Planetside 2 dying?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meowcenary, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. SolidJungle

    Another FreeToPlay title was dying also. Blacklight: Retribution. But now, they started to update it to it's gamers needs. Now, we're seeing 10,000+ coming back to the servers. Newbies and Veterans
  2. AxiomInsanity87

    I thought that game was the worst pos bland shootr I'd played in ages.

    Actually excited about the update. It had/has potential but damn was it so awful.
  3. ColonelChingles

    Actually historically there is a bump in the summer period, usually when those K-college students have more free time over the summer and look for something to do.

    Usually PS2 pops rise during the summer, fall in September, hit another high point around the holiday season, and then fall until the summer again.

    Interestingly enough we aren't seeing the usual summer rise this year. That's a bit worrisome. It might just be delayed or something, but if it never happens that might be a bad sign.

    A lot of games and gaming platforms (like Steam that you mentioned) do summer sales/specials precisely to capture the student gaming crowd. I know Smite has been running a summer promotion.

    But DBG fired their marketing person so who knows what's going on there anymore?
  4. Konstantinn

    There's the usual game entropy, slowly losing people, until something new and exciting comes out like an expansion or major update. Since all development resources have been sunk into PS4... that's the only thing that might reverse or slow down the entropy... there's literally nothing else on the horizon.

    As much as I'd love to see PS4 succeed and bring players/cash infusion into development of the PC side, i'm worried that it may instead just straight up kill the game alltogether if it flops. From what I read beta on PS4 is in pretty horrific shape, this game just wasn't meant to be run on a console....or controlled with a gamepad... They put in so much effort, time and money into shoehorning Planetside into a console that it pretty much became their last chance. You can't keep dumping money into something in a company and not have it pay off, or at least return the investment so you can try another approach. Just can't afford to lose here.
  5. Crator

    Worst idea ever. And they planned it during initial development of the game.
  6. sebastian oscar post

    well us australians are having an epic time! what are you talking about?
  7. boey

    I can't imagine that PS2 on PS4 will be a great success. FPS-Games on a console just are not nearly as much fun as on a PC with keyboard and mouse. That's a big difference. Everyone who knows both sides, knows what i'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, i really hope PS2 on PS4 will be successful, but i doubt it.
  8. HadesR

    All Planetside has going for it is it's scale ..

    Other PC / PS4 shooters doing " FPS " a hell of a lot better ..

    The game needs direction and content to play to it's strength ( Scale ) not ill thought out idea by Smedley like Conquest which aim to make the game smaller ..

    Build on it's unique feature of scale and the game might have a chance .. Ignore that and try to compete with other better FPS's and we might as well start putting the last nail in now.
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  9. Crator

    What was the slogan for PS2? Oh yeah, "Size ALWAYS Matters". Guess not anymore... Pfftt...
  10. toast2250

    Why cant conquest mode be a part of the actual game again?
    Actual game is in what is now, not instanced which would split people.
  11. HadesR

    Because it has the potential to be nothing more than just WDS with added Ghost capping ? And that's giving it some credit ..
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  12. Cinnamon

    Blatant hackers play popamole with automated banning scripts every day. Stale meta, salty frustrated community. Having to deal with one too many technical issues. These are some pretty serious problems for this game before you get into specific problems or think about any major cool changes that could improve the game.
  13. Krinsee

    The main issues I've seen and heard about that I think are the cause of the pops drifting away.

    1: PS4 Development and code merging should have happened in Alpha or Beta phases. Not after release.
    2: Continued lack of impelmentation of ideas and development in general. Going by the road map a few years back we should have 2 other cpnts to play on, a working lattic system. And Gobs of other small aspects implemented.
    3: The SOE to DBG change over.
    4: The community feeling shunned by the SOE and now DBG by not using their own forums and us on the forums just hearing trickle down from posts from reddit and tweets.

    The only chance I see of pops coming back even a little, is if some effort to bring new development to the game (and this doesn't just mean new crap to sell in the shop) and become more involved with the forum community, seriously annoucments should be seen here and posted to reddit, not the other way around.
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  14. SupaFlea

    Starting to feel like SWG all over again, make an update to try a bring more players to the name(PS4 version), and ignore the long time vets who supported it, Vets leave, target player base aquired, gets bored rather quickly and leaves also.

    By the time PS4 gets done and it wont be a hit because lets face it, Console shooters are held side by side with COD/BF, with COD having the higher player base, They increased the TTK in PS2 compared to PS1 to attract those people already now they want to get more by going to console but PS2 having a longer TTK than even soft core BF wont sit well with them and that combines with the standard player taking a month of play time and "Obligated" team play just to get enough certs to try new weapons that dont really feal that much different from one another, They will lose interest REAL fast. Then they come back to use and give us some new stuff to buy in the store while giving us a %50 off on DBC as a sorry for neglecting us.

    I wish with all my heart and my £200ish ive put in to PS2 over the years that im wrong but this seems all to familiar from SWG and PS1 :(
  15. insaneman12

    Yes the population is getting smaller, but it has happened before then it came back up. There is just no other game like this. Once another game comes out with large scale fps battles of this size then I would worry.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    The only difference is that it hovers between 30-60 fps and some of the graphics are on a slightly lower setting.

    The ui is a joke for any PC ve but fine if a player doesn't know any different. The exaggerated negativity is astounding from a lot of people. There is a lot o bs that players don't have to deal with on the ps4 version and the controller layout is not bd at all

    If a player pefers mouse and keyboard so badly then they can get an xim4 adapter and lord it above the controller users.
  17. AxiomInsanity87

    No different to csgo. Csgo is extremely basic but has almost half a million players on around the clock. You can't even ads with most weapons in csgo and its extremely bland.

    You're completely wrong. The players love it and its highly anticipated. We're talking about a different platform, not another race of beings.

    I've spent £380+ on the PC version myelf. Never buy camos while high lol.
  18. AxiomInsanity87


    No comparison unless you want to play ww2 online or have a few hundred buddies to populate private servers on some oldr games. Not that the servers can even handle it either.
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    The way I see conquest is that it's just a half arsed attempt at a feeling of meta, but no meta.

    The winning side is the one least subject to idiots and saboteurs.
  20. AxiomInsanity87

    You mean anyone who feels the same way will agree with you.

    I'm liking the rumble when I shoot and get shot. It's much more immersive than what to me is the equivalent of trying to open moving files on my screen.

    Peoples heads are like files to open on PC for me but require a few clicks instead of a double click in most cases. That doesn't feel very immersive to me but its leet as fk.