Welcome to hackerside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rockhead101, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Keldrath

    No, those stats are very good. You are that good. Maybe not the *best* but certainly competitive tier.
  2. Revel

    A lot of people now abusing internet connection throttling tools to deliberately lag in game and warp around. I see it discussed on other boards/forums
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  3. AlterEgo

    Another good point.
    Well, people usually are very skilled. In order to gain high accuracy, be an Infiltrator at BR1, know how to aim, and miss 1 out of every 10 or so shots. Then again, BR can play a serious role in this; the higher the BR, then the more suspicious you could be. BR50 with 73% accuracy? GET OUT!:eek:
  4. Spineless

    All of the servers have been running like dung for a month or so now. Check pings and almost every BS death is almost always a ping spike.
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  5. 1GeflGabe1

    I too am aware of hackers. Plenty of araxium gear br 100s especially on VS.
  6. Pootisman

    Accuracy doesnt help to identify a cheater. A aimbot user can simply fire a few clips into the air to bring his accuracy down to a normal level.
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  7. Kubin

    I've been surprised lately by the amount of "questionable" kills, but the odd thing is that I AM the killing person. It occurs mostly when I'm running with my 1x zoom Ghost and get myself ambushed. As I'm rather casual player, I tend to do a panic shot (quick, chaotic ADSing) which actually hits the head at surprising rate. Sometimes it's even that when my enemy is strafing left and I panic aim to the right of his head, so it shouldn't be physically possible to hit, I'm hitting regardless. I guess it's strongly latency-related as I see something while not only my enemy sees something else but also the server itself "sees" something else and places the hitbox slightly out of the soldier model.
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  8. Goretzu

    The servers (EU anyway) are completely borked at the moment so yes that's absolutely true...... on the other hand it would be the perfect environment for hackers to operate in too. :eek:

    On balance though I'd rather they worry about the broken servers first, because it's been terrible (and I mean worse than the general pretty low standard everyone has go used to) for well over a month now.

    Last night was a "good" day and my ping was going from 63 to 4500 constantly. :mad: (a "bad" day and it would be up to 150,000+)
  9. iller

    Mainly just saw Lag and hit registry getting worse... not blatant cheaters. Subtle cheaters & lag switchers? ...maybe I dunno.. Not sure what to believe anymore with what's been going on with SOE .. P diddy ... whoever they are now

    All I know is I'm not in the mood to deal with it.... I finally get my own computer running faster, and their server just gets even slower. Hell with it. I'll check back when they're done having all these server issues...
  10. Nasher

    In very crowded fights it will cull players over a certain distance from you, making them invisible to you. Which means you can be killed by people you can't even see. It didn't used to do this (at least not as badly), its something that has started happening in the last few months.
  11. Czarinov

    Wondered that too a couple of times. Happened to me when I started shooting perfectly (lag-wise) flying Scythe, but then he suddenly "switched lag on". So he started warping like crazy. Once he faced me, he was lagless again... I still killed him but it was so suspicious. BTW it was some notorious stat-padder.

    Still I don't really notice hacking these days...
  12. FateJH

    People have actually been fingering this one for a long time, despite very little verifiable evidence cropping up.
  13. Opapanax

    Lag switching in PS2. Lord I can only imagine.
  14. Haquim

    I agree. The way one plays also impacts this stat A LOT. For example I use a lot of suppressive fire.
    Which means, I shoot at a spot, usually a corner or a door, where I expect enemies to appear.
    If the enemy keeps his head down he can't shoot me, if he runs into it, I propably get a couple hits before I could have reacted naturally. Win-win. Harms my accuracy of course, but I'll gladly exchange that for the combat advantage.
    Also it makes those 10 bonus-bullets that are usually left useful.
  15. p10k56

    There were days when almost all ESFs Liberator encounters end in Daltonisation.
    What has changed?
    Now Libs rather run away counting on tail gunner to get job done and not turning their belly on ESF.
    Yes airgame recent is only positive side of PS2.

    On other hand enemies with 1xreflexes headshoting me over 100m distance is not nice at all.
    Judging from almost absent burst fire from my foes COF hack is in its full strength again.
    Cos aimbot which is rather more ballistic computer then magical Iwin button is not very effective on 50+m without COF hack.
    Not to mention people popping from behind cover exactly knowing where my head is.

    PS2 is still hackerside, only thing reducing this are patches but I doubt there is any decent anti-cheat.
  16. MrForz

    I've had weird cases of people spotting me and shooting me but yet I couldn't find them despite showing up on the map when they shoot and hearing where they come from when they talk. One seemed to be glitched in a tree in the middle of a captured biolab, the other seemed to be inside a rock, lost in the middle of Esamir.
  17. LtSqueak

    type "/suicide". some people keep it in their chat for just such an occasion.
  18. Pirbi

    The game issues make it hard to spot a cheat from just the regular issues. But I do believe deliberate abuse occurs. Have had to try to cap points from people moving through walls and other goofiness.
  19. MajiinBuu

    In almost every large battle someone is accusing people of hacking in the yell chat. "[CharacterName] hacker" is usually what I see. I always ignore them, If I didn't see it than it didn't happen (as far as I'm concerned).
  20. Champagon

    This game has went from hackers in flying Vanguards to almost non-existent lag abusers. I'd say that DBG did a really good job squashing out exploiters. I still see them every now and then. Mostly on late night emerald say 3AM+ server time.

    Sometimes I get dudes underground shooting at people or warping around in an ESF. Nowadays it's extremely obvious if someone is hacking, at least on Emerald. I am happy to say that I haven't seen an aimbotter or ESP hack since last year.