[Suggestion] Specific head types for every faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scorpion97, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Scorpion97

    Instead of making all factions having same faces,why can't we make different head types for every faction

    For TR,keep the standard Face and the Asian one but no other faces becouse they don't fit well,I mean..how can you be black and a communist
    For NC,make the brown and black skins only specific for them as well becouse as we know,it is somehow a "freedom reference" (don't know how to say it :D)
    For VS,make 2 new headtypes that make them look like aliens as I see it's not logic when VS are humans and fighting under "aliens" name.besides,how does it make sense when you having zealot/sentinel voice packs and you are human?

    Considering if this got to attention,we will have to change the audio of the other 4 old VS voice packs to be other different alien voices

    I know this is quite surprising but will make every faction more unique and got their own styles
  2. Jubikus

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  3. Scorpion97

    All I want is making factions more unique in shapes,I don't think this will affect any gameplay problems plus you can't just refuse and lend me your back,you nees evidence to say "don't"!

    And..next time disagree in a more proper way plz becouse it tells me a lot >.<
  4. Jubikus

    Did you miss the sign that says RACIST? Thought that summed it up pretty well as in dont people will call it racist.
  5. Regpuppy

    I'm guessing, or at least hoping, english is not your first language and there are huge translation issues. Because the reason the previous poster used that Gif is because your suggestions for both TR and NC are a bit, actually extremely, racist.
  6. Scorpion97

    Sounds like I wasn't clear enough,maybe you guys think I'm preferring people over each other's but what i meant,all I'm saying is making the head types specific for every faction and if you looked at the thread total carefully,it says "suggestion" which means I'm freakin dersecuting anybody

    Again,I see that it doesn't make sense that you are communist and black becouse black were NEVER communists before and Asians were never calling for freedom before but it's the opposite that's why I came out with such topic

    I totally the very reason why you both raged but I TOTALLY didn't mean any sort of offense

  7. Scorpion97

    The word "know" in my last line was missing
  8. Scorpion97

    Sh*t!i got lots of words missing :(
  9. Jubikus

    Theres like 8 communist countries in Africa and you shouldnt base it on real life this is a futureistic world one where skin color means nothing only beliefs do.

    Plus i didnt rage im simply pointing out where people are going to have issues with your idea with what i believed to be a fairly humerus gif if i was upset i could have just come in and put this instead.[IMG]
  10. Scorpion97

    Wait a minute,who are those 8 communist countries in Africa??africa was always a victim continent,sounds like you never had history lessons

    Anyway,ok? I agree that ps2 is supposed to be a pure democratic strategic game but tell me,why the ps2 channel in YouTube displaying the NC musics with a background of black NC soldier? And why TR musics with standard skin TR soldier?

    I guess this explains my points
  11. Scorpion97

    Actually no,I know pretty well what he said but I'm little bit allergic to gif replies

    And if you are still wondering about my mother tongue,I'm from those who are committed to making two third of the world monuments attractive as much as they could be
  12. Jubikus


    Now i dont have the best eyesight but the NC guy looks Asian and the Vanu guy looks black...........
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  13. Scorpion97

    This one is dead and got replaced,here is the link for the NC music with black soldier as a background
  14. Scorpion97

    I can post the TR one if you want
  15. Jubikus

    Now your core idea i like but the race restriction isnt really the right way to do it.
    I believe that a good way to do this would to have the same faces available to all factions however the faces should have alteration options based on faction for example.

    TR- a very clean cut and shaven soldier as they are from the empire.(someone could probibly come up with something better)
    NC- Scar options as they are the rebels and it would fit quite well
    VS- This one is easy all sorts of technilogical augmentations like teal glowing veins and such
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  16. Ballto21

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  17. Gutseen

    nerf negro skins, cant see 'em at night om Ameresh
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  18. Ballto21

    humanity's most powerful natural camouflage
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  19. Scorpion97

    THATS IT!finally you got me :) making head types for every faction be more unique like as you said about TR as they are generally from the army and NC with some scratches and VS like revenants with glowing eyes
  20. Regpuppy

    While you may not be trying on purpose. When you stereotype races and assume certain political stances are race-specific. It comes off as at least a little bit racist. Just because a third party youtube channel shows a few characters of certain races for each faction doesn't mean anything. I'm pretty sure the youtuber who did that just picked at random.

    You being insistent that these stereotypes are justified is what's causing the argument to continue, regardless of your basic idea.