Double Station Cash = Anniversary Bundle for <$20?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zen_Master, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Zen_Master

    Double Station Cash was just announced for (Black) Friday. Just wondering if Anniversary Bundle will be around by then and/or will it qualify? If so, players who bought the bundle before Friday probably should get a bonus. :). Good on everyone to take advantage of two promos at once - spread the word!
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  2. sindz

    Where is the info that its gonna be double SC?

    Also ingame it says the bundle expires in 5days and 7 hours, so there should be plenty of time.
  3. Zen_Master

  4. sindz

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  5. G.O.A.T

    Damn I miss Triple SC...Im gonna buy them the Walmart SC cards still have 500 extra SC?
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  6. Onetoo

    Hey, thanks for the heads-up! I only buy SC on 2x/3x days, so I've been itching to get more for awhile.

    I can finally get that awesome Galaxy Whale-horn. :D

    I just checked and wasn't able to find the old Walmart bonus cards. Please let me know if you find out otherwise.
  7. Yuukikun

    Already spent several hundreds in this game, they took all my money and wasted it on the PS4 version instead of improving the game i'm playing. Tired of getting ''legally'' frauded sorry.
  8. GoyoElGringo

    The anniversary bundle ends on 11/30/2014 at 11:59pm(according to the store page).

    So how does cyber monday work? Do they do a new deal every hour or something? if so then it sucks that I have a 10 hour day at school during that. And as far as I can tell, there is not way to buy daily deal items from the website.
  9. ajma

    Damn, and I bought $10 on SC for a helmet a couple of days ago.
  10. GoyoElGringo

    If I buy a 1 month sub on Friday, will I get 1000 SC back? That would be awesome.
  11. Inex

    I get that the double SC is essentially a 50% off depot sale, but I do kind of hope there are additional sales for those of us that
    1. Aren't All Access, because we buy SC direct.
    2. Overbought our SC a week ago for the Anniversary Bundle, with a suspicion there would be a big depot sale for Black Friday weekend.
    The fact you can get the Anniversary Bundle for essentially half price is a dangerous precedent though. I'm not mad about the value proposition, I was totally OK buying that pack for the $40 asking price. But I naturally would be tempted to just pay the $20 instead, and the lesson of "Don't buy stuff, because tomorrow it'll be cheaper" is the nightmare spiral that decade long economic depressions are made of.
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  12. Ruffdog

    Yes I'd forgotten about Black Friday - I thought the next big deal would be Christmas time so I bought SC last week thinking the Anniv pack would no longer be available around Christmas. *Shrugs
  13. MaxDamage

    No. That is wishful thinking!
  14. Inex

    Mine was more just the idea that they wouldn't discount the Anniversary bundle in the depot, and that they wouldn't do a direct SC sale (as the reddit thread points out, it's been a *long* time since the last one). Either way, overbuying SC in the expectation of future discounts is silly. And I've worked in retail-like industries long enough to know better.

    Just like this Black Friday deal: even if you are an All Access member who is apparently going to get great deals on Monday, DO NOT buy SC on Friday expecting those mystery sales. They might be on items you don't want, or not as deep a discount as you think, or might get cancelled because of a visit from the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Buy SC on Friday because you are happy with the 50% off deal, and willing to live with that deal and that deal alone.
  15. JudgeNu

    I bought the AEBundle the day it came out.
    I could not care less that now 2xSC on Black Friday exists.
    What I have yet to hear is the '12 Days of Auraximus' Event!
    Last year they had 1 item per day for 12 days costing 1sc and a separate item costing 99sc.
    I haven't heard maybe they thought it was too good a deal this year?
    Here's to wishful thinking and Happy thanksgiving and everything yo.
    See ya sometime tomorrow.
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  16. TheKhopesh

    I agree.
    Got it the day it came out, couldn't care less that it's effectively $20 for the last minute crowd.

    Good for them, but I got the AE bundle this year for the last two primary weapons I need for the black directive camo, and being 600 kills in on my least favorite NS weapon in the game (the baron) is nice.

    The quicker I get this thing done, the faster I get to switch on over to my last weapon (the NS-15M).
    So while I'm glad to see that those who otherwise couldn't afford it are getting it cheap:
    If I had it to do over, I would do it exactly the same the second time around. :p
  17. Xasapis

    What's a Black Friday? Will need to google it I guess.
  18. toast2250

    Il take it! For the sake of the boost and confetti!
  19. Tito

    oo yea another 20 eu spend for double sc
  20. MasterOhh

    Nice, time to toss another 40€ into the hat.