[Hacker] DarkLordArrpo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blackkyguy123, May 22, 2015.

  1. blackkyguy123

    So dunno if this is the right place to post this, but I saw this guy running WAY too fast, looked a lot like speed hacking. Has anybody seen this guy running extremely fast? This is on the Connery server. There is a slight chance that it was lag or desync but I'm quite sure this is speedhacking.

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  2. TheMish

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  3. toast2250

    Its speedy gonzales!
  4. Devrailis

    It's speed scripting, not lag. I've seen two such players on Emerald in the past two days. One was a medic who was sprinting back and forth along side a Lightning. Players who are laggy look VERY different from the smooth speed ups of a player who is running a speed script.
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  5. Lucidius134

    Pretty sure this thread is against forum TOS.
  6. Hatesphere

    yes, yes it is. just report and move on.
  7. FieldMarshall

    I support this thread.
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  8. breeje

    hanging all the cheaters on the wall of shame
    i support this thread as well
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  9. n0pax

    Reported this thread. You should edit it and apologize because this is a sham to attempt to ruin someone's reputation. How do you know he or you were not lagging? This is why threads like this are against the ToS and you deserve to be banned.
  10. HadesR

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  11. Ballto21

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  12. toast2250

    I chose you Free* lube! And, plunger!
  13. Kristan

    Another proof that VS weaponry is OP. It even kills haxors. :eek:
  14. blackkyguy123

    Look at the map. All of the other players are moving normally. Also, I'm not trying to "ruin his reputation". I'm basically just asking people if they think this is hacking or not.

    Your probably right. My past experiences with lagging/desynced players have all been very jerky (e.g. kills me, warps away, warps back etc.). I recorded this because it was extremely smooth, and looked very suspicious. If you could record some of these people than maybe we could convince people that is probably not lag.
  15. customer548

    Usain Bolt is just playing TR.
    Don't be so mean.:eek:
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  16. n0pax

    Yes, but the issue is that DBG has not confirmed that he is cheating. I could find you on PS2 and edit a video together to make you speed hack too. Don't get me wrong, I highly doubt you did, but situations like this is why DBG banned threads such as this. Is it not supposed to be guilty until proven innocent? Not guilty using random third party non-authenticated evidence?

    If you want to ask either blur out the name on the video or ask on some other forum using that video because this is against the ToS.
  17. Shiaari

    That's NOT LAG... That's a speed script. I'm impressed the OP was able to hit him.

    I support the public shaming of cheaters.
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    Now thats one speedy bugger.
  19. Utrooperx

    I see guys moving this fast quite often...usually right after their shields light up and they become a blur...can you say hot key macro...?
  20. Dj Gus

    Thing about video "evidence" is that it can be easily fabricated...
    And that's the main reason that naming and shaming is forbidden.

    Tho in this particular vid seems the "suspect" is using yet another "ported" H1Z1 cheat.