L-PPA needs a range nerf.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zombielores, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. zombielores

    I actually think the L-PPA is fineish if you use it within range of AA but when this happens it's completely BS and there is no way to justify this as acceptable.



    The player is actually outside of lock-on range and don't even suggest using flak because good luck hitting him. Kyrin is actually a burster max and the sundy has a Ranger on it.

    His killboard to confirm it is him.

    So I went with the last possible option, to go get him with air deep inside enemy territory, by the time I got there pulling my reaver from Arroyo Torre Station, he was already gone and I was stuck inside enemy territory.

    My proposal, hard cap the PPA to 300 m [within lock-on range and within flak tickling range] with no stat or any other changes, this would change the weapon for a good amount of the L-PPA people and will only stop f***** like this guy from abusing it. Now I'm going to go back to playing planetside.

    Edit, Like HadesR said, it needs to be equal across all weapons, not just L-PPA. Also SOE you managed to break the forums:mad:
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  2. Ronin Oni


    How can he even see infantry at those ranges?

    Infantry don't render but within 300m which is within lockon range and easily within burster range
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  3. HadesR

    With the new improved infantry render range ( intended or not ) then something needs addressing .. Not just for Air but ground to .. Especially considering they want to reduce the range of AV / Ravens to 200m.

    I'm all for the range reduction balance for infantry ... But it needs to be fair across the board for all ranges and for all unit types ..

    I have had infantry render up to 400m .. and that's since the recent patch to reduce it ..

    Also I have had just nameplates render at 450m .. But while the player model is invisible the name plate puts them into damageable mode .
    Was hitting people earlier at RusT Mesa Lookout .. While I was stood on the 2nd floor of Crimson bluff Tower.

    So IF those types of render ranges are going to be the norm. Then AV needs its ranges pushing out to suit , not pulling in
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  4. Crayv

    Infantry can render further than 300m now.
  5. zombielores

    Yes they do now, that guy was killing us and you can ask anyone around the sundie that the Scythe was outside of lock-on distance and obviously outside of flak range. Also the Harraser in the minimap was also mounting a ranger, along with the other ranger the sundie was equiped with and the Burster max shotting at him.

    Yes, this should be equal across the board but I don't have pictures to back up those claims so it would just be chalked up as anecdotal evidence.
  6. HadesR

    Yes it should

    And it should be made clear that it's not just an L-PPA problem .. It affects many a weapon type across all 3 factions ..

    ( Stops Vanu Victim mode )
  7. CrimsonPig

    I've only recently realized this, but you can Q-spot inf from well beyond their render range. I've been pod spamming sundies from range lately and have noticed that while the sundies render, the inf don't render, yet the IFF colored doritoes above their heads will.

    As HadesR has stated, it's not a problem with just the L-PPA, it's a larger problem with other weapon platforms as well.
  8. zombielores

    To all the people saying it's not a problem with just the L-PPA, I 100% agree with it and I support the range reduction no matter what empire or weapon.
  9. Xasapis

    My killboard with a HE Lightning is three times bigger, and I'm a good awful Lightning driver.

    Having said that, the increase in render range brought side effects such as these. I think a range decrease to at least the old render range is only fair.
  10. Ronin Oni

    Ok, if infantry are rendering past 300m (which would be nice anyways)...

    then lets reduce ALL inf AV to 300m and ALL vehicle AI to 300m

    Vehicles should be able fight each other at ranges up to 500m+
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  11. Xasapis

    It seems that they intend to do just that. From what Higby is tweeting, the effective range of pretty much all infantry AV is lowered to 200m. From my understanding they will do damage beyond that, but diminished the further away from 200m the targets are.
  12. zombielores

    L-PPA is an AI weapon used against infantry. In the OP he was outside of lock-on range so it should be reduced to where AA is effective.
  13. zombielores

    Infantry AV nerf, there was no word on the L-PPA I believe.
  14. HadesR

    Yeah just had a Magrider sitting on a hill 340m's away spamming shells at the spawn door ..

    Nix doesn't reach
    Lock on doesn't reach
    Soon Ravens and AV turrets will not reach
    Hill was too steep for anything but a Mag to climb so pulling anything but Air would be fruitless ..

    So yeah render range needs lowering for Vehicles versus Infantry..

    Without any render changes , making any one sided Range nerfs is going to be idiotic
  15. Trebb

    I agree that it's BS to be hit by something without the ability to fire back. HOWEVER, I hit scythes at that distance with my GAL walkers all the time, even when they bob up and down. They'll get shot at for a few second, run, repair, then of course come back to farm. Not much you can do without dropping what you're doing and flying after them.

    Agree with the 300m limit!
  16. LIKE A BOSS!

    I can agree with this. I've been shooting at infantry from up to 600m away on my scythe.
  17. NoctD

    Goodness - how can you tolerate playing this game at those FPS? :eek:
  18. Xasapis

    Perhaps because it is mounted on a vehicle and it is not infantry AV ;)
  19. FnkyTwn

    If he can hit you with the LPPA, then you can hit him with a Burster. Maybe you guys didn't want to pull Bursters, or nobody thought to shoot at him, but even one hitting him would have forced him to at least not just sit there and spam.

    I'm not saying the range doesn't need to be reduced, but the LPPA needs to be reworked completely, or the Air Hammer needs to be made less effective against other ESFs. All the LPPA is good for is infantry, so if you're forcing them into dogfighting range, then it needs to be reworked so it has some answer to A2A engagements.
  20. GhostAvatar

    The annoying thing is being on the receiving end of it at this range. No projectiles or explosions are present, just constant damage and reaction like WTF is hurting me.
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