Why do HA's need SMG access?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, May 4, 2015.

  1. Mxiter

    HA shields + RL + large mags are balanced by:
    -Slower movement when shielded
    -Lower DPS/TTK weapons than other classes (nothing over 750rpm)
    -Larger hipfire COF

    Anything good in that category just needs to be removed or tweaked to keep it balanced.

    This include: SMGs, Shotguns and 0.75ads move mult LMGs but NS15M (only barely balaced thanks the the lowest TTK of the auto weapons but still overperforming compared to 0.5ads move mult LMGs)
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  2. Garrum

    If medics were really that strong, all of these medkit-assault crutch monkeys would already be playing medic.
  3. JudgeNu

    I equipped a cyclone and the NS PDW (I think that's right) on my HA and I felt like a little girlie running around with flowers in my hair.
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  4. Haquim

    Oh wow, threads about HAs devolve to kindergarden niveau even faster than pro aircraft threads.
    Lemme join in and see if I can do that too.

    I guess the COMBAT MEDIC and the COMBAT ENGINEER are as much of a misnomer as the HEAVY
    Because, you know, I would expect something withCOMBATin the name to be meant forCOMBAT and

    something with HEAVY in the name to be HEAVY and SLOW. Also it should be well armoured and its weaponry should be short-ranged for it's focus
    on ASSAULTS and breaching the enemy lines.

    Seems I can.
    Also the HA is not the primary combat class by design. That was supposed to be the combat medic.
    But ressurrecting the fallen (and being helpless while doing it) is seemingly not as powerful as not dying because you have 70% more HP and having a good chance to kill 50% of a MAXes HP when you meet one.
    Well, nobody ever claimed that the guys making the decisions knew what they were doing....
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  5. FateJH

    If I'm not mistaken, those are unpaired changes. Your question reads as "why are LMGs balanced differently from SMGs?"
    Can we limit over-exerting our jargon? "Tools" is a word usually reserved for everything on our classes that isn't a primary or secondary weapon; and, very specifically, is the item that can fit into the "Tool" equipment slot. (Of which, Rocket Launchers outnumber any other classes' tools selection. You could argue from that direction and I'd not raise complaint.) If you told a Light Assault player that his tool was his Carbine, he'd probably punch you in the face.

    The primary way to shoehorn different weapon access into the argument is range limitation. Shotgun damage generally evaporates between 10m and 15m and ADsing is only useful for slugs/control; SMGs drop four damage levels within 40m and the benefit of ADSing is minor; and, LMGs drop two damage levels over 60m and are generally unreliable unless ADSing. Additionally, their damage output favors those ranges in that ascending order. Only two classes in this game have range concerns, with one class having special consideration. Infiltrators have a monopoly on extra long range combat, MAXes can not work their CoF too well so they work at whatever accuracy the user can irk from their weapons, and the special condition is making certain that Light Assaults don't become better snipers than the Infiltrators, though there are ways around the limiters. The main reason you negate hard range limits from classes is to allow them to operate with different proficiencies within different environments based on how prepared them came. It makes the game more varied.

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  6. Hegeteus

    Remove HA access to shotguns and smgs ;)
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  7. Alzir

    The problem ATM is not SMG heavies, shotgun heavies, or vs heavies, it is how clientside is dealing with rate of fire. Any high ROF gun just kills you now before you can react, if the person has any level of aiming ability. It works both ways so I benefit from it as much as suffer the consequences but it is a seriously broken feature in the game ATM, IMHO.

    SMG and shotgun heavy are pure cheese though, technical problems aside.
  8. Haquim


  9. Shiaari

    You can indeed join in, and when you're done you can read this I wrote on the subject.

    And the HA is the primary combat class by design. Every part of the class is designed for fighting. It can take more punishment than other classes, and give out more punishment than other classes. That is--by virtue of its design--what it was intended to do. Form is defined by function, not the other way around.

    And in whose fantasy was the Combat Medic ever intended to be the primary combat class? Wait wait, because it carries "assault rifles?" That's a name. They don't really behave, or serve the function, of assault rifles. It's cosmetic. Combat Medic was always a support class, even in PlanetSide 1. Yes, you can fight with a Combat Medic, but the class is defined by its function: to be a medic.
  10. Taemien

    Zerglings go based on perception. Right now the Orion is high on the charts so the perception is that LMGs are the way to go. Can't use a LMG on Medics.

