Wow, I didn't realize the Striker was THIS bad

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WorldOfForms, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Nextronix

    It only works on aircraft at close range. Everything else (including aircraft that is killing your buddies at decent range) is pretty save from coyote auto-lock.

    The CoF bloom is almost the same if you fire one by one with a delay or 6 in a raw. 300m magrinder (without driver): 1 hit failed above the magrinders front ... next single shot hit nice directly at the magrinders back, one failed again but this time below the magrinder and so on. If just one of the 6 bullets fails then the damage is already worse than one hit with the starting rocket launcher (which got 1135). And the time it takes to hit the target is just too long. At long range you have about 2-3 seconds to just move away while you have a nice indicator from where the bullets come from. It's no 6pack burst like the Lancer that reaches you with 600m/s and places it's present at once but one by one at 180m/s muzzle velocity with some spread. CoF and slow speed just makes this weapon a bad choice at long range. And it's even no "Vulcan" at short range. It takes pretty much the same time to destroy a non-moving Magrinder at close range shot into the back with a T2 Striker (including autofire and reload) or with the ML-7. You are noticeable quicker with the NS Decimator. But ML-7 or Decimator helps you even to stay alive because it just takes a few msecs to get out of cover, aim, shot once and hide to reload while you have to stay at least 2.5 secs vulnerable to unload a full clip in autofire and even longer if you do some burst thingy. So most drunken tank-driver should be able to kill you in that time.
  2. Ryo313

    [quote="Dalemir, post: 3174602, member: 187345"]Adding more splash dmg will, most likely, cause "nerf fracture" topics, just like pounders do.
    IMO they should remake striker into reliable long range AV weapon (on par with lancer/phoenix) and remove it's AA capability.[/quote]

    yeah you're right. those were just a few ideas to improve it.
    insead of the splash dmg there is also the option to improve the firerate a bit.
    let's say 200U/Min? ( try the NS Baron G5 for comparison)
  3. Haquim

    I marked the important part.
    Take 20 guys and you can do your own "Striker Mountain" with the annihilator right now.
    Only difference: Your rockets won't go through or around mountains, because they fixed this bug.
    But even back then that was not Striker specific...

    I still think Striker didn't get the nefhammer because it was so overpowered (it had 20% or so more burst dmg, but about the same dps because it took you a lot longer to shoot all rockets)
    It got the nerfhammer because it was 500% more fabulous and caught everyones eyes....
    I mean I have seen the VS (and propably NC) do the very same thing, just that it didn't look like the USA on the 4th of July.
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  4. Ryo313

    and that justifies the striker to be a useless piece of metal ? its the only ESRL thats useless... VS and NC yes even NC has a useable empire specific rocket launcher but TR ? Grounder > Striker in every single situation ... the striker needs a buff and deserves to be a usefull weapon like the phoenix and the lancer .
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  5. Neo3602

    More specifically the Striker should be a useful Long Range weapon like the Phoenix and Lancer, especially because the TR don't have many infantry level Long Range AV options at this time.
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  6. Haquim

    Apparently so....
    I assume it looks pretty threatening (and awesome) when 50 red glowing rockets are homing in on you, but I am pretty sure that 10 yellow non-glowing ones would kill you just as well.
    Compared to the whining back then anything right now is rather moderate.
  7. Ryo313

    yeah sure... because nobody is useing the striker in its current state heck its even worse then throwing a stone at an ESF or Tank.
    i'm not saying it should be like it was in the old days i kinda like its current function BUT it needs to get buffed to be usefull. atm all it does is getting outclassed by any other RL ... there is NO reason to waste 1k certs for it.
    the rockets are too slow to hit any flying ESF that isn't close to you / to the ground and you are way to exposed to face tanks with it 2.5 seconds where you can use any other RL and just jump out of your cover ( or not if you are useing the phoenix) shoot at the tank and get cover again to reload. with the striker you are dead before you are shooting your last rocket and you NEED to fire 6 or else you deal less dmg then any other RL .
  8. Neo3602

