What to do in PS2 while drunk

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, May 21, 2015.

  1. Grumblefern

    Just wondering what activities people do while their reflexes are compromised.

    Aside from casually farming with HE, I've been doing stalker infiltrator + blackhand sniping. It's very slow paced and the main requirement is patience rather than twitch. Granted, if you have to defend yourself in CQC you're totally screwed, but that's often the case regardless of your state of inebriation.

    I also have a fully certed rep sundy that can rake in pretty good certs while I just hang out plinking at stuff with a basilisk or using a bulldog on occasion. I have considered getting an AA gun to replace the basilisk - for 200 resources I'd think rep or ammo sundy + AA gun > lightning w/skyguard.

    I've also tried some wraith flash w/fury but quickly realized I am quite bad at it. I guess I'm supposed to do it in third person and get a feel for it w/out using a crosshair.

    Looking for more activities that are reasonably rewarding that don't require a lot of twitch skills. I have 3k certs to spend at the moment too but I'm on the fence about what to get next.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    Die loads, like loads.

    But do it with a ridiculous amount of gusto.
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  3. thebigbortishbort

    Yell at people , it works everytime.
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  4. Mythologicus

    Can confirm: Yelling works.

    And I'm sure HMRD can give you some pointers on how to be utterly smashed yet still somewhat competent.
  5. prodo123

    Get in a platoon of other drunk people and yell at them.
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  6. AxiomInsanity87

    Get farmed from base to base for 6 hours but truly carry on believing that you can still win and chucking yourself into the meat grinder a couple hundred more times will continue to have some kind of impact.

    /yell at people for not doing anything while inadvertently doing nothing.
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  7. Shiaari

    You're Vanu--at least you have a Vanu avatar--so I propose the following drinking game:

    Everytime you hear the phrase: "I need more batteries/Do you have any batteries?" take a shot. Best done in squads.
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  8. Grumblefern

    Sadly I don't think Connery VS has a drunk outfit to mess around with.

    I would probably die of alcohol poisoning.
  9. Mythologicus

    I think JENK was originally, but if they were there was no way in hell they could match HMRD.

    Why is it that the faction with bright glowey lights, lasers, spandex and general sexiness is generally the most sober? Clearly, TR and NC are compensating for, or trying to forget something. :D
  10. Scr1nRusher

    Stalker cloak
  11. Rogueghost

    You're in luck, HMRD quit the TR and mostly reside on NC and VS now.
  12. Ballto21


  13. Leftconsin

    Planetside is too stressful to play sober.
    I'm surprised at anyone who doesn't play drunk.
  14. DorianOmega

    Drunk piloting is loads of fun.
  15. TheChris

    Just run in front of the enemy and get farmed.
    Push them by getting more certs :D
  16. Hatesphere

    group up with a bunch of other drunks and run a drunk squad. start playing drinking games and profit.
  17. Cinnamon

    Air to ground obviously.
  18. BloodyG

    Do your thing, you know activate aimbot and don't forget to keep your accuracy down!!!
  19. Kristan

    Go sniping! You won't succeed, but gonna be hell of a thrill.
  20. Eternaloptimist

    My game play gets slightly better