hiding behind your forum name

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spiritualised, Jun 17, 2015.

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  1. Spiritualised

    loving your sig but not the sentiment
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  2. Spiritualised

    I want to rep you twice but the forum won't play nice :(
  3. Spiritualised

    nah its just stupid gamer rubbish that doesn't mean jack in the real world ;)
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  4. Leftconsin

  5. ronjahn

    dont jump to any crazy conclusions; everyone who still plays the game has posted in this thread. All 12 of us. Someday soon we may be able to field a platoon!
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  6. Dualice

    Would be nice if people behaved the same (preferably as themselves) regardless of what alias they used on the internet. Unfortunately this is seeming less and less the case.

    I don't buy into that, judging the validity of a player's opinion based on their in-game success/"skill". Partly because there are so many ways in which to measure said things (I pride my playing more on accuracy than KDR, for instance), and partly due to some naive humanistic clap-trap.
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  7. Spiritualised

    Never lose sight of the fact its meant to be fun, looks to me like your having lots of it :)
  8. Pelojian

    OP complains about players hiding behind their forum handle, conveniently his signature much lacks his character names.

    Looking at a players stats is a good way to gauge where they have experience, where they don't and can give you an idea of how they play.

    If you look at people stats just to find people to pick on you need to go back to primary school.
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  9. Spiritualised

    its been a while since i actually played and i was wondering when someone would pull me on it, give me a min and ill happily give you all my in game names and its got nothing to do with stats. Give us a minute to update the game and ill give you all my game names :) But considering stats mean nothing , you ran straight off and looked me up lolololololol

  10. IamDH

    This thread is beyond pointless...
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  11. Spiritualised

    for something thats pointless you cared enough to post on it
  12. IamDH

    and reply to the OP.

    I've got a little too much free time atm
  13. Spiritualised

    I am the OP

    and yes your right
  14. Spiritualised


    There ya go, all my characters. Guess this is where it turns into "check my stats" and not "stop hiding behind your forum name"
    Character 3 I think it is matches my forum name , its the one i used in beta the one I've used most recently is the top one
  15. Spiritualised

    Nah, I just generally despise everyone. I have no favourites ;)
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  16. Mythologicus

    I could've made N1ghtmareWoon my forum name and just trolled the hell out of everyone.

    We are far more civilised than that. most of the time
  17. Pelojian

    You are assuming i looked you up and you are also assuming i care about your stats. i found it hypocritical of you to complain about people hiding behind their forum handles when you were doing the exact same thing.
  18. Kentucky Windage

    If you're a bad player what the hell am I? I'm only good with 1 weapon and that's Claymores. If anyone is stinking the joint up it's me. Your numbers are fairly respectable. I wish I had the consistency you have across the board with all weapons. Sadly it looks like the Carbines are all I can wield with any authority. You're better than you think.
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  19. RykerStruvian

    I measure a player's skill based on their stats, but I base their knowledge on how long they've been playing the game/knowledge of the franchise as a whole.
  20. DramaticExit

    The next step along the same line of reasoning would be -

    You do realise how nuts this makes you sound, right?
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