What REALLY needs to happen with armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silus, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Silus

    Short and sweet here:

    Move Proximity Radar back to the Utility Slot.

    Simple as that. You could keep the C4 as is if you did that. Would also make Stealth-Proxy Lightnings a thing again.
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  2. HadesR

    Game has too much Radar as it is ..

    So I'd propose that they change C4 , buff tanks HP and remove vehicle mounted radar altogether :)
  3. Alarox

    1.) I don't understand why this "REALLY" needs to happen.

    2.) Why would someone use Proximity Radar over the Vanguard Shield/Anchor/Magburn?
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  4. OldMaster80

    The idea of this change is that the radar is a defensive tool: it's meant to prevent fairies to drop C4 on you.
    I'm sick and tired of noobs maxing their armor and then complaining because they got C4ed.

    Said that I believe all tanks changes are ok, but the problem is the huge number of tanks we currently have in the game. The root of evil is the resources system.
  5. Silus

    Well when you consider that Lightnings only have IR Smoke and Fire Suppression, they could do with a bit of love in the options department.

    CQC AI builds perhaps? Throw on HEAT/HE with Thermals, Side Armor and Proxy Radar and drive about Tech Plants, Amp Stations or the like? I know Lightnings would love it and they could really do with the options.

    Actually if I remember right it was mostly done because of Sunderers running things like Blockade and Proxy or something and forcing Sundy drivers to pick more carefully. I could be wrong, but I remember something to that effect.

    Honestly I don't much care about MBTs or Sundies, just change it for Lightnings and I'll be happy.
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  6. Taemien

    TR gets the shaft. NC will not switch, they can absorb C4 with shield anyway. VS won't switch either since they can just magburn out.

    I don't understand why C4 is such an issue with tanks. Half the time I'm killed by C4 in a tank is because of being close to a Sundy that was targeted and I was collateral damage. Personally if MAXes aren't as prevalent as they are... I wouldn't use C4 on my LA. I'd use medkits instead.

    Tanks are getting another 'tanky' pass soon, so this won't be an issue for unobservant players. But what really needs to happen for tanks and other vehicles is a base layout change and a base asset change.

    How it would work is parts of the base are now destructible such as walls, ceilings, and some floors. These assets will have high resistance to infantry based explosives (including C4). But they wouldn't be required to take a base. They would just make it easier.

    For example, destroying a ceiling in a biolab from a ESF or Lib allows a Galaxy to drop troops direcly on the SCU gen. Another example would be destroying a tunnel or bridge leading from a spawn room, making it more difficult for defenders to react to attack. Walls on a techplant or amp station could be destroyed in certain sections, allowing for infantry to push in.

    This would give vehicles a reason to help in base assaults, which in turn gives defending vehicles a reason to fight them. And then we can move away from shelling spawn points as the only means of vehicle play in base attack/defense.
  7. NoctD

    If I die to C4 in a tank these days - I have only myself to blame. Its really not that hard to improve your situational awareness, though proxy radar can still be handy. Its really fine in the slot its in now, even for Lightnings. Makes a Fire Suppression/Proxy Radar Lightning a possibility instead.

    The only thing that needs to happen is for Higby to shelve his crazy ideas of buffing tanks - cause that will just lead to a whole sad episode of tankside farming all them things, followed with a huge nerf bat to follow in a few weeks/months. Oh - and for people to learn situational awareness, and use teamwork. Its really not that hard!
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  8. REZistance

    What REALLY needs to happen with tanks is - they need to stop being able to kill you with their main gun when the barrel of the gun is past your body!

    Happens all the time to me. I'm either right up next to the fuselage of the tank or actually standing on the body of the tank, either way, the opening of the barrel of the gun is past my body, that is to say, I'm no where near the opening of the barrel and yet when he fires... it kills me. Is the projectile manifesting from the center of the tank or what?

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  9. Taemien

    What's going on here is shots originate from the camera firing gunner, not the barrel. This was done a while ago to fix other glitches. Works like this for infantry too.
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  10. CNR4806

    I'd agree when tanks have a coaxial machine gun, which they do not.

    While I agree that the Lightning would really benefit from this (heck, I made a thread almost immediately after the change back then), the MBTs aren't going to gain anything unless the ES utilities are moved to the passive slot.

    Proximity radar + NAR is ten times better for repair purposes. Fire Suppression is borderline useless for the Lightning.
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  11. Silus

    Stealth + Proxy + Terrain Appropriate Camo gets pretty silly in whatever role you decide to use it in. There is little more frightening than a sneaky tank.
  12. FateJH

    The resource revamp (phase one of it) didn't actually change the number of tanks being pulled. The pull rate was barely affected by the changing system.
    Your problem statement has to be reduced to the phase "there's a huge number of tanks in the game."

    Edit: to be fair, if you meant that in contrast to a certification-driven system when you said "resource system," you'd be correct in as far as that might have been an impediment to tank overrun. As long as a lot of people didn't cert into tanks.
  13. REZistance

    Yeah, that's a janky way to 'fix' something. I can be standing on the tank and be killed by the main cannon... so so bad.
  14. iller

    I drive around as an infiltrator and hop out to put down darts right before I settle in for some Skyguarding or Tanker base-camping.
    Way bigger Radius alert than Prox radar meaning there's a darn good chance I'll actually notice the lil Fairy before he's close enough to brick meh....
  15. ColonelChingles

    Although in this case it's obviously the shell originating from the camera from the tank (which is far behind the barrel), it also makes logical sense for this to happen.


    Because of the enormous destructive power of tank cannons, when they fire there is a potential area around them that can be dangerous to infantry. Although usually not lethal, being in this area around a tank when it fires is generally a very bad idea.
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  16. REZistance

    Sure, that's nice to know when I'm standing next to an actual tank in real life. This is Auraxis on the other hand and I'm wearing body armor and a helmet that fully encompasses my head including my ears. Seriously dude, there was no 'logical sense' in that comparison.
  17. Tibbers

    I actually doubt that your body armour and layered in such a way that shields you from the shockwave (FYI that can totally kill you)
  18. Taemien

    Then don't stand on the tank. Or stand behind the center of the turret. If the driver can't see you, he can't hit you.

    This isn't CryEngine where you can ride on tanks.
  19. Desann

    I haven't used magburn since it got ROFL-OMFG-F-U-VANU-SUCK-IT nerfed a long time ago.

    Too much QQ about the magriders superior mobility. Now it is a prowler health, vanguard mobility, lightning damage tank :(`````

    Now I am the QQ
  20. ColonelChingles

    Body armor won't save you from that. Really. Our soldiers aren't exactly running around in their skivvies out there.

    It would be interesting if they added overpressure to PS2.

    Standing next to a tank when it fires? Get damaged.

    Standing behind someone when they fire a rocket? Not gonna end well.

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