[Suggestion] Flash Ejection

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stalkish, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. stalkish

    Simple suggestion really an eject seat for the flash, or more accurately no fall damage after jumping off at height.

    Just a thought since i often use the rocket flash to jump high, onto buildings etc, but it would be nice to be able to hop out in mid air and not inherit the momentum or go splat when landing.

    Could call it 'safe dismount' or something similar.

    **Awaits obligatory 'that will be OP' response.
  2. Iridar51

    Safe Fall implant?
  3. HadesR

    Had to double take the topic title ... ;)
  4. stalkish

    intent achieved :)
  5. stalkish

    dont do payplants
  6. Iridar51

    Never paid a dime for them, use every day without issues.
    • Up x 2
  7. stalkish

    good for you.
    Want a medal?

    Also correct me if im wrong but, safe fall implant will still give me the momentum of the flash.
  8. Iridar51

    Already have 25. My point wasn't "i'm awesome". Everyody already knows it :D
    My point was implant system doesn't require monetary investments.
    It will. Implant should help you survive if you hit a wall horizontally, but it won't help you get where you want.
    • Up x 1
  9. stalkish

    Just for you mate. :)
  10. Jubikus

    Sure but they have to do it to where when you exit in air the flash instantly explodes launching you into the ground with a pulled rez grenade attached to you so you rez at half health the bonus would be anyone your body slams into when you hit the ground also dies.

    Why because this would be ******* awesome thats why.
  11. BlueSkies

    If you can't maintain a level 1 implant...
  12. Ianneman

    Is your topic title supposed to be a euphemism for premature ejaculation?
  13. stalkish

    unwilling =/= unable
  14. stalkish

    i make no such claim ;)
  15. stalkish

    bsides that point i dont think a randomly dropped implant, that creates random implants of a higher tier should ever be considered a replacement for a gameplay mechanic. Afterall i dont have a choice of whether fall damage drops or not, its random luck.
  16. Kcalehc

    So they could change the game to suit you, because you can't be bothered to use the solution that's already available?
  17. stalkish

    Seriously o_O
    We are talking about a flash eject seat.............im not talking about adding the MOAB to the liberator.

    By your logic, we should remove eject seat as an option from ESFs, since they can just equip fall damage implant right?
    Same with galaxies, want to squad drop out a gal, sure no problem, you need this randomly generated implant to luckily drop for you before you can do it.
    Should valks also have their squad logistics removed in favour of implants?

    I will ask you this:
    • What negative impact can you see this having on the game?
    Seriously, what if the fall damage implant has never dropped for me.
    Its isnt within the realms of impossibility since its a random drop.
    If i could cert specific implants maybe, but i cant.
  18. BlueSkies

    Uhm... what?

    It works like this:
    Stick in level 1 implant (safe fall 1 in this case)
    Play game

    Thats all you have to do. Unless you are just wandering around the desert not earning any points you should easily get enough charger drops JUST BY PLAYING THE GAME to maintain the charge on a level 1 implant.

    I'm not sure what you are supposed to be unwilling to do in that scenario... unless you are playing an MMOFPS and don't like being around other players and don't like shooting things...
  19. stalkish

    Congratz, you win.
    1 internet point for you.
    Happy now? You've shown me up and discredited my thread, excellent job man, bet your family is dead proud of you right?

    I dont care for implants at all but thats besides the point.
    I will ask you this:
    • What negative impact can you see this having on the game?
    Seriously, what if the fall damage implant has never dropped for me.
    Its isnt within the realms of impossibility since its a random drop.
    If i could cert specific implants maybe, but i cant.
  20. BlueSkies

    It can take up developer time that could be used on something else (that would likely be relevant to more players than just those who want to ramp flashes onto buildings and not use the safe fall implant... so... you)?