Cheeky message for infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkarooo, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Dunkarooo

    PSA for infiltrators: everyone(at least everyone with a brain) can see you. Stop running around thinking no one can see you and then getting absolutely tossed. Please stop making a fool of yourselves. Thank you that is all.

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  2. RainbowDash9

    only thing is a lot of people are actually really bad as spotting us. :eek: occasionally someone will see me, but usually its dat invisible lyfe.
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  3. Dunkarooo

    Yeah but as soon as you run into someone who isn't below BR30 or has a crap computer or is trying to do their taxes while play ps2 you just get instant smacked in the face. I guess counting on the sheer blundering tunnel vision of the average player will get you pretty far though.
  4. RainbowDash9

    hey all i know is that infiltrator is easy mode in this game when playing on emerald xD
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  5. Dunkarooo

    The amount of cloaked infil who stand watching me as I line up my gun to their head is too damn high. I picture them thinking in their heads... (hmm I wonder if he's just looking through me yet still at me) lol.

  6. BlueSkies

    Just about everything is easy mode on Emerald

    Not saying the server doesn't have some good players, but it seems to have an above average amount of terrible players.

    @OP: Yeah... they need to put a warning on the cloaks like "Conceals you from peripheral vision, not direct line of sight!"
  7. Dunkarooo

    I can see a cloaked infil at quite a distance and even when it's not directly in front of me. Trust me you are relying on not having anyone with a brain or the experience to see you cross your path. I haven't been taken by surprise by an infil since I got a new computer. Your right though emerald is a breeding ground for failure, infantry zergs, and general fps derpmode.
  8. Moonheart

    Explain us how to play without moving, and we will surely consider your advice after that.
  9. Dunkarooo

    If you see someone who notices you don't just be a deer in the headlights or slowly run away. Uncloak and try not to die... that's my explanation.

    It's not really for you unless you are like a lot of the infils who just run past me or even through me lol.
  10. Moonheart

    Uncloaking time > TTK. Pointless.
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  11. Dunkarooo

    so it's better to let yourself die than to attempt to win simply when the odds aren't in your favor? What Vanu trickery is this???
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  12. FnkyTwn

    I use the IRNV scope on allllll my guns, and I ADS religiously, so Infiltrators are completely invisible for me. It didn't used to be that way, but SOE decided Infiltrators needed a buff in their midrange game.
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  13. Dunkarooo

    IMO infil darts should OHK and be primary weapons. Would be major game changer.
  14. Moonheart

    We Vanu are scientists, we believe in in-dept, mathematic analysis.

    Our battle analysts, putting together tactical data coming from numerous battles have calculated that the chances of surviving by freezing immediatly in deep cloak when someone seems to spot you (which includes the following cases:
    - the enemy soldier is almost blind
    - the enemy soldier is stupid, cause it's a terran or conglomerate soldier
    - the enemy sodier's HUD had lag, making that the remanant distortion of the cloak didn't appear to him
    - the enemy soldier aim so poorly that bullets will fly all around the head of the vanu cloaker without hitting it and he will believe he was wrong thinking he saw someone
    - the enemy soldier will get distracted at the last moment by flying bullets coming from someone else and lose interest) are statisticaly 2,74351 higher than the chances of surviving by attempting to retaliate with a pistol from cloaked state against someone wearing a full-auto primary weapon in his hands.

    The said battle analysts also stated, sourly, that given the overall chances of surviving in the last case anyway, the best way is to consider that no stalker survive in such a situation, and do not waste their time making them do useless statistics and seek ways to avoid what they describe as "an almost unavoidable doom".
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  15. Thrones

    You can't see behind you. Flank, attack and stealth away. Find a good ant trail and pick off the kiddies as they round the corner. head shot, head shot, head shot. Back to the spawn tubes.
  16. Moonheart

    Thank you Mr Obvious, however we're not here to talk of how to be spotted less often, but of what to do when you are spotted.

    My answer is: stay still and pray.
  17. faemis

    lol, what makes me mad about most of our players on emerald, they rather chase down a guy with a knife, while that guy they're chasing is gunning down someone else. that's a lack of teamwork. It happens to me all the time, if i see that happening, i write down their names, and never help them when i see them.
  18. Goldmonk

    Oh you can see me? Good, here comes the Reaper (a.k.a. my RAMS) [IMG]
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  19. Dunkarooo

    honestly i don't think teamwork happens unless you're lucky or in an outfit. maxes aren't repaired, medics don't heal when they should. people don't even consistently shoot at enemies when you would expect it. Either join an outfit or rely totally on yourself because randoms only do what makes their score better 9/10 times. i wish their was a bigger incentive to work as a team... the average derp doesn't realize that it's easier to win by working as a team... however stat padding is a way of life in ps2 for most.
  20. Mythologicus


    Don't stop running around like headless chickens while you're cloaked, just don't blame hacks when you get royally hammered. This way we can still get cheap kills off you, but we don't have to deal with your ********!
