Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brad014, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Brad014

    I was wonder what everyone thought about the Idea of bringing back BFR's, because lets be honest whilst a bit overpowered they were so much fun and I just wanted to see what you guys thought. My ideas would be: Keep it limited to either 20 ~ 30 per empire per continent or 100 ~ 150 spread over all. What are your Ideas.
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  2. ajma

    I don't know why people think that BFRs must be made equal to the ones in PS1. Just balance them around what we have in this game and they won't be OP. In fact, if anything, they will be UP (see Valkyrie).
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  3. Brad014

    I am not saying they need to be the same just thinking it would add another part to the game.
  4. FateJH

    What purpose would a large bipedal robot serve?
  5. TammelTR

    BFRs are the last thing this game needs right now, that means we'll probably see them within a year...
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  6. Brad014

    As a siege weapon perhaps, a weapon that helps root out defenders or beat back attackers.

    Idea #2 make three kinds Light, Medium and Heavy kinda like TitanFall has.
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  7. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    A whole new vehicle type would take ages to develop. I'd prefer SOE to be fixing bugs, keeping servers up and improving performance and hit detection.
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  8. RykerStruvian

    Sure, whatever. Bring back BFRs. I don't care anymore.
  9. _itg

    Theoretically, they might be able to deal with tight spaces, hills, and other obstacles more effectively. This would probably make them more of an ambush-oriented vehicle, which is different from what they were in PS1, from what I've heard.
  10. RykerStruvian

    Or put BFRs in the game but leave out the means to destroy them for phase 3 of a new implementation gameplan.
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  11. CNR4806

    The general opinion on BFRs and massive mechas:
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  12. Tuco

    If there were properly simulated logistics (like Space Engineers), than giant floating battleships would be perfectly balanced with it's cost.

    3 hour timers and "limit X amount per Y players or Z continent" isn't it. How many MMO's is it going to take to prove that it isn't enough.
  13. Alarox

    It would be the polar opposite of the Valkyrie in every way. Consider the implications.
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  14. asmodraxus

    How about NO

    Repeat after me no, BFR's bring nothing new and therefore are a waste of time.

    Also how do you propose to limit them to stop the inevitable spam of said vehicle without making them toothless?

    You say limit them to about 20, so what mechanism do you suggest in a free to play model where everyone is equal, first come first serve? Resource based?

    By the way I'm not at all biased after spending several years having to put up with f'ing pogo bfr's destroying virtually every vehicle in ps1
  15. uhlan

    I left Planetside just before the BFR introduction so I'm not familiar with the game-play.

    Still, why would you want to complicate the vehicle layer even further?

    The game is broken as is and with no relief in sight, adding such a thing would drop the game right into the crapper.

    There are far too many bases too close together in this game. Combined with a broken resource system, the vehicle layer is already a major fail.
  16. Taemien

    This is actually the biggest problem with adding them in. What point would they serve other than a cool looking land vehicle?

    Would BFR's be OP? Only if they were made to be. If they were a 4000hp vehicle with a 500dps cannon and a 800 dps secondary, then no.. it wouldn't be (I just described a shieldless Vanguard with AP main and enforcer secondary). So statwise it wouldn't be hard to balance a new vehicle at all.

    So what role would the BFR play?

    Using the MBT as a base. I would make it a larger vehicle, not larger in width or length, but in height. It would also carry more weaponry. A main gun system and two secondaries. Perhaps even have it set up so the pilot doesn't get a gun (leaving the vehicle to not being spammed as much, as well as the 700 nanite cost I would impose).

    Since the vehicle would be a larger target, I'd give it more HP. MBT's have 4000hp. I would give the BFR 5000. However, I would not give it the MBT resistances. It would have something similar to a Sunderer. But it would also be agile. This would be a vehicle that could strafe left and right like a Magrider, cept instead of hovering, it walks.

    Its ability to walk, and its acceleration would make it so that it isn't a sitting duck to massed fire or air. But its lowered resistances and large profile makes it vulnerable if caught out in the open. Its speed would be similar or slightly lower than a Vanguard. But its acceleration would be similar to that of a Harasser. While its top speed isn't fast, it can get there pretty quickly.

    Its role would be decided by its weapons loadout. AI, AV, or AA. In a AI role, it could quickly react to infantry pushes. In a AV role it would be a great flanking platform since it would have the agility to get behind other vehicles relatively easily. With AA weapons it could protect itself from air while performing a limited AI/AV role (main cannons would not be AA weapons, only secondaries).

    The main cannons would be scaled down versions of the MBT's for its Empire. It would have one on each arm (yes, the TR would have four barrels, 2 to an arm). The secondaries would be standard MBT ones, both NS and ES.

    Would this all be OP? Some might think so. 1 to 1, a BFR will wipe out a tank. Especially if it is 4/4 vs 2/2. However a 4/4 BFR would get shredded quickly by Two 2/2 MBT's. A 2/4 BFR would also be a sitting duck for a single 2/2 MBT. So in the end, the amount of people needed to get the full damage from a BFR would balance it.

    To put it shortly, a BFR would be a walking agile but moderately quick 'tank'. It would have more HP than a MBT, but similar armor as a Sunderer. It would require a Pilot, Main Gunner (for arms), and two secondary gunners. The pilot would control the vehicle like a Magrider. Main gunner would be able to pitch the arms up and down as well as limited torso twist. Secondary Gunners are mounted on the shoulders/head and would have a 240 degree arc on their respective sides. The whole thing would cost 700 nanite to purchase. Maybe even restrict to Techplant and Warpgates only (its own terminal located at those locations).
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  17. FieldMarshall

    While "just make them balanced unllike PS1" is a valid arguement, ask yourself this: Do you really trust SOE to properly balance something like that?
    In PS1 they were left OP for around a year before they were even looked at. Then they nerfed it so that one guy with a decimator could easily solo one.
    Sounds familiar?
    Reminds me of ZOE in a way, and that shows me that SOE keeps making the same mistakes they made in PS1 and previous games.

    BFRs is not a bad concept. Its just that i dont think SOE is cabable of handling it properly, judging from their previous decisions
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  18. SpartanZero

    Who says they have to be bipedal?
  19. desktop

    Thats a good point,a BFR in planetside 2 would have a lower TTK compared to planetside 1. The design of the map is also very cluttered compared to ps1. How on earth could a walker navigate planetside 2s cluttered landscape? would it be restricted from entering bases like other vehicles, or could it jump onto a roof? Maybe theres a place for the BFR if it was the ultimate all terrain climber. like the light assault of vehicles. Able to climb up cliffs and fire from above and a rumble seat for ferrying infiltrators to vantage points.

    something like this comes to mind, allot smaller and without the icbm.
  20. FateJH

    Precedence. Until the argument is made otherwise, the acronym "BFR" conjures an image with two legs.