[Suggestion] TR Lockdown should either be a passive ability or be shielded.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wreckcenter, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Wreckcenter

    Apparent advantages are made moot by being immobile.

    I don't like that TR is a one-trick pony, and not even a good trick. If you're in a base with defensible doors, and the base doesn't have roof access, and it has stairs and/or a terrace next said doors, and you can get the right angle... lockdown MAX is good. Or you can pick a faction that gets beneficial abilities that are applicable in any defensive or offensive combat situation, in any of the classes that you pick.

    ...until the stealthed Light Infantry drops C-4 on you.
  2. CursoryRaptor

    Take a look at this screen capture below. Do you see the kill count? Do you see the cause of death? I don't see anything related to a light assault there. I don't even see anything related to the enemy there. If your argument is that a light assault could have killed me, you're right. So could an ESF. So could a Flash. So could a Lib. So could all of the enemy tanks that made the mistake of trying to engage me from an inferior position. But they didn't. Because I know how to use my Lockdown AP Prowler where it's strong and avoid the fights where it's weak.

    You can do this too if you're willing to adjust your strategy.

  3. Ianneman

    You'd better be talking about MAXes only because holy god the Prowler lockdown is a beauty as it is. I don't want it being buffed only for it to be nerfed into the ground afterwards when everybody whines that it is overpowered (which it NEARLY already is at this point...)
  4. TheMish

    The one and only time I noticed lockdown works well, is deployed sundy busting.

    That's it. That really is it.

    ZOE is a gift from God compared to the stupid piece of garbage that is lockdown.

    I really wonder who's the idiot behind lockdown.
  5. MarkAntony

    yeah sure. buff the strongest tank ability in the game. lockdown prowlers already need to be fought with infantry AV since vannies don't stand a chance so it doesn't really matter.
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  6. Enguzrad

    Although I never used Lockdown, it doesn't seem as bad to me. That increased rate of fire and reload speed gives only small amount of time in frontal assault, so the enemy can't harm you much directly. You can't protect your flank, but MAX should have other allied infantry nearby anyway.

    Just a side note. If Lockdown should make any sense, we have to look on what it does. It gives you better stability. We could assume it also locks parts of the suit together, so the suit itself is more firm. That could eliminate any recoil (I'm not sure if the MAX have a recoil, so instead it could tighten CoF). Moving the suit probably builds some heat in it, so if it is still, it is cooler and you could safely increase rate of fire. And finaly, if the suit locks it's parts together, we could think up a mechanism, which connects weapons to ammo pool - your ammo pool becames your magazine - no need to reload (in case of current lockdown it is quicker reload).
    So it actually makes sense, somehow (not the increased projectile speed though).
  7. asmodraxus

    Why oh why did SOE now DBG make that same mistake from PS1 and compound the issue by giving the VS suicide mode as their "special".

    No one used lockdown except to gank air, it got so bad they gave a better version of what the VS have now to the TR (slightly better fire rate and damage, no faster movement speed and no loss of armor) as well as the lockdown to the TR.

    What needs to happen is a comprehensive look at the max specials and a serious rebalancing of them all, cause as it stands lockdown is only slightly less rarer then ZoE which is rarer then rocking horse excrement.
  8. Zenanii

    Great idea! It will be a bit awkward to move the prowlers around, what with the spawning passively locked down, but I think having access to fire suppression or smoke screen will more then make up for it.
  9. Kristan

    Umm... because when I used PS1 lockdown Pounder MAX I managed to get the BFR running scared by my own? The same thing with current PS2 locked down Punder MAX, it devastates tanks and sundies.

    I remember at Esamir I have managed to kill or get critical assist on 8 Vanguards and about 3-4 sundies. Just standing on a tower of AMP station.

    If you don't see advantages of lockdown MAX... you're just bad and don't know how to use it.
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  10. DrPapaPenguin

    All it takes is a little creativity regarding where you want to lockdown, and it becomes amazing. If it's only useful in some situations, then you have to create those situations.
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  11. DrPapaPenguin

    Just take the tracks off to conserve the nanites, and turn it into a towed-sled-bunker :D
  12. Liewec123

    really? of all of the ES max abilities Lockdown is the only usable one, it is indeed situational, but in the right situation it is BRUTAL!

    ZoE has been nerfed to hell, increasing damage taken and reducing damage delt...

