Havoc's realistic wishlist

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    Disclaimer: these are coming off the top of my head and although everyone has the right to criticize try to remain civil.
    1. Deployable cover for engineers
    2. Recon drones
    3. Lock on darts, works with recon drone removed via vehical repair
    4. Es grenade launcher or an NS one.
    5. Soft lock base missle turrets
    6.max flamethrowers
    7. Valkyrie Stealth/ rumbles seat gun module
    8.Es buggies
    9.LA Dial weilding
    10.Max Melee weapons
    11. ES tank turrets
    11.LA fast recharging Jump packs
    13.Weapon model diversity
    13.NS max weapons
    14.Galaxy re-arm modual.
    15.Galaxy loadout terminal
    16.NS grenade thumper (replaces secondary launches thrown grenades in inventory)
    17.Weather effects
    18. More voice callouts/Variations
    19.In game polls
    20.Four platoon Companies (is that correct?)
    21. Battle damage skin/texture
    22. Ability to grab amo (very little) directly from an engineer
    23. Points for using a mic
    24.reduced or no points inside spawnroom
    25. More energy bridges
    26. Combined facilities
    27. Darker nights
    28. Ambient war noises depending on battles on hex/near by territories
    29. Certain unlockables for staying with team
    30. Pods drop in dire t sequence (squad/player option)
    31. Bonus exp for defending while outnumbered
    32. Daily/weekly rotated weapons
    33. Incendiary grenades
    34. Threat priority rendering
    35. Flank exp
    36. Numbered amo counter for pilot
    37. Gunner target UI integrated to pilots central UI
    38. Higby mullet
    39. T-Ray backwards cap
    40. TR Ushanka
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  2. Takara


    *shudders at the people running around with mic's continually open and hearing all that mouth breathing.*
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  3. sustainedfire

    Not realistic.
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  4. ComradeHavoc

    how so?
  5. XanIves

    Recon drones were going to be implemented for the infiltrator class a long time ago, however, they were pulled from the subsequent update for some reason. No reason why they still can't be implemented, though. +1 to recon drone.
    PS rename it something other than recon drone, we already have too many things with the prefix "recon".

    As for number 10, max punch already does 750 damage to anything it hits. Not really a point in giving up an entire max weapon arm for a melee weapon that deals slightly more effective damage. Maybe if it could do vehicle damage, or be able to swing its weapon without breaking sprint. ZOE would be pretty OP at that point, NC shield would be fitting and also useful when moving to engage a target. TR gets the short end of the stick, nothing more useful than a melee brute that can be stuck in place for boosted damge.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    We need to start a mini-movement to get the recon drone back.
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  7. Goldmonk

    If they could just buff the current one, I would love that. When I first got it, I was excepting to be able to drive enemies out of cover but instead I got something that resembled a water gun that wasn't pumped enough. I don't want the noobtube of COD and BF, that's too much. But I want my grenade to go a little bit further than 2 feet just to tickle my enemy with feathers. So let's get the UBGL a distance buff.
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  8. 00000000000000000000

    Blue = DBG plz
    Green = Yes please
    Yellow = Meh
    Red = No thanks

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  9. Tycoh

    People keep asking for darker nights yet we still have crap lighting in the some of the bases and skimp amount of useful flashlights that have a range no higher than a 5 watt light bulb. Plus we need a new slot reserved for flashlights all together for both vehicles and infantry.
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  10. Lucidius134

    Those people who **** up your game ducking b/c their mic transmit silenced 24/7
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  11. DxAdder

    One question:

    Who's paying for the development of this wish list ?
  12. Krinsee

    Deployed items list.
    Mines, Ammo, turret health ( even just a % number would be nice)
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  13. Goretzu

    Don't want them all, but a lot of those really should be in-game.
  14. Liewec123

    because that one neigh uncappable base on amerish which leads to stalemates, hair loss, frustration and rage quits is soooo much fun lol

    top of my list would be bug fixes, especially aegis shield which could be so good if they'd just fix it.
  15. Tommyp2006

    The funny part is that all of these (except what I put in ()) have already been on the road map/conceptualized/PTS. The recon drone was done and then pulled, they've been teasing ES buggies for years, max flamethrowers were on PTS, as were frag launchers which were rediculously OP.
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  16. Scr1nRusher

    they could have been balanced.
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  17. omfgweeee

    absoFAKINGlutly NO NO NO to darker nights. thats pure BS. Its already super hard to see during the night. I have a friends that LOG OFF from the game when night come.
  18. ComradeHavoc

