Why are NC and TR doing worse than vanu on alerts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vortex-5, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. vortex-5

    When looking at historical data regarding alerts: http://ps2alerts.com/

    currently the stats are 44.84% of all alerts in the last 2 months Vanu has won excluding draws. 42.68% if you include draws (you should probably exclude draws however since there are no winners).

    Is there any particular reason the other two factions are doing that much worse than Vanu?

    Please be civil to this is exactly the kind of topic that has a likelihood of starting a flame war and that is not the intent. Maybe it's just the case that the data is completely inaccurate and everyone is doing about the same.
  2. Leftconsin

    There was even a period of time on Connery last year where TR didn't win any alerts for a week. Zero.
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  3. zant91

    True, this is something I am noticing on Cobalt, the mayority of alerts are won by VS. I don't know why also.
  4. Sh4n4yn4y

    On Briggs, when VS wins, they usually have the higher pop, or they sneak around behind the fighting between TR and NC. The usual ways any side wins.
    They also work together a bit more.
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  5. FocusLight

    In general, VS has the most user-friendly gear available to them, in spite of some useless trash like the current ZOE. This makes it slightly easier to do well with VS than not. This has slowly led to more VS doing better than other factions on average and this leads many who value winning more than any faction flavor to switch to VS. There are huge loads of VS players who were originally maining TR or NC, and as more and more left for VS on different servers, their friends followed because friends to team up with is more important to most players than faction loyalty.

    There are many other factors, but the fact that VS slowly builds more team-work oriented players on average and has an easier time overall leads to the current conditions in this game where VS lead in overall alert wins and so on, and this also makes matters worse. The VS are the "winners" so more players join them, and so on.

    In all competitive games, someone will always start leading, for some reason. It just happen that VS got the edges needed to make it them - so far. This could change, but personally I don't think so.

    Only issue I have with this is the annoying volume of VS players who are apparently oblivious to this and fully buy into the idea that somehow, in some way, they just so happen to be a whole faction - across many servers - that are "better" as players and this makes them superior - indeed, their gear it universally UP and crap too, if you listen to some of them talk - and they are superior in spite of this.

    Few things are more disgusting than egocentric, arrogant people in a consistent winning position.

    Well, this is simply what people will have to deal with, as it is.
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  6. FnkyTwn


    When my outfit plays TR, we win Alerts. When my outfit plays NC, we win Alerts. We also just happen to win as VS. We also lose more often as VS than as the other factions, because on Emerald, NC and TR don't just fly around in their awesome planes all day.

    The main reason TR and NC don't do well in alerts on your server is that they're too busy flying. They air sperg and completely ignore boots on the ground. If you check overall stats you'll find that per hour played, the factions all equal out on the ground, so it's really just a matter of some factions playing the alert, while other factions just play with themselves.

    So maybe the real reason is that the 'pilot' type player gravitates to NC and TR as they're the most airplane-like aircraft. Or maybe it's that the Scythe is lacking in A2A.
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  7. AlterEgo

    Not on Emerald. TR have been winning all week for all I know.
  8. ATRA_Wampa-One

  9. Whatupwidat

    Because VS are the "beginners faction" and some VS players don't get that and keep playing/cheesing reguardless? ;)
  10. NoctD

    Lack of organization and not PTO all the time. The NC are the worse, they'd often rather just ghost cap another whole continent.
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  11. IberianHusky

    I think it's just a general lack of the TR and NC giving a ****, really. Who actually wants to go to an alert continent and face the full might of the tryhard VS with all their cheese and redeployside ******** when you could get into a giant slugfest with the NC/TR on a separate continent without any redeployside nonsense and have a nice cert farm?

    Why even care about alerts nowadays? I'd rather just find a fun and sustainable fight.
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  12. LIKE A BOSS!

    That moment when I do twice as good on TR than VS even though the "VS" are the easy faction.
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  13. Mootar

    6+ months of pre-nerf ZOE platoons being dumped on every fight had a huge impact on NC/TR attitudes to alerts, those impressions ensure large portions of both empires still ignore alerts and continue to farm away elsewhere.

    Put simply, VS care more about alerts that TR/NC do on the whole, mainly because fighting VS in huge zerg battles was a miserable experience for everybody concerned for a long time.

    Also don't forget that even an average player will make far more kills/certs and have more fun at a good well balanced fight during the same time period as an alert, without having to put up with constant 96+ meatgrinders where empires take turns camping each others spawn shacks in tanks/libs.
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  14. Xind

    Aside from VS being completely overpowered...

    Well, from what I see on Emerald, TR lacks real organization. They just kind of mill or zerg around depending on whether or not they're within range of an Overmind.

