth it. Like I've said a million times before, a lot of people want it, so doing it right should make the game well-liked by a ton of players.
  2. Klabauter8

    I've already heard this idea before, but as a person who mainly plays the Valkyrie in this game, I really dislike it. It wouldn't fit to the Valkyrie. It also would make it incredibly OP if it had additional miniguns on its sides.
  3. Campagne

    I'd hate to come in here and kick sand in your face, but that's what I gotta' do.

    1. Sure
    2. No
    3. Bad
    4. Yus
    5. Nope
    6. Naw
    7. No thanks
    8. I disagree
    9. Only if NC gets the same treatment
    10. Do this for all three factions
    11. Not really
    12. Try again
    13. Absolutely not
    14. Meh
    15. N/A
    16. Sure
    17. Not likely
    18. Meh
    19. Please
    20. Depends
  4. MouthFulofCrabs

    so really anybody think they should have a system like this
    stat system where you level up the vehicle so you can customize it?
  5. SwornJupiter

    While I do agree that the faction traits of the three factions have been somewhat homogenised, vehicle and tank balance is in a pretty good spot right now. No adjustment is needed here, I think. Each tank reflects the faction perfectly.

    NC - Brawler tank. Highest armour (resistance) of the three, lowest speed, but packs a mean punch with each shot.
    VS - Manoeuvrable. Mid-tier armour, honestly the most underappreciated tank in my honest opinion. Omnidirectional magburner would be sweeeeeet though.
    TR - Siege Artillery Tank. Paper armour, but dakka dakka dakka!

    And of course each of tanks have an ES ability that couples well with their intended playstyle.

    Agree with the Valkyrie suggestion 100%! I always envisioned the Valkyrie embodying the role of the UH-1 Huey that was popularised by the Vietnam War. Conventionally a pair of miniguns on the side that could provide close-range air support for infantry, not to mention the utility of being able to land in tight spots and 'tactically insert' a squad or so into enemy territory.

    But most importantly...
    Bring back the ANT! I would honestly not mind being the guy who ferries nanites back and forth from the warpgate to some friendly facility. It would seem to make the war effort more worthwhile, rather than having some zerg just mindlessly spawning tanks.
  6. God Of Plutonium

    i agree with you and sworen jupiter, but the miniguns should be instead of the nose gun, and just so you know, the prowler and magrider have the exact same armor stats
  7. Ballto21

    Here is every reason I, as a mainly VS sniper, think this is a terrible idea.

    1. Snipers are long range weapons. Damage at such ranges is kind of ******* important
    2. If you are not a moron, bulletdrop doesnt exist even at 200+m. Its easy to compensate for, the only real advantage would be ease of hitting moving targets at these ranges which, if damage is lowered, would be pointless anyway.
    3. the old damage model for all vs weapons was trash. complete trash. it took pretty much the whole VS community to get it changed from like 5m max damage to 10.
    4. bulletdrop is pointless anyway. There has been one time in my 1800+ hours of playtime ive actually thought "Holy ****, NBD OP" and that was when i was plinking away at nerds from sniper ranges with a 4xscoped nyx for my infiltrator directive. Even then, a real sniper or even a ****tier ghost wouldve been better, because, you know, range.

    Better than your beamer idea though.
    • Up x 2
  8. AlterEgo

    Beamer= Beams.
    Have you ever seen this picture?
    As for your no BD thing, it actually can matter. Without the need to adjust for drop, you can go for heads easier. Bodyshots would be less useful with less damage, but a headshot almost always kills a target since the kill range is nearly within the maximum range sight. If I can BARELY see a guy's head, and my gun deals around 575 damage, chances are a headshot should do the trick. Plus, bullet drop doesn't annoy me much. I snipe regularly with my NC character, and I tried the SR-7 out with my Terran one (don't mean to brag, but I actually did VERY well during the trial). Although, I mostly agree with your statement... I'd rather have a more interesting mechanic for the VS.
  9. ALTRego

    I have just 2.

    Free Command Chat for everyone who leads squads or platoons.

    Meaning to ownership of major facilities.
    a. Weapon loadouts for vehicles with change after purchase for the Amp/Tech combo.
    b. Faster respawn for biolabs.
  10. elkikko92

  11. stalkish

    Only the vanguard has tougher armour, the prowler and mag share the exact same armour values.
  12. Pikachu

    Re-add the loading screen for Indar desert. Why was it removed?

    Also make this a loading screen. >:3

    Add these nice giant geodes to Amerish. Along with the red leaf trees that were in beta.
    • Up x 5
  13. FieldMarshall

    If idea's for September interest you, this may be worth watching.

  14. Klabauter8

    If the Valkyrie had miniguns on its sides, this would just render it completely unplayable. It's already hard enough to find a single gunner for this vehicle who understands how to gun in it, because it is supposed to be a stealthy vehicle where you sneak up on enemies.

    Anyway... A much better addition for the Valkyrie would be an option to add anti-ground rockets for the pilot to it instead of having the rumble seats. Although I doubt that anyone would still use the rumble seats then, but it's still way better than adding turrets on its sides.

    Another thing they should change is making squad spawning default on the Valk. Not the parachute effect, but just spawning effect.
    Plus it should be made somehow noticable for the passengers wether the vehicle has the parachute effect or not.

    And it also would be really good if you could create open platoons by yourself, without having to invite anyone. This way you could much better find gunners for your vehicles. And the vehicle troup lock for gunners-only is a nice idea too.
  15. toast2250

    So,.. what happens if they don't deliver in September, since some of you have such unquestionable faith in Smedley's wall of text.
  16. ALN_Isolator

    Highlighted for truth. You sir have earned my respect.


    Also your first idea was the only one I really cared to read and it is required to salvage some manliness from the spandex.
  17. AlterEgo

    Agreeth, agreeth.
    Nice GIFeth, by the wayeth.
    Was thinking of something like this:

    Not only is his gun epic, but that armor makes me feel like I'm ACTUALLY fighting for a transhumanist faction vying for a better tomorrow.
  18. Liewec123

    also make membership worthwhile.
    not by nerfing none membership folk but by adding meaningful benefits,

    remove the need to log in daily for your passive certs
    if i log in once in 3 days i should get 3 days worth of passive certs, i'm paying you for them so don't make it difficult for me!

    Add more membership double XP weekends
    this would both increase the population and also add incentive to become a member.
    also ADVERTISE THEM BETTER! if theres a double xp weekend coming up, let people know!

    add excluse membership cosmetics beyond the tacky handful of flash grills etc

    potentially regarded as P2W options:
    reduce cooldowns for things like instant action and perhaps even respawn
    look in to granting bonus resources (beyond the small amount already given)
    shorter waits would certainly make me think about renewing membership.
  19. CipherNine

    Is this some kind of tractor beam?
  20. AlterEgo

    Not a worthwhile clue. It just looks like a beam to me:p