So much price whining.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RainbowDash9, May 20, 2015.

  1. BloodyG

    They will invest it into some garbage they don't need, because they don't understand the game (like i did when i started out...)
    And you should have replied to the rest of the post the imported part -.-*.
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  2. RainbowDash9

    and thats what VR is for.. they should really advertise the VR more so people dont just pass it up and buy guns they dont know if theyll like
  3. Seiris

    So what? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink; I think that's the appropriate saying here, right? Players who don't bother to learn the game will flounder regardless of free certs, that's exactly how it should be.
  4. BloodyG

    So many drones in this community it's hard to keep up...

    The 1500Certs are just baiting and they ain't that worth anymore, stuff got more expansive that's like your boss saying "I gave you a salary raise" and all it did was to balancing out the inflation...
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  5. MorganM

    Yeah; they did. They've added MANY new ways to earn certs and increased the amount you got for things that already existed. That's long before the latest 1500 free certs.

    To be fair; they have adjusted prices since launch. However it has been a long time.
  6. MorganM

    Acutally they have adjusted prices since launch but only about once per year.
  7. RainbowDash9

    1500 certs is still worth plenty. thats enough for a gun or two, or a bunch of attachments, suit slots, both, bout the same worth as it was before. and again, on top of what you earn while playing.
  8. Seiris

    That's exactly what it's for, you ******* idiot. That's what we've been saying this whole thread. No free lunches, my friend; it's May 20th, not Christmas. Why you complain so much about a 30% virtual (as in, in a video game) currency price increase for like 30 total weapons is beyond my capacity. Dust the dorito crumbs off of your desk, keyboard warrior, your tantrum is getting pretty old pretty fast.
  9. BloodyG

    So you couldn't get a gun or two with BR15 before?
    You could and you could get other guns cheap aswell, it's as i said in my last post, it's an illusion that will wear out quick.

    It's People that study business administration that come up with this garbage all over the place or better known as suites...

    They **** over everything they touch, turning gold into **** and that's what is happening with PS2 right now if you can't see it fine ,
    i couldn't care less but you will see it in a few weeks/month.
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  10. DorianOmega

    quoting that new players get 1500 certs from levels 1-15 is just not a good justification or arguemet to justify cert price hikes as high as 400%, this in essence forces players to spend more time playing to get unlocks which affects all players both free and member while making buying the weapon almost a neccesity when considering all the passive unlocks youl end up speding certs on as well.

    With prices this high the game looks pretty blatantly P2W, something this game is supposed to not be as was a major selling point to players since launch.
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  11. RainbowDash9

    yes im sure that having to play their game more will signal the end of all things planetside 2.
  12. DorianOmega

    If the prices went up so little as 30% then it wouldnt br a big deal but we are talking about 100-400% price hikes...
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  13. RainbowDash9

    yea, remember the days when every weapon cost 1000 certs? wasnt see as p2w then, and its not p2w unless theres a distinct advantage to paying. and seeing as the default weapons are as good as any other gun, p2w doesnt seem to be the case.

    if anything its pay to be lazy.
  14. Seiris

    List every weapon that increased 100 to 400% in price. I want the cert cost before and after. Or at least as many as you know about.
  15. DorianOmega

    just to name a few:

    AA launchers went from 250 certs to 650

    Falcons/Pounders/Comets went from 250 certs to 1000

    Tmg-50 went from 500 certs to 1000
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  16. BloodyG

    You didn't play against full geared BR100's... i did and it sucks big time, i had the money and skills to keep up but i'm a hardcore gamer most people aren't..
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  17. RainbowDash9

    there were BR 100's back then too. ive fought against them since i started. its not like i was in a magical land of BR 1's...
  18. RedArmy

    my understanding of the price change was to have unused weapon prices to go down, and higher used were to increase to help promote variance on the field.
  19. Liewec123

    higher cert costs means a boring grind for freebie players,
    this leads to less freebie players sticking with the game,
    this means less players, and in a game that revolves entirely around having lots of people to shoot at, that is a very very bad thing.

    i'm fairly certain that if you look at the population you'll be able to see a drop over the next month,
    how significant it is we have yet to find out, but there will be a drop.

    on cobalt it is tough enough finding big fights outside of the small primetime window,
    chipping at the playerbase by shafting the free players is extremely counter productive.

    see how it effects us all now and why people are complaining? :)
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  20. BloodyG

    That's what it was on release a magic pink wonderland that i never seen, all i have seen is people abusing their highend equipment to the fullest and ****** performs, to at insult to injury i wanted to play Infiltrator when NW was still shielding against headshots at least that is gone, but flinch made a comeback, this greedy suites and their "business plans".... sight.
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