    What if DBG re added the Striker's ability to lock on to Aircraft and Vehicles but with out having to maintain the lock for the missiles to hit and kept the ability to dumb-fire like it can currently(including the coyote mechanic) then the Striker would really be a Lock-on/dumb-fire hybrid. At close range you could use the dumb-fire mode and when your targets are too far away for that to be effective you could start using the lock-on mode instead which would make the Striker really versatile.
  9. Ryo313

    nah we already have the Grounder for G2A.
    and it would make the weapon "OP" again ( even more then it was in the past days where it could only lock on and fire)

    what it makes the striker so unique is that it is the only rocket launcher that works like the coyote missiles
    but the problem with the current striker is that the firerate and the muzzle velocity are both way to slow to make it usefull at long range etc...
    increasing both will fix the striker and make it usefull again and why shouldn't TR also have an ESRL like the other 2 empires?
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  10. Morti

    striker niche is gibbing A2G esf's.

    it's not meant to be the end all launcher choice for TR and it's the same for the phoenix and lancer
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  11. lothbrook

    It got nerfed because it was too strong, having too much burst damage while having the same DPS is completely possible, for example if the VG 1 shotted your tank but had 12 second reload would you be ok with that because the DPS was the same?

    BTW the TR do have a long range AV the annihilator and the SKEP, I also wouldn't classify the Phoenix as long range, i'd put its most effective range at about 200m, past that it just takes too long to get to the target and you'll really only pick off someone leaving his rear exposed.

    The lancer obviously just needs to have its range brought down to 300m, never going to understand why they allow a group of lancer users to instantly gib a tank with 0 warning well past render distance.

    As for the striker they could extend the lock on range for aircraft allowing it to be a ES rocket launcher that excels at AA instead of AG.
  12. Haquim

    I wouldn't use the Annihilator and the SKEP as arguments that TR has long range AV. The SKEP is just the TR skin of the common anti-vehicle lock-on and the Annihilator is literally common pool.
    And no, I wouldn't be OK with the Vanguard receiving that kind of change. That would simply lead to riddiculous and uncounterable games of Tank-peek-a-boo. Never mind the tears falling from the sky when Vanguards start onehit-killing Liberators.
    I wouldn't mind them having 25% more damage for 30% more reload time though, hitting hard IS the NC trait after all - only limit is that the alpha strike must never already determine the outcome of the battle.
    And it should be a simple equation if you only take the weapon itself into account (normally you should consider the platform it is mounted on as well - see Vulcan and Vulcan-H) - the higher the alpha strike (the preloaded damage, if you will), the lower the DPS.

    The Phoenix is a little bit of a different matter, because its power is not derived from DPS or range, but its unique mechanic.
    It is camera guided.
    Although its range is rather limited, there is little that can stop a couple NC heavies to hole up somewhere safe and absolutely ruin the day of any vehicle in 250m radius. No place to hide, and shooting those things down works rather wonky at best...
    The Phoenix received a similar armount of salt, although a little bit more justified - it was able to OHK infantery. From the spawnroom. Behind rocks. Nothing else could do that, and there was no way to stop it.

    I have been part of 4 assaults on Regent Rock that failed for the sole reason of between 4 and 7 HAs spamming Phoenixes.W hatever reason there is for the NC to not this all the time, I am extremely grateful for it.
    Pretty much the same for the Lancer honestly.

    Most of the time I'm sitting on a rock, looking at my gun (and wondering which one it is) and wonder why my enemy isn't using his awesome toys more....

    EDIT: In case you are wondering - I was never opposed to bringin the Striker in line with its damage output. It was 20 -30% greater than other launchers after all. But I am totally against the BS SOE/DBG did with it and later with the Banshee.
    The logic seems to be that if they make something the players whine enough about totally useless, at least 2/3rd of the playerbase will be satisfied. And that is a majority I guess.
  13. Neo3602

    The problem with the annihilator and the SKEP is that they are lockons which can be avoided simply by breaking the lock before it completes or running smoke to misdirect the missile. When using long range AV the NC and VS don't have to worry about thing like that because they have the Ravens and Lancer/Vortexes respectively (though I do agree the Phoenix could use some buffs).
  14. Dalemir

    How the hell stiker is/was burst dmg? To achieve same damage as dumbfire you had to lock for 1.5 sec and then fire at least 4 rockets, and that is ~2 sec. Lancer is burst, MAX shotguns are burst, but not striker. It took slightly longer to kill ESF with striker compared to ES lock-on launcher.

