TR full collapse on Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Turiel =RL=, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Turiel =RL=

    What happened?
  2. ValorousBob

    RobinHugeBreasts left and they can not function without their glorious leader~
  3. pnkdth

    There was a VS cheater destroying any kind of opposition during the alert on Indar. He was killing people as they spawned. Kinda felt sad for him, so I gave him the only thing I could, my deaths. I hope I brought some joy into this individual's life.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of the TR simply logged off or changed continent(I did) as that alert was as good as lost anyways.
    • Up x 1
  4. Cinnamon

    Do people still play on Miller with all the cheating?
    • Up x 1
  5. Farlion

    When, exactly, does TR Miller not collapse?
  6. Alchemist44

    I know TR's pop has decreased in the past few weeks during primtime and they seem much more disorganized, but what exactly happened that you're refering to? I've been on yesterday during an indar alert (about 21-22 pm GMT+1) and there wasnt anything out of the ordinary.
  7. Turiel =RL=

    Well, it feels like TR-pop is extremely low as of late. They hardly win an event, actually I can't remember any. In fact, I haven't seen a lot of the more famous guys either. I hope nobody got banned or something.
  8. Sulsa

    LOL Wut????
  9. Farlion

    Doesn't help that 9/10 alerts we have both the NC and VS zerging us.
  10. FieldMarshall

    I kind of like it. More stuff to shoot at, and gives way more xp than winning alerts would.
    (~20 kills to Claymore auraxium.)
  11. Atorum

    Unbalanced game, TR being the weakest faction and constant VS/NC zerg on TR.
    Im actually surprised that anyone is playing TR, once I hit 100 its bye bye you UP faction.
  12. SanPelicano

    Well I dont know, TR on miller just vanished. Sad thing...

    I have a picture of world population of miller from September 3, 2013. CET 18:30


    And this is from July 5, 2015. CET 20:54


    VS had more pop than TR on Primetime miller... WTF??? Ive never seen anything like this.

    2 days ago the population was 35% 30% 35%
    I think TR or 4 factioners moved into VS... Like in the lore. All hailed vanu.
    but this is nonsense... I'm verry unhappy, cuz now my underdog population exp bonus is gone...
  13. pnkdth

    Didn't sound like that when VS was losing pop fast(and until your faction drop to 15-17% you really have no cause to use this kind of defeatist whining). Then, obviously, it was due to spandex and aesthetics. It is incredible how fast certain players will jump on the "X faction other than mine is OP because of reasons"-bandwagon. This is just how it goes in PS2. Populations have been switched around a lot of Miller especially.

    Right now is is 33/31/35%, and cobalt has a similar pop with TR having 36%.

    So, I wonder, because TR does not have overwhelming numbers this means they are UP? How does this work exactly? How is this some extreme problem which TR cannot possibly recover from.

    But whatever, jump over and play on VS/NC if winning with superior numbers all the time is your thing... Or you buckle down, and fight as the underdog for once.
  14. sustainedfire

    Only 20 more to Auraxium?

    If you're outpopped on your server, one of the most fruitful things you can do is redeploy to the next base in line to be zerged.

    Mine the doors most certain to be walked through, and then go resupply and repeat as the kills pop up on screen.

    You should be able to get 20 claymore kills in one session no problem.
  15. Help2014

    The same in Emerald, rarely won an alert, and we're always overloaded with vs nc and pushing us to the warpgate.
  16. Kirppu1

    We left because of the disinterest from the developers towards the game(Cheaters and no new content)
  17. ValorousBob

    Confirming ATRA is real.
  18. GaussOP

    Many of the more seasoned PLs on Miller TR have quit (and no, I am not talking about RobinHugeBreasts). The problem is the frustration that started to emerge after the server merge where we now face really well organized VS and NC outfits. VS especially starts to push heavily when there is 40min left in the alert and we lack weapons to counter an infantry and air assisted armor Zerg. If we had the Vortex, Lancer, Phoenix or Ravens we could peak from cover and rain hell on the enemy Zerg. Lacking this capacity we have to sit there and take it when it happens. This has pissed off many people and many have quit.
  19. Pointyguide2

    ya tr work on your advertising
    nc got the freedom
    vanu has the alien
    tr has...
  20. Pointyguide2

    I see fewer and fewer of those killer tr harassers.