"air is OP"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DaRealNattyIce, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. DaRealNattyIce

    If air is op then why aren't people who cry about it trying to get good at flying?
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  2. Humhermit

    No one wants to feed experienced pilots kills/certs?

    It's well known air has a challenging skill curve and is hard to get into. That doesn't mean that air can't be overpowered in the hands of people who've either overcome that, or started playing when there wasn't such a gap in experience and skill.

    IDK that air is overpowered, I hate A2G like many infantry though, it's just not fun getting bombarded from above without much you can really do about it. Tanks are much easier to avoid by using LoS and so on. I play LA a lot though so that could have something to do with it, since being in trees or on roofs and so on makes me more of a target for air probably.
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  3. Ulas

    Unfortunately my friend op is used in a wrong manner by many people and there is very little to nothing we can do about them.
    It is a known fact that air has a steep learning curve and it is not a special occasion for planetside. It is similar in many different games. Another similar thing is that air can be very effective in the right hands. Say in battlefield many times ace pilots make sure that no one flies in that game and crank up 60+ kills. This actually creates drama in both communities in a similar way.

    One of the suggested fixes was to seperate nishes of an aircraft which they did in battlefield 4. Guess what , it didn't work. Ace pilots still pull perfect games with either aircraft no problem what so ever.

    Or you can make air underpowered from what it deserves to be. You can make it unkillable but also useless somewhat. Which in this case ppl wouldn't bother getting good at it.

    So we can play a combined arms game or we can leave it to infantry only players. To be honest some players just don't want to fly And even some don't wanna touch the ground again^^
  4. FateJH

    No desire to contribute to what they see as a problem?
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  5. Shotgunslap

    Pulling air ends in being shot down by sky knights within five minutes, also a frustrating thing. Why waste 350 Nanites just to be pissed off in ANOTHER way by sky knights?
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  6. Liewec123


    i certed up my reaver and tried to get in to air, but you spend maybe one minute up there before someone who's spent their entire ps2 MLGnoScope life in an ESF comes and ruins your day.
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  7. JohnGalt36

    This. I certed out my Reaver and got frustrated after losing 90% of engagements. If I wanted to soak weeks and months into getting better at something without any sort of fun or immediate payoff, it would be in real life.

    I don't play games to get frustrated by people with no lives. I do it to have fun. Air has such a high skill ceiling that it isn't fun unless you are the kind of person that can soak thousands of hours into dogfighting.
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  8. CipherNine

    Ha ha how convenient this applies to aircraft but did not apply to other OP toys such as ZOE MAX, Strikers, Harassers, AV turrets, OHK Phoenix and so on.
  9. Trebb

    I'm actually convinced some of the top 'sky knights' either use some sort of aimbot or lagswitch(that makes me look sitting still on their client).

    Wait hear me out: When I flee from an ESF encounter against most skilled pilots, I'm flailing about randomly, and maybe 10% of their shots hit me because of my randomness. When certain other individuals chase me, they 'somehow' manage to land pretty much all of their shots from 200m out despite me flying in random directions. Every time. It's just super suspicious.
  10. 0fly0

    Actually air is tricky because when you get shot you tend to get away in the oposite direction of what shooting you but if you do that against air you're a dead men, the best way to avoid rocket and thing like that from what i have experiment is to run under the esf, that way is going to have to manoever for turning back if he want to shot you and you can get away. Best tactic i find so far for avoid an esf attack, actually i wouldn't say best but it's the only i find for stay alive against them.
  11. FateJH

    As courtesy, it should apply to all aspects of the game, but not everyone shows as much sportsmanship, or views the exact same units as over-powered as someone else does, let alone knows that the other person feels that way. When a person who thinks MAXes are OP meets a person who thinks MAXes are fine, the latter will possibly be in a MAX suit; but, whether the former will don one depends on what kind of player he is.

    This is not a truly scale-able opinion nor can it be one that is enforced. At some point, the collection of any things that someone thinks is OP is going to deteriorate the pool and leave nothing that is acceptable for anyone to use. That's why it's just a courtesy.
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  12. Ulas

    Dunno i watched some of bequs and m18rotaries streams didnt notice anything suspicious but yea i sometimes think about that too. Its probably 2000+ hrs they have spent.

    This is why you wont get better At it. Do you really think all of us pilots play this game for 8 hours /nolifers. Maybe very top %1 of pilots but you dont need to be top 10 to have fun. So 99 percent of the infantry players dont have fun because they are not as good as gylleBMF or elusive??
  13. SarahM

    Some people just don't enjoy playing air.
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  14. FocusLight

    This little gem comes from the valueless wretch who told us all that SkyGuard "Scrubs" can just get better at skyguarding and so it's not a problem that Lib's can exterminate any tank in 3 seconds, or that any ESF can do the same in 4.

    Your input is worthless. It's worthless because it's a single condensending line of elitist patronizing. "Air is fine, you just got to learn to fly in order to counter air, silly."

    ESPECIALLY as an NC player, who's rotary cannon can drop any other ESF in a single magazine. Your right to complain about AA and anything that hinders you has from now on been revoked.

    Run into an AA nest and die in flames.
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  15. Jackplays17

    I do. Except, I lose EVERY SINGLE Fight. Thats why I only EVER fly when NC have indar. Then SOMETIMES If I do well itll take me more then 3 jets to run out of resources.
  16. NoobStylerIGERI

    It takes me 3/4 Year to getting good, and i aren`t so goo like YESSME/Paff or some TR air.
    But now i have to stop Playing and if i am come back, i will be a big noob again.
    Flying is hard and u still need Training hole Day, for stay Good.....
  17. Iridar51

    Air is OP by the sheer fact that they can choose their engagements, come unnoticed, do what they want where they want, and then get away. In that sense, an ESF is like a Light Assault on steroids.

    There is no way of balancing the air without removing completely their ability to attack ground, and I'm not suggesting that should be done. There is no way of making air not OP without removing air. So air will always seem OP.

    Though the issue can be softened a lot, by nerfing A2G weapons and providing adequate accessible counters. By that I mean not lockons oneshotting an ESF. I mean something much simpler, like the pilot being vulnerable to small arms fire.

    Just some thoughts from the top of my head, not trying to start anything here.
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  18. Ulas

    Air is created to be superior. It solved one problem tanks had : Range. Tanks didn't have the ability to go too far away without troops backing them up while aircraft can carry ammunition and engage an area very fast and get out. It has 3 cons. You can't capture points,it's not armored ,requires too much effort and skill to actually become effective.
  19. Littleman

    ESFs are in a really crappy place:

    Learning to aim properly requires commitment.

    Other sky knights will just dominate you hopelessly. Real encouraging.

    Large fights have a massive presence of AA. If the fight is already decided in your teams favor, your presence isn't at all necessary nor very useful. Small fights are slim pickings with seldom any AA deterrence... but they're small fights. You can make a difference, but there's really no competition from enemy forces. At least One might get some practice nailing tiny targets with their nose gun, unless they're just another one of those hacks that relies on emptying entire salvos of rocket pods for taking out lone infantry.

    I'd like to get into the air, but meh... not worth it. It's currently this tacked on feature in Planetside 2 as far as I'm concerned. We'd need bases in the air to really give it some true purpose. Galaxy Stations could be carriers!
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  20. DQCraze

    The thing i like about these threads is the "Sky Knights" who endured the treacherous learning curve to git gud are now isolated by a community thats to lazy to embark on the journey of becoming an Ace.

    For those that complain the message i have for you is get back in your moms mini van and go home. Not everyone gets a trophy here.