Liberator is gamebreakingly op

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ColonelJayce, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. ColonelJayce

    I don't see how an aircraft with armor greater than that of a MBT, the burst damage of C4, and the mobility greater than that of a Flash is considered balanced. I'm only a little bit pissed off that this is about the 50th time I have spawned a skyguard, unloaded 150 rounds of flak into a liberator that is afk killing our tanks, only to see him turn his nose around and engage on me.

    All the while I'm hitting him with flak, and trying to evade his tank buster, to no avail, because he has a second pilot manning a cannon bigger than my tank to 3 shot me. You know this wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take 3 ESF pilots, and a very unwatchful enemy team to take it down.

    The Liberator is usually abused by premades who spawn 2 full libs, and just rampage across the map killing all the important objectives and enemy aircraft.
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  2. Jake the Dog

    Dude you have no idea what kind of pandoras box you have opened with this post...
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  3. DashRendar

    I went faster than 88.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    my brain hurts.
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  5. Jake the Dog

    I see what you did there
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  6. ColonelJayce

    Yeah yeah, you all know I'm right. There are already a lot of discussions about this, it's not just me who has a problem with it.
  7. Jake the Dog

    As a tanker, who has shot down more libs in MBTs than any other platform, the problem is that AA isnt fun or rewarding and nobody on gods green earth wants to do it. <-simplified version
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  8. Obstruction

    obviously part of the recent campaign. it can't be simple coincidence that there's so many of these threads cropping up.

    everyone knows the lib is the single most nerfed thing in the entire game, and the single most useless stock vehicle to pull.
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  9. ColonelJayce

    That's another thing, the MBT shouldn't be shooting down aircraft. I don't know who's idea it was to make it so damn easy to hit aircraft with AP rounds, but it is quite depressing considering that it's far more effective than any other piece of AA equipment excluding maybe a burster max.
  10. ColonelJayce

    Oh now that is just ********. I don't know anything about a campaign, and you are completely wrong about it being a useless vehicle, it is arguably more viable than any other vehicle out there. And if you want to talk **** about getting into your ESF and soloing the lib behind all the enemy skyguards and burster max suits, go to reddit and post a video about your story, that **** just doesn't happen.
  11. Obstruction

    but wait, according to all the other posts, AA is ineffective and useless. also, you really don't know who you're talking to. ;)
  12. Jake the Dog

    You do realize how much skill (and luck) is involved in shooting down aircraft right? Its not easy, its hard as f***. most people just shoot up in the general area, however laws of statistics say that one of these people will eventually hit the aircraft. (monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare)
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  13. ColonelJayce

    Yeah I scrolled down and saw 2 other posts on Liberators being too strong, that doesn't mean I'm part of this elaborate campaign. Why are you so apt to changing the subject away from my post?
  14. Jake the Dog

    He didnt read the stock part, its not the stock ones people worry about lol. Those are the ones that tend to get shot by tank rounds
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  15. Obstruction

    your first post is ignorant. your second post is childish. what am i supposed to respond to exactly?
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  16. Jake the Dog

    In other news to distract from the current overstated topic with 3 other more active threads...
    Should I make a tank guide? I feel it might help alleviate the concerns of some people about mbt balance and how to use them.
  17. ColonelJayce

    After scrolling down the forums for some time, I've seen the majority of posts are based on how Liberators are op. It sounds like you are being ignorant of this, and you are in denial. I also checked your profile and all I see is a bunch of posts defending the liberator and redirecting the topic in other peoples threads. This is very toxic behavior, do not bring it to my thread.
  18. Booface

    The main thing that gets me is how easily Libs trash Skyguards.

    A lot of the time when a Lib is harassing an area, a friend of mine and I both pull Skyguards and set up an ambush. And it's a routine occurrence for a Lib to just come straight at us, kill one, and fly off to repair. Then it comes back for the other one. Not even being sneaky about it or anything, just flying straight in and smashing one and then the other.

    Maybe the Skyguard should come with some extra top armor or something? I don't know. I suppose it's not so bad, since infantry AA is much better against Libs now that the Dalton splash was reduced, but it still feels wrong that when a Lib sees a Skyguard (or even a pair of Skyguards) they don't think "my time in this area is limited and dangerous," instead they think "oh, fresh meat."
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  19. Obstruction

    yeah i think my point there is that it takes thousands of certs and many hours of practice to be effective enough to rage someone like this guy has been raged. i have personally certed 6 libs up to effective levels, and i can testify for certain that 1. stock libs are horrible and 2. there are much more effective things you can do with all those certs and all that time. it just happens that there are a handful of enthusiasts that have been doing this for a couple of years and make bringing the rage look sexy as hell.

    i'm curious what server he plays on, because rather than 'post a video' i'd rather just go to his server and hunt him until he uninstalls.
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  20. Jake the Dog

    Then maybe read mine and notice that Im downright hostile to it, and still want this thread to die.