hiding behind your forum name

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spiritualised, Jun 17, 2015.

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  1. Spiritualised

    I wasn't though was i ? the oldest one i have is right there, has been for a long time
  2. Pelojian

    using a forum handle that is the same as one of your character names is meaningless if nobody is aware of it. i notice you have now updated your signature to show all your characters instead of none like before.
  3. MetalCotton

    I don't quite understand this thread. I act like a jerk, and my awful stats are posted below clear as day.
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  4. Spiritualised

    The voices made me type it. I had no choice but to obey
  5. Spiritualised

    If you read the posts, there is one where I was pulled on it . The post after is me updating my sig. Your not the first and probably won't be the last to mention it but well spotted hawkeye. BTW Spiritualised has been a character on the players list on one faction or another since beta so I was easily found. Its been restarted many times due to faction change etc. So my game name has been linked to my forum name since day dot, but it is fitting in light of the thread that I post all my others
  6. Iridar51

    Wat? Since when a player with K/D 4+ and accuracy grade of A+ on most weapons is bad? You're just asking for praise, mate :)

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  7. The Rogue Wolf

    All my characters are on my sig, and I really don't care what others make of the info. Don't show off your characters and someone will say "you're hiding, you know you're bad, and I'm right"; do show off your characters and, if someone can't find a relevant stat to prove their superiority, they'll come up with some sort of other rationalization- "well, I'm a better sniper, so I obviously know more about Liberators than you".

    Heck, if all else fails, you can expect something like "my mustache is better, get on my level".
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  8. Spiritualised

    You sir, have made me laugh :) and i thought it was gonna be a bad day
  9. Spiritualised

    Who needs stats when you have a massive tache
  10. Mythologicus

    This is probably because having a badass mustache automatically makes you a superior human being.
  11. Leftconsin

    I had four killstreaks above 30 today. One was 101 kills. I assure you, the people who are good at this game laugh at me. I am total garbage compared to the actually good players.

    People in my own outfit laugh at me in TS. I am garbage.
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  12. Czarinov

    So you want a game name to find that person ingame and TK him just because you got buthurt on the forum?

    Anyway, I'm sure, if you ask someone privately, he would send you his char name.
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  13. Jubikus

    im a sniper KD comes with the territory of being good at not dieng not killing i cant hold a point for ****
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  14. Drag0

    How lame do you have to be to try to be a forum hard *** and attempt to call other players out LOLOLOL!
  15. Leftconsin

    So. Im getting repeatedly called a bad player within SOLx even though I am already in SOLx. To anyone who doesn't get multiple 20+ kill streaks per day, I'm sorry, apparently you're garbage too.
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  16. RykerStruvian

    Just **** it. Thats kind of why I left the outfit I was in. Too many tryhards that ruined the fun with a not fun environment. A lot of the people were good people too, but I tell you, the 'MLG' scene changes people. You don't need to be around those kind of folks rofl. **** that noise.
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  17. KirthGersen

    Harassing is stupid but stats is actually important here.
    As far as I see huge part of whining, crying, idiotic suggestions aka TOTAL REVAMP XXX CUZ I SUK WITH DAT comes from unbeliveable bad players.
    Sure, nobody's perfect, and I had such stats first times when I tried to play PS2 open Beta.
    But I didn't come here to teach devs or other players. I just uninstalled it. And then tried again after some time.

    That said, after all I prefer to check who's speaking/judging anyone or anything. And if it's typical, well, no offence, NEWBIE, then I'd better just ignore typical pathetic post coming from someone who got angry after 10 hrs overall time of sucking and deaths.
  18. Dualice

    Amen to that.

    Well that's me out :D Accuracy on my "main" now averages A++, but big streaks rarely happen for me these days. I flank and use minimap a lot, but typically don't get many kills before biting the dust. Take from that what you will!
  19. FieldMarshall

    I didnt even know this was a thing. Are people really upset by that?

    Then again, aren't we all hiding behind something anyway.
    Its not like we are giving out our real name and home adress in our sig's.

    Why? Because you may get harrassed irl.
    I have heard of people getting harrassed and TKd ingame for stuff on the forum, why should it be different.

    Anyway. I feel like people who have a problem with others "hiding" should post their real name, phone number and adress.
    And preferably a picture.
  20. Jawarisin

    It just means you might not interpret them correctly (not aiming you, just imagine a generic bad player). That's the problem though, someone could look at orion stats and be like omg it's so bad, look at it's stats. Without taking into account that it's a default weapon.

    Also, most bad players think they are super good and that they know everything. Hell, you just have to look around. Quite recently I heard someone who barely flew tell me dalton was easy and that they could hit a max from over 600 meters with it (hint: It doesn't even render). His justification? Dalton has kills, therefore it must be easy, therefore I can do it, therefore there's a part of my imagination which will create this sequence of event where I did those impossible shots.
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