    Aegis is ridiculously buggy,
    sometimes the shield rezzes sideways but you don't know so you'll still get gunned down,
    ALOT of the time it will disable your weapons until you revisit an infantry terminal (this is a death sentence).
    it no longer blocks frontal splash damage, so you die to splash.
    Alot of times if you die with the shield up it will make whatever class you spawn as next unable to do ANYTHING until you pull max again and activate/deactivate the useless buggy PoS.

    i'd gladly trade the masochistic ZoE or the ridiculously buggy Aegis for lockdown on either of my NC/VS chars. (i have all 3 faction abilities maxed out, well aegis at r4 because they broke it with bugs before i finished ranking it.)
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  13. Astriania

    If we're talking about Prowlers, this must be a joke post. Lockdown prowlers in a good position are ridiculously powerful already.
  14. Haquim

    That would be anchor, lockdown is the MAX ability.
    Thank you for your input.

    Once again it is proven that the biggest problem of opinions is that too many people have an opinion concerning matters they don't know anything about.

    There are only 3 reasons to use this ability:
    1. Bursters.
    2. Sneaking up on Sundies with dual Pounders, destroying them before the defenders can take you down.
    3. Imagining the WTF face of the VS MAX pilot when you sumostomp (thanks reduced deployment time) in front of him and start dishing out his weight in lead per second. Usually doesn't work with NC MAXes, and death is almost guaranteed....
  15. Wreckcenter

    This thread is really about both Anchor and Lockdown. I just call both Lockdown, so my mistake.

    CursorRaptor, I don't doubt that you can do that. My response is that the enemy isn't doing their job if they can't hit a stationary object. It's not that hard. You're not moving. Point a rocket at it and fire.

    Also, we get to look forward to this: :confused:

  16. Haquim

    You are not wrong that being immobile is a huge drawback for the Prowler too, but unlike the MAX that goes down in 2 rockets and has no long-range weaponry to speak of, the tank can take a couple of shots AND has the long-range ability.

    Anchor is absolutely fine, even if it is absolutly overpowered/useless depending on the surroundings. Lockdown on the other hand is basically a death sentence with no upside to speak of.
    (The ability to farm BR1 noobs and ******* is no upside - I can do that with a smg)
  17. MarvinGardens

    Dude, you're going to make it worst for yourself if you want to change the fundamentals of Lockdown. It works just fine as it is, decent RoF/Damage Output increase in exchange for mobility. Situational, but that situationalness justifies the RoF increase. If you could move while under "Lockdown", or if it buffed survivability, then they couldn't justify the RoF increase and would have to nerf it. Then you would have a nerfed to hell version of ZoE with Damage replaced with RoF. Instead of excelling in one situation, it will excel at none. On the bright side, it'll definitely make Charge a more attractive option for your MAX special slot.
  18. Kristan

    From range MAX isn't a big target and unlike anchored Prowler, able to use terrain and obstacles to cover the lower torso. If you're using it too close to the enemy you're using it wrong. It gonna take a few shots to find out how to hit you and that would be enough to cause enough damage, if not destroy the tank. But if you get hit by the very first shot you have time to unlock and fall back while tank is reloading. And don't forget about Fractures. Lockdown increases it's speed and lower the ark, hence it becomes a dreadful long range AV weapon.

    A single locked down AV MAX able to set a bunch of MBTs running for cover. If you can't do so... again, you're just bad.
  19. 00000000000000000000

    And the video IMMEDIATELY AFTER the one you posted is about how the community is too buff/nerf crazy.

    If you want to continue to play max then you should learn your strengths and weaknesses.

    Your ability should be Charge when you are solo or on the offensive (making a push to get people out of the base.)

    Your ability should be lockdown when you are in a group and playing defensively (gal dropping to hold a point, holding a doorway.)

    As someone said "You can hold a doorway without lockdown" yes, yes you can, but you can do it BETTER with lockdown.
    Just like a max CAN push into a hardpoint without the aegis shield, but does it better with it.
  20. Ronin Oni

    No, a locked down MAX can put out a seemingly unending stream of fire and murder 40% faster than any other single MAX (well, I mean, other than instagib MAXes, but you can only kill a few enemy before you have a long reload)

    I use lockdown on my TR MAX. It's awesome. I reposition every minute or 2 because I know someone I killed is gonna come back with a Decimator expecting me to be in the same spot.