"air is OP"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DaRealNattyIce, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. Hatesphere

    I know sometime from the ground anyways, it can look like pilots are lag switching when you light them up with flack. But I'm convinced most of the time its just their rig choking on the effects .
  2. SarahM

    If the flight model was more realistic maybe... naw, not happening.
  3. Czarinov

    that's not needed. If you find someone to practice with, you'll get decent in a month, if you're talented - in 1 - 2 weeks.

    Well, it's not realistic, but it behaves by simple physics laws.
  4. Obstruction

    they should stick to campaign mode where it's "Press F to Dogfight" and every player gets to be the action hero that defeats all the brown people. the truth is in pure PvP there are winners and there are losers. everyone has access to the same tools.

    however i will concede in the case of air, a lot could be done by including moving ground and air targets in the VR and an adversarial VR specifically for flying.
  5. Ulas

    Can u explain me realistic?? Explain details as much as possible Pls? ? Seriously a noob to this??
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  6. Iridar51

    "not armored"? Absurd. Flash is not armored. ESF is plenty armored, so as other aircrafts.
    It takes 1 soldier to capture a point. Who can jump out of an aircraft.

    There's only one real con - skill requirement, and even then it's kinda arbitrary. One has to be good to survive fights with other aircraft. Ground targets are not challenging to fight in the least, especially vehicles. It's not easy to pick up and play, but it's something one can be "good, not great" after just a day or two, especially now that we have VR to learn basic controls.
  7. Ulas

    Sorry aircraft is not armored. An esf literally melts just by handheld guns.And just 1 2 days in VR won't get u too far than shooting couple of Infantry down with pods. Surplus once u jump out of it you are infantry.
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  8. HappyStuffin

    Ok Skyassholes.

    You can continue to fly if I get an AA launcher that locks on instantly from across the map. I will also be shooting you from inside the spawn room with impunity.
  9. Iridar51

    "Melts"? An infiltrator after EMPing himself is what melts from gunfire. ESF requires a lot of coordinated shooting so it becomes an issue.
    No, but it will get you started. Half an hour in VR just not to crash the ESF into ground when maneuvering, and off you go.

    1-2 days with anything won't get you too far. The point is not in skill ceiling, it's in skill floor, which is not as high as some people state. Not in A2G combat.
  10. Taemien

    Maybe next time I suggest changes to how the RM works, or how thrusters interact with afterburners.. I might get a bit more backing?

    The end result would have made air more accessible and curbed some of the frustration in dealing with them from the ground or from the air. However.. I got little to no support, only a like here or there by those who want to see air and the 3rd dimension removed from the game.

    You all made the bed, now lay in it.
  11. Haquim

    I get where you're coming from, but its as simple as that:

    Those guys spent the time and are better than you. It would be the same if there was no other infantery on the ground and you're going up against elusive1 alone, but since there are a ton of players on the ground elusive1 won't have that much impact even if you meet him and he kills you 10 times in the same battle. "Nerf better players" is kinda hard to do never mind justify.
    Why nobody wants to learn flying is the same problem I run into every single ******* time "G2A is too weak, please buff" comes up.
    Everybody thinks its useless, so nobody uses it, so it does nothing against air - so everybody thinks its useless.
    On the other hand I have destroyed about 30 aircraft in about 5 minutes by working together with 4 other HAs using the Grounder, and I'm not even exaggerating. Guess what 6 noobs with coyotes or Tomcats could do to a pro? Well if they play a bit smart at least.

    Also, every single G2A gun is extremely easy to use, so balancing wise its potential power has to be limited.
    Easy to use + powerful is pretty much the definition of broken and overpowered.
    If you think about it, the Decimator or a MBT main gun (except for Prowler) that take considerably more skill than FLAK and 1km/s machineguns to hit can OHK ESFs.

    Aghh.. sorry for the rant.
    This "Air is OP" stuff has kinda developed to an obsession.
  12. Hatesphere

    That's because anything that even suggests modification to the RM is considered blasphemous, even if it would make dog fighting more accessible and encourage more pilots. I find it funny since the RM was pretty much a physics glitch that turned into the flight meta bit was never refined by DBG. Its like tribes sking, except it was never made not annoying.
  13. Campagne

    Said the pilot.
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  14. JohnGalt36

    I disagree. You can always kill a better infantry player than you with a well-placed tank mine, a lucky shotgun blast, or a headshot or two. The skill gap between medium skill and high skill players is much closer in infantry and ground vehicle play. The air game has a much larger skill gap due to the difficulty of flying.