    NC on the other hand seems to have a lot of leaders with conflicting styles and ends up over extending and taking an early lead, which lends itself to the "double teaming" mentality, but the reality is if you have 40%+ of the territory on a continent, you more than likely have multiple lanes against both sides and they probably have fewer with each other.
  15. Azimaith

    Combined stats for all worlds population for 1m:

    Stats for 1month overall alerts:
    VS: 805, NC: 435, TR: 553

    There isn't a giant difference in overall population at different points in time.

    Honestly, I'm arguing that much of this has to do with ghosts of imbalances past than anything else. People get sick and give up.
    When TR striker was buggy as all hell, ESF's from other empires pretty much vanished for a long while giving TR serious air superiority for a very long time. Even now I still feel like there are less reavers than prior to strikers.

    A while of terribly overpowered ZOE, people got pissed and even after the nerf, the "bad taste" is still there. Most people I see dislike VS more out of principle than out of real knowledge of their abilities or weapons.

    In essence, the assumptions of the meta color peoples view and make them give up before they even try.

    On Connery I occasionally see NC muster for an alert, but its generally only ADK or 666th Devil Dogs. On the contrary there are multiple pushes on both TR and VS, especially VS when alerts start from different angles, and generally they both push NC first because many NC players have accepted the false reality that NC aren't competitive due to equipment, so they fold and give up.

    It only makes sense on the TR and VS sides to get rid of one contender who won't put up a fight because they've fooled themselves into defeatism.

    Honestly, I have no idea how it could be fixed. I guess it will switch when NC ends up with a long period of something godawful overpowered in most zones of engagement so they can fool themselves into thinking "we were underpowered and now were buffed," when nothing of the sort was occurring. IE like an uberfalcon with 800m/s or a bugged instadeath phoenix or something. Who knows.
  16. NoctD

    Just spent most of an alert this evening fighting around Mulac going nowhere - we weren't pushing the VS further, just tanks bombarding away while the VS had MAXes shooting back from the satellites. We never really pushed the satellite until the very end when we caught it with a few seconds to go - but really, I don't think anyone really was trying to advance. Just enjoying a good fight and farming away mostly, was all the TR did.
  17. TheShrapnelKing

    Because only the VS cares.

    World Record match showed the NC win if they care about winning. But they usually don't.
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  18. player16

    like 40 pop for nc historical or whatever if you lose you are ****!
  19. FnkyTwn

    Remember Biolab Alerts and pre-nerf Hacksaws? I do.

    For like the first year of the game NC camped inside every Biolab all day every day. It was a nightmare.
  20. Ballto21

    Calling bollocks on the completely overpowered side, the VS are neither overpowered or underpowered as a whole. Sure, some of our stuff is overpowered, on the extreme low end of overpowered, magrider strafing. You can avoid rockets better than any other tank, but it still requires an asston of skill. The extreme high end of overpowered, light PPA on scythes, blast a spawnpoint 150m away, afterburn in with eject system and c4 on the plane when you run out of ammo. And somewhere in the middle is our infiltrators being able to use silencers, spa, and both at the same time to slightly higher effectiveness than nc and tr. Overall bulletdrop (lack of) doesnt play a major roll unless youre at 50+m out, even with suppressors/spa, and in general you wouldnt engage unless your were either an infiltrator, or a medic/engy with a battle rifle, and then id think a compensator would be better all around. I will concede that the VS is easier to start with as a new player, if only slightly because if youre new o the game and dont understand how it works, lack of bulletdrop and decent rof/damage weapons do help you. But when you get to the point that youre not as new, and get better, youll have the same experience across all factions, with some exceptions and rather minor changes to playstyle.

    On emerald I agree, what ive seen is AOD and 382 (two tr zergfits) Are pretty unorganized and as a whole clueless for whatever reason, and rarely pull their heads out of their *** long enough to realize nc or vs are gaining the lead, and keep fighting in a 96+v96+ with insert faction here, leaving the third free to fight in smaller easier battles, which is a normal and valid way to win alerts. As for the nc, they do pretty well when they actually show up. When the NC actually show up in force to fight either the VS or the TR, its usually a pretty close battle (within about 5-8%) at the end.it boils down to who do both the TR and the NC, or the NC and VS, or TR and VS decide to gang up on, and its usually whoever won the last 3-5 alerts that gets chosen, for the most part.

    What I have seen though is that when i do join a squad or platoon, i normally lone wolf (name pun not intended), with exceptions, its usually pretty organized. Comms are open most of the time, platoon/squad lead updates and gives orders, and our leaders are generally competent. When I was playing TR (this was on a different server pre merge) there was less communication, more pull ALL the tanks! and zergfest over every base. With the nc, it felt like a mix between the two. Infantry and MAX crashes abound with skyguards and vanguards, with communication and strategy.
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