    41. Ability to change loadout of a spawned vehicle
    42. Ability to warp vehicle to another continent
    43. Separate UI to show where players are being drop podded
    44. Valkyrie can carry one Max (not a rumble seat)
    45. Dual sights (toggable)
    46. Better PR team
    47. Link ps2 reddit forums directly with the ps2 forums
    48. Map improvements (remove slopes that are designed to stop ground from traversing it and replace it with sheer 90 degree surfaces.
    49.Grenade UI shouldn't disappear after 5 meters
    50. Different colors for darklight
    51. Max Horns
    52. Heavy AI mines (very delayed explosion)
    53. EM darts for crossbow
    54. Flash bolts for crossbow
    55. Smoke bolts for crossbow
    56. More ammunition types with visual tracer effect
    57. Variations of music (death screen, capturing a base/losing it, ambient)
    58. Flags (digital/normal, static around bases and areas)
    59. TR multibarrel infantry weapons
    60. NC weapons which have outside wires, smoke etc
    70. VS weapons that look partly biological
    80. No base should have the same layout, including the inside of biolabs/techplants etc
    90. Faction colors for personal shield (yellow/blue, red/black, green/purple and variations on those colors)
    91. Beginner mode (auto joins you into a squad/platoon that has active mics, gives you premade week trial loadouts, exp bonus.)
    92. Open the underground bases on Indar
    93. Orbital strikes (requires something on the map, gives vote power to player/clan that help captured said area, kills every play in a hex, 2-3 minute delay with warning to all players in that hex as well as warning on map and in UI, lasts 1 minute, makes hex neutral)
    94. Unlockables for being a wingman for newplayers, saving vehicles for example save 20 friendly vehicles in a red state in one life receive a ribbon and a decal. Save a noob pilot from a BR 100, receive a title/ribbon/decal
    95. Capes for very high BR players, with different ES ones in the store.
    96. Decoy grenades makes a no-collision copy of you
    97. Sticky AT grenades
    98. Change the silly under barrel side launcher UI
    99. Increase Grenade launcher velocity, improve damage slightly, add more ammunition types
    100. Coaxial guns for MBTs
    101. ability to have a separate driver and gunner on MBTs
    102. Flechette shells
    103. Integrate landing pads (hole in a wall) with shield
    104. Energy domes with capturable shield gen inside
    105. Bases have multiple layers ( larger walls within smaller ones)
    106. More objects in between spawn rooms and the rest of the Hex
    107. Ability to force give ammunition to a player as an engineer by running up to them and pressing a specific action button
    108. Vehicles spotted by another player who maintains LOS increases lock-on time (slightly) and gets points for it.
    109. Killing enemy players deep within their territory awards behind enemy lines exp
    110. Being apart of 4 or more enemy base captures awards faction loyalty exp
    111. Improved aircraft noises (supersonic cracks when they pass right over you quickly)
    112. Faction specific colored smoke (cert-into)
    113. Add different commanding voices
    114. Developer talk videos (once a week live streamed with the last 20 minutes focused on answering questions as well as a sneak peek on what's to come)
    115. Player studio should have a submit function for map entries, weapon models.
    116. Player studio should have player polls
    117. PTS should rotate small map concepts
    118. Backup-mode (squad/platoon requests back-up and anyone within that hex/nearby hexes who have enabled it will auto-join their squad/platoon)
    119. Specific unlockables for playing with the same group of players/new players
    120. Faction specific laser pointer colors
    121. Audio rehaul (super sonic cracks when a projectile passes right by you, bullets hitting metal sound make a clunking noise whilst VS plasma makes an acidic melting noise etc
    122. Taxi vehicle skin only obtained by giving a ride to over 500-1000 stranded players (players in the middle of nowhere)
    123. Medkits have a cool down
    124. Live "news" banner on certain screens such as the map or on base terminals
    125. Engineer deployable jump pads (can get you up one floor, can't lift max units)
    126. Medic deployed medkits (heals players very slowly up to a certain percent)
    127. Ability to receive small amounts of health by pressing an action button on a medic
    128. Engineer specific unlockables for healing a very larger percentage of a max unit's health over time
    129. Extra exp for killing your first max unit of the day (cools down every 24 hours)
    130. Max related ribbons/unlockables/bonus exp for doing things such a killing an enemy max with melee, or a crossbow headshot.
    131. No-helmet option for max units
    132. Max units make ambient noise
    133. Flashes do less damage to max units when ramming (still can kill it in one pass using an attached weapon)
    134. Weak mines (weak mines that do very little damage but can place loads of them 10-15)
    135. Different spitfire weapons such as a slow firing shotgun, or a rocket with very low velocity and travel distance
    136. Remove ability to place spawn beacons in a travel tube
    137. At least one mod per server 24/7
    138. community moderators
    139. Link PS2 forums ingame
  19. XanIves

    97. Sticky AT grenades

    By AT, I can only assume you mean anti-tank? If so, anti vehicle grenades already exist, and they DO stick to vehicles, and, as a bonus, to max units as well.

    If you meant something other than anti-tank, then ignore this post

    PS I love the taxi idea, if you could get a taxi horn as well, that'd be even better :p
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    they have already removed the suggestions subforum... take the hint guys!