why people do this, why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewbyTR, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. NewbyTR

    Hi, i'm new to planetside 2 and i just start playing this game from a week ago. This game is amazing and I really really like the flow and the design of the game itsellf. But one thing seriously piss me off. I play TR on Connery server and during this week, I got team killed but the member of CIK for at least ten times right in the spawn room.

    First time, when I played I dropped into a place called The Crown, which is huge and a little bit confusing for a new player like me. So I died (off cousre) and respawned at the same place. I used a class called MAX which has a weapon that can hit air target really well. I went to the top of the tower, went out and took down two syche or something before I deceded to went back and repair. I went into the safe room and two engineers started to repair me, and then suddenly this CIK guy came out of no where and C4ed me along with 4 other people. i killed this guy once i got revived by a medic.

    The same day, during an alert, i found out that one of our bases have lots of Vanu( i think that's what they called) and I spawned there, we were outnumbered pretty badly so I stood in frond of that safe window and try me best to figger out what was happening. there was one sniper stood right next to me and we got C4ed again by a CIK member.

    There are a few other times which even a new player like me can tell that they are intentionaly killing teammates and most of the time we are severely outnumbered( instant death if you walk out of the spawn). THE WORST THING HAPPENED TODAY. i got killed by a sticky bomb three times in a row within one minite( not only me, at least 5 or 6 other people as well since we are trying to push out of a tower seige) by the same CIK engineer. he is BR68.

    Question is , I dont know why people do this?This is much more frastrating than die ten times in a row. Why, WHy you guys do this when there is clearly no chance for us to retake the base(enemy has at least three times our number and we have absolutely no air or ground control, no need to mention you only have two mins to recap the base). Plz give me your thought. Do you guys experience this kind of thing a lot?

    P.S pandon my english, my forth language actually
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  2. Plastikfrosch

    I think they should make TK impossible in all spawnrooms. They changed it in the warpgate because there were too many TKs there so why not in all spawnrooms. Im not playing on connerey but TK is a problem on all servers and i hate it to go to a terminal and getting knifed or shot from behind while not beeing albe to move. And its really frustrating to see those f****** running away on the minimap while i have to wait for my respawn.
    There are so many teamkillers outside of the SRs who will shoot you while you are defending a capture point or blowing you up with c4 while you are sitting in a tank so please SOE: NO FRIENDLY FIRE INSIDE OF ANY SPAWN ROOM
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  3. BetterFasterStronger

    Those people probally frustate others for there own entertainment, it's basically trolling. Isn't a thing only for PS2 either, not at all sadly.
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  4. NewbyTR

    yeah, i have played FPS games for years and I only team kill someone if he is a cheater( in CS:GO) and team killing is way to often in this game, the developer should do something. And YES, at least not let they kill you in the spawn room.
  5. Bernardes

    Being intentionally TK happens in every game, as the other guy said. Although it does not happens frequently to me (probably cause I am more like a vehicle guy).
    I know if someone kills or damage much the team it will have weapons locked.
    I think there should be a punishment system for TK. In which the killed player can forgive or punish the killer. By a certain amount of punishes the player would be kicked from the server for some time. (like the Battlefield 2 PTK system).
  6. Germaux

    Yeah i know this problem and when they focussing u it's even more irritating. But tk need to stay in the game, because otherwise they would just spam anything with rocket pods and stuff. But they need to disable it in the spawn room. And maby that allies only take 50 % of the damage ?
    But i play on cobalt and there isn't a real problem with TK trols... The most TK's are when ally shoot when he is trying to shoot an enemy.
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  7. Eternaloptimist

    Were you able to record any of the TKs? either way, did you put in a report? Many people think reporting has little effect but it is certain nothing will get done if these childish TK activities are not reported.
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  8. OminousZ

    What's also been happening is...people faction switch and start teamkilling for their original faction. I've said it for over a year now...there also has to be cool down timers to faction switching along with no team killing in spawn rooms. Just report these kiddie ***holes
  9. Goretzu

    They shouldn't remove friendly fire, it would break the game (its fine in the warp gate because no fight is there).

    They should IMO have montior for % FF kills though and if people go above ~20% they get a suspension.
  10. HadesR

    That's a bit generous isn't it ? I mean even 10% would be pushing the high side ..
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  11. Appalachian

    Cooldowns wouldn't work since this is a free to play game. They would just use a separate free account for this.
  12. deep470

    Friendly Fire should simply reflect damage. I shoot that friendly guy in the head - boom, I'm dead and he lives. It's my mistake, why should he pay for it? Maybe a 50% reduction in vehicles, so if there's a bunch of enemies and I don't see that one friendly player inbetween, I don't die. Running over friendlies with my vehicle could damage 25% of my vehicle. Heck, running over people should always do damage to the vehicle, maybe 12,5% for infantry and 25% for a max.

    This mechanic would soon reduce friendly fire to almost zero.
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  13. Xasapis

    Just /report them in game. Intentional team killing falls under harassment and it is bannable. As long as you don't retaliate yourself.
  14. Balsh

    Well first you play max and then you play like a spawnroom warrior padding his KD.
    So I'm sorry cause you're new but that kind of stuff is not really well perceived by a lot of players including me. I find it pretty funny that they've killed you. Not saying that I'd do the same, but it can happen when allies play like p-ussies.
    TK is fine 99,9% of the time it's unintentional and when it is intentionnal, you can TK back leading to some funny situations, discussions.
  15. Xasapis

    Intentional TKing is not acceptable under any circumstance. Even unintentional TK beyond a certain point reveals players that are not particularly good. Also:

    Planetside 2 Team Kill Tracker
  16. Gazatron

    No offense but in a game like ps2 this is a terrible idea. The amount of times I go to clear a room throw a grenade to get some unfortunate enemy and a friendly runs blindly into the room, just to get to the capture point, is then damaged or killed by said grenade is just as frustrating as being killed by people who are spamming grenades into capture point buildings after you cleared it 5 minutes ago.

    If u added this reflect damage I would genuinely quit the game because I would kill myself too often from idiotic allies trying to go Rambo on a capture point.

    Perhaps people should start using their brains more before attacking, throwing grenades etc.

    Additionally the VS with the lasher would hate you for this,(and all the VS said Amen).

    I actually think perhaps the opposite is true. No reflect damage but shots done to friendlies do LESS damage and i mean a decent amount less too. Say 50-60% less. As I've been killed many times by over zealous shotgun users.
    Could be something like this. Pump actions take 2 shots to kill friendlies at point blank.

    Wouldn't mind feed back on that idea as long as it is constructive.
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  17. OminousZ

    Even though it's F2P, i think it would. When a player logs out, a cool down timer goes into effect, not allowing them to sign in with their other account. They can however, sign in with the current account they just logged off with no cool down. That will stop a lot of issues.
  18. Xasapis

    And create more. Siblings for example will not be able to play on the same computer, unless they also play with the same account.
  19. MasonSTL

    Well though team killing shouldn't be done. Sounds like the guy was doing it for this exact reason. In an immature way he was letting you know that your presence would be more useful and appreciated at a base that isn't basically captured already. For future reference it does help the team more if you fight somewhere that is not inevitably going to be taken.
  20. MasonSTL

    This problem was actually debunked a while ago. Data SOE had showed that a very small hand full actually switch factions that often. It just isn't efficient.
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