Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. Ballto21

    Why do VS get the speed and damage boost when tr trait supposed to be speed? Why is TRs boost standing still which is a HUGE disadvantage! easy target for C4, Tanks, launchers, ETC

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  2. Ronin Oni

    I support this :D
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  3. FocusLight

    No, by now we have had it for so long and have had to deal so long, you can't have it.

    Besides, about now the ZOE and Lockdown are both equally uber-situational and marginal beyond belief.
  4. Badname82

    Real men use charge anyway.
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  5. FateJH

    Remember when they were floating the idea of combining Aegis Shield, Charge, and the MAX Punch?
  6. MarvinGardens

    I always thought TR attribute was more Dakka, which lockdown provides. If Anchor mode and Lockdown is so UP, why the hell do I see so many TR use it? Because it's useful, that's why. Maybe not in the way that YOU personally want, but it is useful. ZOE is dumb though, and pretty crap after the nerf. Should just give them jump jets like in PS1 I say. I thought they were supposed to be the most mobile(not fastest, just they can get more places than the other factions) and versatile faction. No hate for the Aegis shield as well though?
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  7. DrPapaPenguin

    F you, keep your radioactive rave bodypaint and keep your hands off my bunkermode :p
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  8. Ballto21

    TR trait is supposed to be SPEED

  9. DrPapaPenguin

    TR attribute is orkiness. The speed is just a side effect from red paint.
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  10. Ballto21

    Tr=Imperial guard
    VS=Eldar (or Tau, not sure which. Leaning to Tau because greater good and all that)
    NC=Ork boiz.
  11. Prudentia

    Ohh, the Burn. Thats a good Insult :eek:
  12. MarvinGardens

    You sacrifice the mobility for more dakka. It's a sidegrade. Planetside 2 is founded on these, to fight allegations of P2W or grind 2 win. I suppose they could make it so you can shoot faster but move slower, but they would have to nerf the existing benefits of Lockdown to do so. Having a sliding scale of how fast you want to shoot verses how mobile you want to be is reasonable, but sounds like a lot of coding to get the controls down right. An option to get more speed for no dakka already exists, it's called charge, though everyone already has that one. The NC has the Aegis shield, which gives them more (one directional)protection for absolutely no dakka, which is kind of like Lockdown in the fact you give up something entirely for a buff to something else.

    ZOE is way too boring IMO though. A straight damage/speed upgrade for a armor debuff that gets mitigated by leveling the skill? Not sure what the numbers are like but the debuff should be way more noticable than it is. I'd say make them take double damage when active, not reduce that number by leveling the skill but increase the amount of time they can stay in ZOE mode with higher levels instead, at the highest level they should be able to stay in ZOE indefinitely. And instead of increasing their forward momentum, increase their turning speed, back, and side speed to make them about as mobile as an unarmored infantryman. They won't be any faster than other MAXes, but they'll be more agile, which would keep more in line with their faction traits. I guess the damage increase is fine, but what about if they instead no longer needed to reload, but they had a heat mechanic for all their weapons instead. Ammo would be subtracted automatically from their ammo pool, so they would still need engineers for ammo of course. That way they would have burst dps increase, but their weapons wouldn't actually do more damage per shot. That way the Devs wouldn't need to tweak the hell out of each of their weapons with damage being affected at different ranges and all that other complicated ******** that they are dealing with the current ZOE. They just need to adjust how much heat each weapon shot produces, which would be way easier to adjust.
  13. Jake the Dog

    This post... gave me cancer
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    Ballto, calm down with the forum posts 0_0
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  15. MarvinGardens

  16. Jake the Dog

    All the cancers.
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  17. Ballto21


    im up to something

    everythings going according to plan
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  18. Ballto21

    As cancer i take offense to that
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  19. CapEnTrade

    Eh, buff lockdown some more, that'll fix it!
    ~Sincerely PS2 Balance team
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  20. MikeyGeeMan

    Leave my lockdown mode alone.

    Double merci, extended clips = everything dead.

    Double burster, extended clips = if it flies its dead.