PS2 ServerSmash 11-22-14 - Banshee Slaughter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by inigma, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. inigma

    Recorded this last night during the Briggs vs Emerald server smash. That mossie pilot is still probably getting the kill spam to this very day.

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  2. TriumphantJelly

    It's getting nerfed, quit your whining.

    Then it'll need buffing, for it's going to be a sledgehammer. I support balance, not nerfing.
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  3. inigma

    This is not a whining thread. Just something funny. Either a bad tactical decision on our part, or a good tactical decision on the part of the pilot. Emerald NC during this smash had practically no air force for some reason. Without air superiority, this kind of slaughter is inevitable.
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  4. BeefySleet

    Who won the server smash?

    Also, good to see TR finally chosen as a faction for an SS.
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  5. P1GG

    2 things to consider.

    1) There were actually 2 mossies with Banshees(look at the assist)
    2) Is that really any worse than it would have been with mossies using rocketpods? Maybe a little, but given that all of the infantry was bunched up in one spot, I think they were gonna die anyway.

    Just gonna say that, while the banshee is probably the best AI nosegun, it is supposed to shred infantry(yes, a flak max with flak armor is infantry). People are complaining about the TTK on it, but really if you are out in the open and being hit by an AI nosegun, you're dead. It doesn't matter much if you are able to see it coming for a second before it happens.
  6. Alarox

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  7. InoxGecko

    Emerald got rekt in the final minutes from what i've heard.

    Briggs played TR, my hat's off to you Aussies, the brass is impressed.
  8. P1GG

    I don't think so. They were all bunched up in one spot, and there were 2 ESFs shooting them. Have people really forgotten how effective the rocketpods are just because the banshee has become the new flavor?
  9. Alarox

    Banshee splash damage is superior to Rocket Pods but also has double the magazine size, double the velocity, and 3x the RoF.

    That isn't the whole story, but it explains why the Banshee is a super weapon for those situations.
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  10. inigma

    Briggs did. It seems to me we would have won had we actually had an air force. Without air superiority, nothing could be captured or defended easily in the last 10 minutes of the smash. In all seriousness, for most of the match I didn't see hardly any friendly air outside.

    The match stats clearly indicate the TR killed more NC the entire match, yet NC held the most territory right up until the final 10 minutes. This is indicative of a lack of air superiority on behalf of Emerald - Emerald had boots on the ground, Briggs was evenly in the air and on the ground.
  11. P1GG

    Not according to the wiki.

    Banshee 200 before .5 meters
    Rocket pods 250 before 1.5 meters
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  12. Alarox

    Wrong weapons.

    175 before 1.5m

    And while the rocket pods have better splash falloff you fire 3x as many shots with the Banshee and have a much easier time getting them on target.
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  13. P1GG

    oops, I wasn't paying attention. NC lolpops are OP!

    But seriously, the banshee should be outperforming the rocketpods when it comes to infantry. The rocketpods are more versatile. I still think the rocketpods would have done he job in the situation just as well. They were all bunched up, with nowhere to run.
  14. inigma

    nerf or no nerf, it was certainly a good tactical maneuver on the pilots' part.
  15. zaspacer

    Check out stats from the most recent Server Smash

    What is Server Smash?
    "ServerSmash is a series of community organised events, where participants from different Planetside 2 servers meet to do battle across a variety of different maps designed around massive coordinated forces and combined arms warfare spanning entire continents."

    These are giant team competitive events. They aren't farming, and they aren't padding stats. They are picking the best weapons and best units, and using good players and coordinated strategy to win at "fights against each other in a large scale combined arms experience". As the site says: "ServerSmash is Planetside, the way Planetside is meant to be played."

    And what Vehicles do they choose to use? Check that link and the stats. ESF is the top performing vehicle for both sides. It is the top Vehicle Killer among Vehicles. And the Mosquito had the most Infantry kills among Vehicles.

    I don't know why you have fallen in love with the notion that "ESF is useless". If you need that mantra for self validation, divorced from any actual context or meaning, fine. More power to you. But if you want to delve into actual game dynamics, to figure out what game elements are factoring into effective gameplay, then join those of us who share that interest. I am not saying ESFs are the future, but I am saying that they are currently an effective unit on the battlefield in the large scale combined arms experience.
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  16. RykerStruvian

    Because picking the best is what everyone wants to do. :rolleyes: Fine, whatever. You're right. ESF is by far the greatest factor on the field and nothing else matters. We should all just fly ESF because why would you do anything less if it's the greatest and bestest thing in the game which sponsors coordination and cooperation. Why, if the BEST outfits in the history of Planetside are doing it in competitive match environments, obviously it means everyone else should to, otherwise you're just wasting your time and doing it wrong.

    Thanks for showing me how to play, I would never have figured it out without you. You should write a guide or maybe apply to work at SOE, they're looking for some new people to work for them after all. I think you have a really good head on your shoulders and understand 100% undoubtly everything about this game. Thanks.
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  17. Hoki

    Checking in, confirming that banshee is better than rocketpods.
  18. McToast

    This is what happens when you get really competitive and stop being casual. You use the most effective tools and weapons. That's why we mainly see only 1-2 weapons per class in smashes. It's min-maxing. Happens in every game at a highly competitive level. The ESF IS an effective tool, air superiority is important in smashes. Obviously you need people on the ground too, since the objective is not to kill more players than the enemy but to control more territory. Compared to the serversmashes, gameplay on the live servers is like playing on public servers in other games.
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  19. Covah

    Infantry clustered in 1 spot.

    No AA

    Work as intended.

    PPA / Flying shotgun would have made a carnage too.
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  20. Anomalous Entity

    I've seen C4 do worse to more...

    Nerf it first. No? Shut up about the Banshee, then.
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