Average/Good KPM?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kunavi, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Kunavi

    I'm quite happy with 2.X KD and with my SPM so now I wonder what is considered an OK KPM... And since I'm asking that, might as well pose the same question regarding accuracy. Thanks in advance.
  2. zombielores

    0.00 KDR, 0 SPM, 0 KPM, 0% Accuracy, 0% HSR.
    Who cares about stats, all stats are about is e-pen stroking and comparison to a smaller e-pen guy.
    All that matters is whether or not your having fun.
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  3. ItsDangerous

    Hard to say, different classes and actions had different rewards. Some people have **** spm and are backbones of any force. Need a dedicated HA killbot to reply.
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  4. Yuukikun

    PVP was made to compare your performance against other players'. Go back to PVE if you can't understand that.
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  5. Prudentia

    i consider myself a Light Assault killwhore:
    50KPM as long time average with lots of afk time
    30% acc is already pretty good
  6. toast2250

  7. Stargazer86

    I figure shooting for a 1-1 K/D ratio is more than enough. Just to show that you're taking at least 1 person with you when you die.
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    1.5 kpm 33% accuracy is good i guess

    i'm at 2.2+ kpm and 40% accuracy on 2 of my 7 characters
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  9. UnseeyingEye

    Average KPM is quite low, probably around 0.5... very possibly even lower. Sorting leaderboards by KPM just for the Miller server, a KPM of 1.0 would put you into the top 130 on the server. A KPM of 1.3 would put you into the top 50 for Miller. So KPM is pretty low in this game. I'd say a KPM over 1.0 is considered good.

    Accuracy is a stat that means much less than most people think it does. That said most better players have 30% and above for automatic weapons. But accuracy isn't important, what is important is aim. Accuracy is just how many bullets that you fire hit but aim is how fast and consistently you snap to targets, how smoothly you track moving enemies etc. NivX is a player who has accuracy stats in the high 20s but watching a video of his gameplay, he has better aim than anybody I've seen in Planetside 2 despite having accuracy stats on the low side. Obviously with better aim your accuracy stats will go up but there are many factors that go into accuracy that can bring it down.

    For KDR the average is obviously somewhere around 1.0 and I'd say a "good" KDR is 3.0 and higher.
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  10. UnseeyingEye

    What are your other characters? The three in your sig are very impressive and I'm going to guess COMPETITIVETF2PLAYER is you as well.
  11. LT_Latency

    Accuracy doesn't really matter.

    If you fight close range you will have good accuracy if you engage people from longer range it will go down
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  12. Alzir

    Kpm is a stat far too many people worry about. It says more about your choice of fight and playstyle than your actual skill level. Having said that most top players have a kpm around 1 or above, but that doesn't mean a player with a lower kpm is worse or that a player with 1 kpm is good.
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  13. zombielores

    That tone, didn't mean to offend you but a having FUN in a GAME is all that matters, if you enjoy looking at numbers online then good for you, not gonna dictate how you enjoy your time in a GAME.
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  14. FieldMarshall

    I think it depends on the class and playstyle. For example, a MAX will generally have a higher KPM and KD than an Engineer.
    But an Engineer will probably have a higher base SPM.

    I dont know what the overall average SPM is, but i have heard people say anything from 200-400
    I have no clue about KPM or KD.

    OP does. I do. A bunch of people in this thread does.
    All he did was ask about was what stats an average player has. Where is the epeen stroking?
    Believe it or not, for some people improving personal stats and trying to become better is considered fun. Who would have thought.
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  15. TheShrapnelKing

    How the **** are you people getting KPMs above 1? I can't even get mine to move above .62.
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  16. zombielores

    People should not have to care about stats so much that they want to improve said stat, if you find that having a KPH of 100 good then who am I to judge but having that 100 KPH doesn't make you a better player then someone that has a 10 KPH, they're all an arbitrary number that hold no true meaning.

    But if you find having a higher number stat in a game fun good for you.
  17. Tyrant103

    Abit off topic, or is it? maybe maybe not I don't know don't hate me omg wtf guys

    How does one get their KPM? Without having to REGISTER to Dasanfall. I'm going to assume mine is very low, my playstyle is rather afk and yolo
  18. z1967

    It varies too much per playstyle. For example, I get a score of .34 kpm because I spend a lot of time in transit (hence a 3:21 lifespan on average). I imagine a constant redeployer would probably get a kpm much higher than mine.
  19. Yuukikun

    Games were made to teach about victory and defeat and to make players have to use their brain to achieve victory. The fun part came from victory, and the ''l2p'' came from the defeat (chess, mahjong, sports, etc.)

    But recently, the ''i want an achievement for logging in successfully'' incompetent generation keeps trying to force themselves to believe that games are just for fun and deny any form of learning or brain usage. There are even sports teams nowadays that stopped counting the points and don't even care if you win or lose. This is the same generation who needs big score boosts in school because more and more children would fail their classes by last decade's standards.
  20. UnseeyingEye

    All you need to do is go to the SOE stats page for your character (for you: here) and then click the "Statistics" tab towards the top of your screen. After that you will see that the middle of your screen has changed and now has Total Score and SPM displayed. Just at the top of this box you will see two tabs; one saying "SCORE" and one saying "KILLS". I'm sure you can figure out the rest.