    So, good on those ace pilots for learning and being good, but most of us are frustrated by the huge skill gap, specially us filthy casuals. I (and many others) don't want to invest thousands of hours to be on even footing with ace pilots. This doesn't necessarily mean air is OP, but there should be effective ground means to deal with air, since air has PLENTY of effective means to deal with ground. I don't think ESF's are overpowered, but Liberators are absurd.

    That's the problem with telling people to stop complaining or start flying, IMO. Hardcore MLGers or whatever will dominate 90% of the time, so what's the point?

    Learning to fly in this game is like learning to play chess by playing against a grandmaster and repeatedly getting checkmated in 4 moves, over and over again for 1000 hours. Not fun.
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  15. DaRealNattyIce

    You sir are my hero!!
  16. DaRealNattyIce

    Bruh im on ps4 and can fly as well as bequ or mattiace, my accuracy is inevitably worse, but i could literally do the reverse maneuver on my first day....

    If you really need 1000 hrs to learn how to lead shots and learn to fly that is sad... most ppl are just so stubborn they give up after crashing twice.

    I didnt become the top ps4 pilot by pissing and moaning about how hard it is, you just practice. I also have this weird ambition to be the best but ya knoooooo....
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  17. orangejedi829


    Also PS2's flight controls/dynamics are so stupid and unrealistic that they make me mad.
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  18. Obstruction

    there's two main reasons for all this.

    1. this is a game with no PVE content for people who cry when they lose
    2. this is a very heavily moderated forum where the harsh answers needed to suppress this sort of behavior are forbidden.

    i remember years ago when people who whined about PVP were told the real truth about themselves, and they either went to play Care Bears or they uninstalled.

    do yourself a favor, when you read their complaints mentally replace "air" with "infantry" or "tank" or even things like "last hitting" or "high APM" or other skill requirements of competitive gaming. it becomes clear quickly that it's literally just learning to play (or quitting PVP) that is at issue. and in PS2 that means either learning A2A, or learning G2A as you suggested.

    i know for certain that as a full time pilot i am not very good at infantry overall, but if i spent time and made some effort i could do much better than i do, without crying or posting on forums to complain. i also know that i'm very good at G2A, because i intimately know my opponent - how to evade them and how to kill them when they are vulnerable.
  19. Yessme


    I thing u will die in the Spawnroom too, coz isn`t the AA who suck or is UP against ESF, its ur Skill.
    Have to Say for u, learn playing and stop sucking.......

    This i disagree, a better INF player will take G2A locks, AA Max or Skyguard and u never will see the ESF again, if he comes back he die.

    The point is, all player have all times, access to AA things.. u can take allways HA, the locks very OP and 2 HA kill an ESf instand without resurces, or Skill...

    Why people have troubble with an ESF is just that they don`t know to Play that game, and not that ESF is OP...

    Skyguard have an TTk vs an ESF of 3-4 Seconds
    2 HA kill with locks an ESF instandly, without cost or Skill.

    I thing the point is Clear, people don`t know how that Game works and cry here now....

    Guys get a Brain, learn playing and u will never have a prob with some ESF.......
    Skill is all, on ground and in the Sky, so let`s say, get just some littel Skill, and stop sucking

    Ahh vorgett, about Realistic ........

    U talk about Realistic?
    Or make Flying more like 2015, but than giv us 1 Headshot kill too. Relistic is if u giv some people Headshot u don`t need 2 or 3 for die them, u only need 1.
    So for the relistic, giv us OHK for all Weapongs, if u shoot in the Head...
    INF gamer don`t want it`???? than stop playing about Realistic
  20. JohnGalt36

    Nice to know you're so humble. :rolleyes:

    I've been in my Reaver for about 15 hours. That's not very long, but it's more than enough to know the skill gap. I can hold my own until the inevitable roving ace pilot kills me in two seconds.

    I have an ambition to be the best too, just not at a computer game. Like I said, some of us have better things to do than spend hundreds or thousands of hours learning to be on equal footing with someone who clearly has a lot of time on their hands.