The final solution to team killing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. dngray

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the final solution to team killing.

    If you are team killed, the player that was killed is presented with an option to either forgive, slay, and report the player.

    If someone is team killed intentionally, the player that was team killed can select the "slay" option that will instantly kill the player that did the team killing. If this team killer accumulated more than "slays" in one session of trolling then they will be temp banned. The player can also decide to pardon the team killer if it was an accident and no action will be taken.

    Simple, EZ PZ.
  2. JohnGalt36

    "Final Solution"


    So some BR10 who runs in front of my Vanguard gets to instantly revenge kill me because he is an idiot?


    Also, No.

    PS. NO.
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  3. FateJH

    I have the true final solution to team killing. Deal with it. It happens.
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  4. toast2250

    Yes but no. Would have to fix some other aspects of the game first.

    Simply because the TK system that is in is trash.
    People die sometimes when they spawn at your sunderer, and then you get blamed by the system for TK. Ridiculous.

    On the other hand people have a totally free hand to occasionally grief intentionally, which like you said. Would then be somewhat solved by what you suggested.
  5. FriendlyPS4

    Hitler says no. He says he tried that already and all it got him was an eternity in hell.
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  6. AshHill07

    This is quite possible the single worst I've ever heard.
    Possibly even beating the "Hey lets add a windscreen to tanks so we can snipe the driver".
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  7. CorporationUSA

    I'd make an alt and jump in front of friendly fire just to troll people.
  8. JohnGalt36

    ... or the recent request for a CoF to AP rounds.
    Top lel
  9. Whatupwidat

    I have zero sympathy for anyone that gets shot in the back of the head by me because they didn't notice me firing down range...I'd've thought the loud "RATATATATATATA" sound would be a big enough clue but meh. I used to lift my fire when a ****wit jumped in front of me. Now I just keep firing and don't even apologise.

    I save apologies for genuine mistakes. ****wits with zero tactical awareness of their surroundings deserve to be TK'd.
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  10. Dgross

    1. Never took a history class on WWII did you?

    2. You think this will prevent ppl from tk'ing? It will still happen. This solves nothing.
  11. ZDarkShadowsZ

    This reminds me of an option in another game where if you were teamkilled you had the option to forgive or slay the teamkiller. Even in the event a teamkill was purely accidental, the majority of the time the teamkilled would often select 'slay' without considering the fact that they were the cause of their own death.

    Can you imagine that in a game like this especially when so many people run into the line of fire or get crushed because they didn't stay off the road when several vehicles were passing?
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  12. AshHill07

    Went and got that clip and uploaded it myself just for this.
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  13. ColonelChingles

    So... how do we know again if it was intentional or not?

    Say we have a sniper. He is lined up on the enemy, takes a shot. At that very instant a full-health neanderthal of an ally jumps into that line of fire and takes a bullet to the back of the skull. 100% damage.

    Say we have a CQB pump-action shotgun user. Turns the corner and mistakes an ally for an enemy. OHK.

    Say we have a tanker driving down a road. Infantryman tries to cross the street without looking both ways. Tank swerves and hits another infantryperson standing on the side. Squish.

    I don't think there's an automatic way to tell whether these cases were intentional or not... and short of convening a jury trial on the spot there's really not much of a way that players can determine it either.
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  14. TheKhopesh

    Better idea:

    If someone TK's more than once, present the option to weapon's lock them, as well as a list of lock durations (depending on the number of people TK'd within a certain time period).

    So say some guy accidently hits another with his harasser.
    Okay, he didn't mean to, but he also didn't bother to apologize.
    He's only TK'd one guy in the past XX minutes, so you're presented with the options to forgive him, lock him for 30 seconds, or lock him for 1 minute.

    If he's run over 5 guys intentionally and then yelled "Git Rekt!" in proximity or /yell chat, you've not only got 5 guys who'll say to lock him for the longest times (which would stack together), but also they'd be presented with longer lock times.

    So he's an ***, the 5 wronged parties choose to lock him for the max (say, 30 minutes each), and now the jerk is essentially unable to play for 2.5 hours.
    (As well, locking from multiple people should prevent driver position vehicle use, just like a max can't drive a sundy he's already pulled before becoming a max suit, this guy would get stuck in another seat or have to hop out).

    And as the number of TK's increases on a single subject (say some jerk doesn't like that you're doing good and goes onto another faction to TK you once a day every day whenever he sees you're on. Yes, I've actually had one guy do this to me before!) then the lock durations get much longer.
  15. JohnGalt36

    No. I run over an idiot that is standing behind my tank, get locked for 30 seconds, AP Prowler rolls up, I die because of the idiot who wanted to play in traffic.

    Still no.
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  16. Ryo313

    yeah i've had a few situations where i was aiming with the RL trying to shot down a tank and when i pressed the fire button an ally jumped infront of me resulting in both killing him and myself x'D
    or when useing the MCG and someone runs infront of you while you mow down the enemy... you don't stop fireing because of the spin up time so your ally who jumps again infront of you is also dead.

    those 2 examples are not intentional tks but rather the stupidity of allys sometimes.

    yeah teamkilling happens and 90% of them aren't intentional. and there is already a system for the 10%... its called weapon lock after a few tks ( don't know how exactly that works because i've never experienced the weapon lock myself)
  17. Crator

    Current grief system is final solution. What is wrong with it?
  18. FocusLight

    Day 1: This is implemented.
    Day 2: Half the NC population dispersal in a puff of smoke as their accidental TK's and smurf road-kills get them perma-banned inside of a day.
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  19. Konstantinn

    PS1 had a system similar (but not as insane) as OP proposes. You know how you get weapons locked after a certain amount of friendly kills right? Well, there was a forgive yes/no option when you get TKed, only it wouldn't automatically kill the person (that's crazy and I'd be totally against it) it would just speed up time to weapons lock. You could also ignore the window and let it time out as third option.

    Don't know how current system works, but lets say you have to kill 10 people to get weapons locked, and every 5 minutes you get one forgiven. So it's a 10 point system, start at 0, kill a person +1, every 5 minutes -1. Simple. With addition of forgive yes/no instead of auto adding +1 after killing someone it would be more like +0 if forgiven, +2 if punished and default +1 if yes/no window times out.

    This kind of forgive/punish/ignore system i'd agree with. It'd simply speed up weapons lock for obvious griefers and allow for 100% forgiveness for accidents.
  20. Iridar51

    Why not? The driver can snipe anyone from his chariot.