[Suggestion] Buff the T2 Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aidy, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Aidy

    I propose that the TR's T2 Striker gets a buff to combat the epidemic of Ravens. Ever since it was nerfed into oblivion and back it's more effective to gently smack a tank's armour and whisper "Oh please excuse me Vanguard-sama".

    That's why I would like to see the Striker buffed, here's what I propose as it's stats:

    Rocket Damage
    Splash Damage
    Fire Mode
    Lock On(AA & AV)/Dumb Fire
    Short Reload
    Long Reload
    Magazine Size
    Ammo Pool
    Lock On Time
    Lock Lose Time
    Lock On Range
    Lock On Angle
    9 degrees
    ADS Move Speed Multiplier
    COF Bloom per Shot
    ADS: 2
    Hipfire: 2
    181 rpm
    Rocket Speed Dumbfire
    250 m/s
    Rocket Speed Locked On
    350 m/s
    Max Range Dumbfire
    Max Range Locked On
    Rocket Drop
    If these stats are used then I believe it'll be on par with the Raven the NC MAX units have.
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  2. Liewec123

    its great against air already, my favourite of the 3 ES Launchers for killing ESFs.
    the best buff i can think of would be to lett the coyote functionality work on ground vehicles too.
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  3. Grumblefern

    That's because the others are functioning AV weapons and not a weird close-range AA weapon that's absolutely terrible against everything else like the striker.

    The fact that TR's empire specific launcher is an AA launcher down/side-grade depending on who you ask is disappointing.

    Phoenix might not be AMAZING and has its issues but I know from getting spammed by them that it works well enough for me to hate it when playing an opposing faction. Can't say the same for the striker.
  4. Crazytrain

    Yeah it's great against hovering, clumsy slow-movers, and landed aircraft, but in all those cases a Decimator is way better.

    Anyone who considers pulling a Striker in its current state over a lock-on to combat aircraft must play on a server with a lot of lousy pilots.
  5. Crazytrain

    Pheonix IS amazing. It's addictive like gummy cola bottles or that one last turn of Civilization before bedtime. Just. One. More...

    Striker... not at all what I originally paid $ for. They didn't even bother to fix the reload animation of partial or empty magazines after they broke it.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    They need to buff the velocity from 180 m/s to 200 m/s.

    That would greatly help it.
  7. Ronin Oni

    2/10 bad troll

    10,000 damage per magazine :rolleyes:

    EDIT: Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't even factor in the splash damage
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  8. Aidy

    the spandex army don't get a say
  9. prodo123

    You can almost one-hit MAXes with that...a direct hit rocket plus a pistol shot would kill a MAX. o_O

    Compete with Ravens? You complain about render distance Ravens, then propose a 1km lockon distance and smallest max range of 500m? o_O


    1/10 try harder next time
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  10. Aidy

    yes, a raven can obliterate a group of tanks in just minutes, less even, and can fire beyond render range
  11. Lucidius134

    Pretty sure this is indirectly saying ravens are rediculous (which they are).

    9/10 Satire.
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  12. Shotgunslap

    I think someone just won
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  13. Bearded Wall

    I get sad whenever I see it, as I remember leading striker squads and decimating enemy armor and air.... but buying flares would be hard.

    I just lay it on top of the pile of ruined weapons, like my fracture max.
  14. sL360

    At this point I could care less if they trashed it. It's better off not even being in the game at this point. In fact, the lack of an ESRL for TR would probably cause enough outcry for DBG to come up with something new and fresh. I got a few other things in mind they could throw out of TR too...
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  15. 00000000000000000000

    VS main came in here to support buffing the Striker.

    Got ****** whine thread about ravens.

    0/10 DBG plz delete.
  16. Leftconsin

    The Striker trades effectiveness against everything but air to be an AA launcher, and is still grossly outperformed by the 250 cert Grounder as an AA launcher.

    I have seriously used it for a few months now. My TR main still has more Bouncing Betty kills.

    And you know what? It will never get reasonably buffed. These are the post buff stats after the rework after the massive overnerf it got. Remember when the Striker couldn't kill a Flash in one magazine? Solution? Add one rocket to make it just barely kill an ATV, but still in more time than it takes to kill the ATV with your LMG.

    Look at how long it took to buff the Valk. Everyone gets the Valk. So many people were clamoring for a Valk Buff and it took over half a year. The Striker is too much of a niche weapon to get any consideration.

    So if you have the Striker now, get used to it. This is what you paid for.
  17. Plastikfrosch

    It only works if the ESF is really close and at the range the striker does its job the lancer performs better and the lancer is also greate to force hostile liberators to fall back (two charged shots and every lib pilot will run away).
    The striker would not be such a pain if the dumb fire funktion would not be such rocket spray. I know TR is the spray and pray faction but the striker is a 6 shot launcher and has (like all launcher) a relative high reload speed, so the rockets should fly straight in one direction without being forced to wait to long between the shots because noone wants to stay in the open to get sniped.
    With the phoenix i am able to stay behind cover, with the lancer i can start the charge behind cover and start aiming short before i give the shot but if you want to shoot all 6 shots with the stiker you have to ADS as long as you shoot.
    I am main vanu and i like TR heavys with the striker because they are easy targets for all weapons while the striker is not a real threat for me as a main infantry player but while using the striker its a pain.
    Compared to the lancer its crap. The lancer is totally worthless against normal infantry but works great against maxes, armor and air (not against fast moving esf but everything else).
    Like the fractures as worst long range AV max weapons, the striker is the worst ES launcher since they changed it to what it is now. Before the nerf it was a better annihilator and good to use (not against Infantry but it was a good ES launcher).
  18. Tommyp2006

    At this point I just like using the striker for the embarrassment factor for whoever dies to it.
  19. Liewec123

    the rockets will hit aslong as you shoot them to go within 20m of the ESF,
    are we really going to pretend that its somehow difficult to lead your rockets to go anywhere within 20M of a moving target?!
  20. HadesR

    I propose NC Falcons get a buff to combat the epidemic of Pounders

    Lower the reload speed to 1.5 seconds
    Increase the Mag size to 4 and ammo pool to 44
    Increase the Max Indirect dmg to 125 before 0.6m

    Sounds about right .. How am I doing OP ?