    But if they do nerf the heck out of the heavy, then we'll see the rise of the necromantic zombie hordes. Personally I don't care either way, though I don't like to see a class nerfed for no valid reason. But if its going to be nerfed, I'll revel in the torment of the nerf callers when they realize they unleashed something far worse.

    It'll be the same threads, they could literally copy and paste. Nerf Heavy Shield Medic AOE Heal, take away Heavy Medic access from SMG/Shotguns, take away Heavy Medic access from C4. And the list goes on and on.

    I'm calling it right now. I just need to find a way to validate their claims and get the class nerfed to be proven right. Don't really want to see it nerfed, but you know how it goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If its going to be nerfed, lets get it done and over with. My favored class is a engy so I won't really be affected till after they nerf LA and Infil lol.
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  11. Shiaari

    This. A thousand times this. The intended order of the game is that LAs and HAs are the combat classes. The others are support classes, even MAXes. Basically, what you have here is a group of support players ticked off that their favorite classes are balanced by being weaker in the combat role.

    Engineers have infinite ammunition, and can deploy really nasty turrets (excluding spitfire), but their primary weapon options are limited, and they must choose between carrying C4, mines, or medkits.

    Medics can readily heal themselves. In fact I think we need to bring back the old medic self-healing mechanic from PlanetSide 1, but that's a different topic. Yet, their primary weapon options are limited, though they were later given battle rifles. Medics face a similar choice to engineers.

    Do you REALLY want to balance this? Then don't NERF HA. Just take medkits out of the game completely. Force players to seek out a medic for healing, or rely on an implant.
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  12. Garrum

    People have flocked to, and stayed stuck on, the HA for reasons far beyond 'perception'. It has far too much durability to also have that much lethality, and too much sustainability with access to medkits. It fights MAXes easier than anyone else, it fights vehicles easier than anyone else, and it fights infantry easier than anyone else. It's a super class, with it's only weaknesses being a grenade that is almost as much a danger to the user as the target, and running out of ammo.

    And as for the medic being the fall back position for the crutch monkeys, it might be. But I'll say this: Medics don't take 50% more headshots to kill, and recently ressed targets have 500 health max.
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  13. FateJH

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  14. Alzir

    I replied to this already but keep seeing this primary combat class thing being raised. I agree with that in the context that heavy is not op, but SMG and shotgun heavies are the cheesiest of cheese, because of how easy it is.
  15. Haquim

    Well, I tend to make a lot more words, but that's the essence of what I think is wrong with that class.

    AI as good as everyone else.
    AV top dog of infantery unless you count fairies
    Anti MAX definitely top of the list.
    AA ... well the ONLY one in Infantery
    And added durability.

    At least among free infantery, everything else costs nanites.
    Why is it OK for a single class to be better than everything else in almost everything combat related?
    Every class is supposed to excel at something, but that one excels at basically everything.
    Yes, medics can heal, and engis repair, but unless you show me a medic healing an enemy HA to death that is kinda the opposite of useful for their own combat performance. I see a lot of medics NOT healing and resurrecting because they don't dare holster their weapon.

    Propably gonna get another "That's the way its supposed to be" response without any deeper reason or meaning behind.
    I want at least to know why all vehicle weapons with explosive properties got nerfed against Infantery - last I heard they were supposed to kill infantery.
  16. 00000000000000000000

    Except that SMG and Shotgun heavies lose out to LMG heavies at anything beyond the 20 meter & 10 meter optimal ranges of those weapons.
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  17. Alzir

    Yea that is how they are balanced in theory, but in reality any heavy worth his salt is engaging within that range at least 75% of the time. The cyclone is a good example of just how broken smgs are on heavy, and the jackhammer has one hit killed me with that stupid triple shot from 10 metres. Add auto shotties together with client sides stupid tick rate atm and you have another ohk shotgun. The same applies to most high ROF guns.
  18. 00000000000000000000

    So you are upset that they are using their weapons within the ranges their weapons are meant to be used?

    Heavy Assault aren't even the best suited for getting into those ranges (Both infiltrator and LA are better at closing the gap).
  19. Garrum

    In buildings, where the vast majority of meaningful (as in, fighting for a point) combat takes place in this game, every fight is shotgun range.
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  20. Garrum

    Yes, there is that monstrosity. Although, from what I hear a lot of people do not like using it due to the excessive horizontal recoil. I guess I'll find out after I eventually unlock it. Maybe they will take away the .75 ADS, reduce the overheat to 50 rounds, and add a forward grip before I get there.