    IMO TR don't need another AA launcher, TR need long range IAV to deal with NC/VS tanks while prowlers get murdered by lancers/ravens.
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  15. Ryo313

    yeah but the A2G niche is already filled with the Grounder which does a better job due the fact that the striker or better the rocket of the striker are way to slow for that job to be done.

    exactly. and for that it needs 1. higher muzzle velocity and 2. higher firerate. (more reload time to compensate that would't hurt i guess.)
  16. EarlofSunderer

    Having it lock onto vehicles/MAX as well & have a much tighter COF, would make it worth being the TR ES launcher.
    Make it accurate at full auto, and compensate by decreasing damage or reload time etc

    Lockon wouldn't let it go past a hill and zip horizontally straight into a hidden tank, give it a gradual turn so enemy armor can hide from it but won't be able to dodge when in the open.

    Increase rate of fire greatly, reducing the time you have to stay out in the open.
    Compensate with Either longer reload or lower damage & greater ammo pool to leave it with the same dps as it does now, spread out over more shots.

    New Striker:
    *Locks onto ESF/MAX/Vehicles (like it currently does with ESF), longer ranged lockon and a gradual turn like the phoenix.
    *Greater rate of fire to reduce time exposed, increase ammo pool and lower damage per shot to leave dps unchanged.
    *Accurate at full auto, no need to burst fire. Like you don't need to burst fire with a lancer/Phoenix or other launcher.
    If a charged lancer shot can be accurate at range, so should all the Striker shots at a similar range. They're slower and you can see them coming.

    Acts as suppression fire vs incoming ground vehicles or distant MAX sniping at your sunderer.
    Advantage over lockon launchers is you can keep sending the Striker dakka their way without the lockon time. Fire in the general direction of where tanks are coming from & the increased lockon range will take care of the rest, but won't hit things behind cover. Let it have the same effective range as the lancer vs ground vehicles.

    Can be fired from behind cover sometimes. (enemy MBT is in the open, can shoot at the right angle from behind cover and get hits with lockon, but won't be able to hit anything if it's directly behind a hill or tree relative to you, due to gradual turn when locked on)

    Lacks the element of surprise of the lancer or the cover-negating of Phoenix, but makes up for it by being a little like the Raven, with autolockon to get hits instead of manual guidance.

    What do you think of this 'New Striker', would you use it?
  17. MikeyGeeMan

    It got nerfed because too many people used it.

    When the entire tr adopted its use, armor and air got shredded.

    Its the perfect case of making a good decent weapon, and then the faction using it too well.

    Those were the days when you could scare away a scythe and not have it fly backwards and gib your squad like buttah.

    So much crying from the other factions....thunk of it like the Orion now x2.
  18. Morti

    that's debatable. Whenever I go A2G I run flares and the lock warning is more than enough to afterburn away and hide behind terrain when they're on CD. I fear strikers more because there's little warning.

    If you want to kill air that's keeping its distance or not engaging ground where you are specifically, then the lock G2A launchers are better.
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  19. Ryo313

    how can you fear them if nearly nobody is useing them? the rockets are easily avoidable because of their poor speed and the 20m lock on doesn't really help at all at range. the only thing where the striker is usefull is when the ESF is hovering very low but then you could also use the grounder without lock on and get into cover real quick instead of useing the striker and don't have to fear that the ESF will kill you as soon as you start to stand still for 2.5 seconds that the striker needs to deal its full dmg.
  20. Morti

    it's funny really. people tend to not use things until it's blatantly OP and everybody is using it.