, contribution scores?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leivve, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Leivve

    As it says, if you go to "" you can see your contribution score. Which is a measure of your score from different aspects (kills, objectives, leadership, ect) and calculates how much you are credit to team. I just wanted to know what everyone else's contribution scores are so I know how much/how little this arbitrary number justifies the stroking of my e-dick.

    Mine is:


    36.85% Kills; .903
    34.18% Support; .838
    18.97% Objective; .465
    6.1% Leadership; .147
    3.98% Assist; 0.097

    Farm Factor 40.83%; .690 (Don't know what this means, but putting it out there so people know if I'm a useless piece of **** or not.)
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  2. Lord_Avatar

    Contribution: 4093

    Farm Factor: 0.791; 44.18%

    Kills: 1.619; 39.57%
    Assists: 0.189; 4.61%
    Objective: 1.077; 26.32%
    Support: 0.981; 23.98%
    Leadership: 0.226; 5.52%
  3. Leivve

    You sir are credit to team apparently.
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  4. Lord_Avatar

    I believe I would have been more of a credit if I dropped my routine of taking cigarette breaks in the middle of a galdrop...
  5. Leivve

    Drunk Division mate. I know the feels. All I want to do is chug some mead my friend in Sweden sent me and you go and drop me right in the middle of a fire fight.
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  6. Lord_Avatar

    Oh ye - Drunken Ops Nights rule...
  7. FateJH

    Contribution 3.447
    29.14% Farm Factor 0.411
    21.73% Kills 0.749
    07.41% Assists 0.255
    23.41% Objective 0.807
    39.64% Support 1.366
    07.81% Leadership 0.269

    It feels like 1.000 is somewhere about 30.00% but the numbers don't strictly add up to that. I don't know how the decimal is calculated, at any rate.

    It appears that the Contribution decimal is the summation of all other stats except for Farm Factor.

    The Farm Factor percentage is calculated by adding the Kills percentage and the Assists percentage.
  8. FBVanu

    THANK YOU for pointing this out.. what a nice site.

    So my Vanu character has a contribution of 40.573
    and an interesting support percentage of 55.16%

    while my TR character has a contribution of 75.961
    and a support number of 47.59%

    Can somebody explain the math for the "farm factor".. what exactly is that?

    I thought I was providing far more support in my Prowler, (protecting Sundys etc.), than in my Magrider,
    where I get closer to the action and all.. but this site shows a higher support for my Vanu.
    Wondering how they calculate that.

    does anyone have a relationship with the people running that site? I have questions.. :confused:
  9. Leivve

    The player’s overall contribution is broken down into several categories, represented with different colors:

    Kills – This pretty self explanatory and is simply the players overall KDR.
    Assists – This is the number of assists the player has scored divided by the total number of deaths.
    Objective – The objective score is calculated by adding up the total number of ‘objective points’ from earning objective-based ribbons (such as Point Control, overloading generators and defending and capturing bases) divided by the total number of deaths. Typically most ribbons are worth 10 points each (keeping in line with kill ribbons which are awarded every 10 kills).
    Support – The support score is similar to the objective score but is earned through support ribbons such as Repairing, Reviving, and AMS Support.
    Leadership – Similar to the objective and support scores, the leadership score is earned through leadership ribbons such as Mentorship and squad and platoon leading. Squad leading ribbons grant 50 points each and platoon leadership ribbons grant 100 points each.
    Farm Factor – This metric is slightly different than the rest (and isn’t included in the total). It represents the relationship between kills (including assists) and the overall score. If the total number of kills+assists represents 50% of a player’s overall score, the player has a ‘farm factor’ of 1.

    Also I thought those numbers were a little high, what's your user name? because I can't find any TR character with 75.961 on any server.
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  10. FBVanu

    just put my email signature names into that site's search box.. not sure if you have to select Connery first.
    but came up right away under FBTerran, FBVanu.. for FBShadow.. my NC character. its a different story
    That only has a contribution of 19.978 , but support is 51%..

    somehow i can't paste a jpg in here..
  11. BrbImAFK

    Clearly, I'm just not very good... :D

    Contribution : 4.604
    Farm Factor : 0.347 25.77%
    Kills : 1.071 23.27%
    Assists : 0.115 2.50%
    Objectives : 1.351 29.33%
    Support : 1.388 30.15%
    Leadership : 0.679 14.75%
  12. Leivve

    Found their acual math and changed the post so you can look at that and see how they make the number.
  13. HadesR

    BR 171

    Contribution: 4.132

    Farm Factor: 1.248 .... 55.51%

    Kills: 2.005 ... 48.53%

    Assists: 0.2829 .... 6.99%

    Objective: 1.071 .... 25.93%

    Support: 0.767 .... 18.56%

    Leadership : .N/A Solo player
  14. FBVanu

    Thank you.

    You were trying to find my 75 number.. just put FBTerran into the search box in that site.. let me know I read that right.
    Still can't paste a jpg in here.. is that my office pc or other issue?
  15. FBVanu

    According to the DBG stats, my TR character has a KDR of 20.6. according to the it has a KDR of 20.9.. ?
    according to ps-universe I have 3348 assists.. according to i have 9.404 assists.. (or is the auraxis info assist number a percentage, or an actual total number assists to kills, or also a number of assists to vehicle kills, without killing the player in the vehicle?)
  16. ATeddyBear

    I'll toss mine in. I noticed leadership is apparently worth a lot or I spend too much time managing my squad instead of shooting people in the face.

    TR Character: AnEvilTeddyBear

    Contribution 9.857
    Farm Factor 0.087 7.98%
    Kills 0.655 6.65%
    Assists 0.132 1.33%
    Objective 0.385 3.91%
    Support 1.134 11.50%
    Leadership 7.551 76.60%
  17. Mezinov

    I like how this site lays out its information, but I am not entirely certain its accuracy. According to this I have never been killed by an Anti-Infantry Mana Turret - which I know to be false.
  18. FBVanu

    I just spent some more time on this site.. this is fabulous!

    when you enter your username in the search box.. the stats come up. In the upper left corner, of that same screen,
    there are the stats for achievements, certifications and weapons.. showing some very interesting numbers on vehicle kills, what you been killed by etc..
    Very informative ..

    just not sure what the Battle Rank next to each weapon means..
  19. Iridar51

    My main:
    Farm Factor_1.844_64.84%

    My VS toon with good kill stats:
    Farm Factor_1.852_64.93%
  20. FBVanu

    yeah, there are some that are just not quite right. As a Terran I have Reaver roadkills ? Isn't the Reaver the NC ESF ?

