Why do HA's need SMG access?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, May 4, 2015.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Looking at the class design & the game play....

    All I have to ask is "WHY?"
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  2. Leftconsin

    They don't need SMG access.
    They don't need pistols either.
    Why are you asking?
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  3. Wooffgang

    Because they are the primary combat class for any envoirment exept LA domain ( Roofs/Places unreachable by foot) and need the gear required to do so. The SMG is pefect for HA btw. Just get yourself a Cyclone and delete the post completely after you try it out and see before you start something.....
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  4. Ronin Oni

    THIS again?!??

    All I have to ask is "WHY?"
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    Because it doesn't make sense & its crap gameplay.
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  6. HadesR

    Not really needed on the class ..

    I'd go as far as to say shotguns are the same .. Allowing every factions HA the ability to use them waters down NC's ES heavy weapon ..
    Every Heavy in the game can use shotguns .. But where is our version of the Lasher and MCG ?
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  7. Ronin Oni

    It does make sense and I have no problem with it.
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  8. _itg

    Crap gameplay? Maybe, maybe not. But I fail to see how it doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't a class capable of wielding a bulky LMG not be able to handle a lightweight SMG?
  9. Ronin Oni

    I use the JackHammer on my NC HA...

    I never, NEVER use any of the basic shotguns on my VS/TR HA's.

    Jackhammer is far superior than the basic shotties and actually has some decent range to it.

    The only classes worth using a shotfun on is LA for obvious reasons (easier to force point blank range with it) and Engineer (have MANA turret for range, and when playing as MAX repair bot it's good to have point blank defense option)
  10. HadesR

    But you have the option to ... NC don't have the option to use a variant of the other Factions ES Heavy weapons ..
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  11. Scr1nRusher

    of course you don't.

    Because the SMG's do not fit with the class & 0.75 ADS primaries on the HA are problematic.

    Take the advantages of a SMG & combine them with the Advantages of the HA in combat. Its a bad mixture.
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  12. PrimePriest

    To be competitive against Orion at CQC.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    Let that logic sink in for a second.
  14. Leftconsin

    MCG is nothing that special. It is basically an LMG that can only even hip fire and has a 1.5 head shot multiplier in trade for and assuming Dasanfall's data sheet is correct: 50 more rounds per minute. But still, it is very similar to low CoF LMGs.

    The lasher, though, is kinda unique and I greatly enjoy using it.
  15. 00000000000000000000

    Ah the age old problem of people not understanding that HA are meant to be the pinnacle of infantry and everyone else is support, even my beloved Light Assault.
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  16. Ronin Oni

    MCG is just an LMG really, and not a very good one.

    Lasher is unique, but it's not overtly effective in direct combat...

    also, I'd somewhat expect the Thumper to be released sooner or later which will nullify that uniqueness.

    Even better, I bet it will take the RL slot, so you can have your Cyclone CQB godmode and also have the suppression weapon.
  17. Ronin Oni

    Funny you say that, since it should be the TR and VS crying for no SMG on HA because of the Cyclone....

    yet it's pretty much ONLY YOU.
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  18. Rogueghost

    I actually have a lot of respect for heavies that can pull off SMGs, its not something I am not able to do effectively.

    The cyclone and the Armistice are the only two smgs in the game that can compete with other CqC primaries in terms of damage, and its only for ~15 meters. The rest of the smgs boast an inferior, or in the case of the Eridani, the same damage model of other cqc primaries.

    SMGs are also inferior compared to other weapons in everything expect mobility, their extreme mobility allows them to compensate for being weak in all other areas so long as the user knows how to exploit it. Mix this in with the heavies main advantage, the overshield, which severally hampers mobility, which would devoid the entire reasoning for using a smg.

    A heavy using a SMG needs to do a lot of mircomanaging in combat to make sure he isn't squandering either of his advantages, otherwise he'd be better off with an LMG or as another class.
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  19. Ghosty11

    The Cyclone just needs to be tweaked so that it's on par with every other SMG. I think the last buff it received may have moved it ahead of all of it's counter-parts. I think a slight decrease accuracy would do it, as it stands now it's a CQC-mid range Gauss SAW.
  20. Ronin Oni

    Don't you DARE use logic!!!

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