[Suggestion] Bailing as a Tanker (Parody)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GlobeMaster, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. GlobeMaster

    Bailing out of Tanks has to STOP! SOE DO SOMETHING!!!! Why should a Tanker be allowed to bail out of his/her vehicle and continue the fight?

    Today while driving my Vanguard I got into a battle with a Prowler and after CLEARLY being beaten by my L33t Honorable SKllZZZ the Prowler driver had the audacity to bail out of his burning tank and try and C4 my vanguard! He actually tried to C4 me instead of dying with his tank!!! Why is this even Allowed SOE? It is not honorable! All Tankers should die with their tanks! I always drive my Tank as a Medic and NEVER bail out of my Tank.
    I want my HONORABLE way of playing (my set of arbitrary rules) to be FORCED on every other DISHONORABLE player in this game. It is my play style and its superior to everybody inferior play style!

    Here is my proposal to fix this problem.

    1) Anyone getting out of a burning Tank instantly explodes and gets weapon like for 5 days!
    2) Lock all Tankers in their vehicles! This way no one could ever bail out of their Tank!
    3) Any Tanker trying to use the vehicle exit key will instantly lose all session XP and Resources while simultaneously being transferred to an empty continent.

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  2. Flamberge

    Sensing sarcasm...

    IMO, honor has no pace in martial combat.
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  3. YoungPedro

    Agreed, we should also nerf all the AT weapons since tanks are freaking expensive and need a 2 man crew. Those weapons should only be used as a deterrent and give those poor guys a chance to roll around the next hill to rep up and come back .
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  4. Sulsa

    I've bailed out of my lightning and killed the aggressor with my rocket launcher when I drive as an HA.
  5. ronjahn

    This should be a thing. Gone shall be the days of 100k XP Lives with 4-5 kills only. My K/D shall reflect the number of noob tanks I have taken out that day.
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  6. BetterFasterStronger

    Destroying a tank with crew is so rare these days, can't blame the bailers tho lol.
  7. BengalTiger

    I once had this close range fight where I tank mined an enemy Prowler.
    Then when I turned around, I did it just in time to see my Vanguard explode - the other guy did the same thing...

    Anyways, isn't it odd that people bring vehicles to battle but then switch to infantry when fighting an enemy vehicle, because that guarantees a quicker kill?

    There are people taking fighter jets to battle only to bail out and attack with C4 instead of using anti-tank missiles.
    There are people who bring a tank and then attack with C4 instead of using a tank gun.
    That's not to mention Flashes or buggies where one of the occupants delivers portable explosives to score guaranteed kills instead of bringing actual combat vehicles - because those don't work as well...

    On the other hand it's also easier to capture a base by bombing it back into the stone age, rather than going in on foot, capturing building after building and ultimately taking the control points...

    Maybe it's just me, but I think both of these things are upside down and bass ackwards.
    People should take bases, vehicles should be the way to go to kill vehicles rather than the other way around.
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  8. Demigan

    "honorable" meaning "I adhere to some weird kind of moral system that I want everyone else to adhere to for no other reason than that my own moral system ***** with me if someone else doesn't adhere to it"?

    This kind of moral system would be the same as Heavies never using their shield "for honour", and using only pistol while he's at it. LA's not using their jetpack, Medics never self-heal, no one uses any medkits or whatever etc.

    So, if you hadn't guessed it, no. It's a dumb, dumb system. I like playing dirty. I like being able to run behind cover when I seem beaten, place mines and blow up my enemy as he turns the corner.
    If you want to stick to your tank as a medic, be my guest. But don't force others to not use their full range of abilities, such as exiting their tank and repairing it after battle, or using a Heavy for extra damage in the middle of a battle. Or exiting your vehicle to kill a Light assault that's about to C4 you. Or getting out when you spot mines on the road. Or any other number of reasons.
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  9. NinjaTurtle

    I'm a terrible tanker, so I tend to run as an Infiltrator so when I inevitably die to the first tank I see I can jump out cloak and run away
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  10. Cest7

    Bail out, Hide behind a rock and push U because KDR means everything.
  11. GlobeMaster

    OMG!!! You spoke what is unspeakable!!!

    You will need all THREE to rid the dishonor out of you!

  12. CorporationUSA

    Oh please, this was never about honor. It's about stat padders. The game should punish stat padding when possible, and not allowing people to bail out of ESFs without the ejection seat upgrade would take care of it.
  13. Atuday

    Devs please ignore this thread. It is full of people who care about their stats rather than taking territory.
  14. FBVanu

    Silly. Sorry, but, really, silly.

    Players have to get in and out of vehicles... if they are fast enough to get out, before the final hit makes their vehicle explode, then they legitimately escaped their vehicle's death.

    Every vehicle allows you to get in and out, repair, deploy turret, lay mines etc..

    It's a game, in this game players can get out quickly, without some tedious animation, that will allow you to feel better about yourself, when you blow up a vehicle, be that tanks, or Sundys, or Galaxies.. etc.. You need to accept the fact that the 'exit vehicle' mechanic is part of this game, and adjust your play-style accordingly.

    Plenty of players in this game that have absolutely no problem killing vehicles and the players inside of them, or kill the player after they bailed.

    Otherwise, there is no safe landing without a parachute.. no exiting Galaxies unless you first drop ropes, no driving a Flash instantly, unless you first turn the key and start the engine, oh, I almost forgot, in order to get more "realism", let's stop this whole idea of respawn and teleportation... do I need to go on?

    Players bail from vehicles - get over it.
  15. Whatupwidat

    I ran myself over with my own Vanguard once.
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  16. Ikarius77

    I can agree... but only if you make this for all vehicles, at least for all except maybe the flash...
  17. Bindlestiff

    Make taking territory, or territory in general worth a damn - then people may care about it.

    Right now, stats are the only thing that have any form of meaning or persistence.
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  18. FBVanu

    Maybe I can get you to focus on something else, that would allow you to feel good about yourself and your achievement, while at the same time making your stats look good, WITHOUT having to earn the 'kill"..


    It's from October 2013, .. get on that thread and vote it up..

    Short Version:

    ADR= Accomplishment Death Ratio

    What's this ratio? A death is still a death so there's no point to discuss the divisor.

    The Accomplishment is simply a value which depends on the XPs gained (before considering the various boosts and bonuses).

    The base of Accomplishment value is the standard kill which gives a base of 100 XPs and 1 Accomplishment Value.
    The other Accomplishment values are the basic XPs value of what have you done divided by 100.
    So killing a freshly spawn char gives you 0.25 for the ADR purpose, while destroying a sundy gives you 5.

    Your overall stats could look really good when you take out vehicles.. regardless of killing the player inside.. actually, this could make it even MORE important to take out the vehicle, rather than the player..

    No idea why SOE is not putting this into the game, as it would be rather simple to program.
    (I will also post this on the other troll thread about bailing from vehicles...)
  19. GlobeMaster

    Ahhh Someone with a Sense of humor or common sense...maybe both? :)

    For those of you who have not already figured it out, my original post is a parody (Joke) about how some players view the Vehicle game in planetside 2.
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  20. Pelojian

    Then there are the guys who can't afford to cert 2x C4 so they'll get 20% of your health off first then bail and try to C4 you.

    All these should be discouraged in some form, bring a tank if you want tank battles they are not meant to be used as armored cars. had someone use a lightning as a shield to try and C4 me, he was most obviously a newb (he climbed on my front bumper, obviously no aware C4 can be 'thrown') i killed him point blank (at that range you cant miss lol)