Devs actually listen to the community, so next target is...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Golconda, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Golconda

    ppl cried about the striker and they remade it (badly, but still)
    ppl cried about ppa and they nerfed it
    ppl is crying about banshee and its gonna be nerfed, same as ravens

    devs are listening to the community O:

    so please, PLEASE PLEASE now let's concentrate on more weapon diversity and faction traits! say no to copycat weapons! a more developed faction diversity (hell, I even want faction specific stats for repair guns) lead to more metagame and player partecipation in the developing process! let's do it!
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  2. nehylen

    They listen to a degree. It's good that big balance concerns are being adressed, but i doubt they listen to most of the stuff on these boards, which is a lot of pointless whines, some "balance" ideas by people who don't have the slightest clue about balance, which leaves only a small room for the actual good ideas. Even among those, some are more feasible than others.

    I don't think they are much concerned about weapon balance unless it something blatant. Take the last addition of ES guns for instance. The Spiker was absolutely terrible and the worst of all sidearms, now it's decent , but the Magscatter which was not very bad but mediocre remains a poor alternative, and the AMP, while good, probably needs 3 or 4 additional rounds per clip.
    Even among the most obvious balance concerns, the burst variants of carbines/ARs have been bad for an eternity, the "S" versions are quite lackluster too, with low to very low use accross the board and yet nothing happens for them.
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  3. Bortasz

    They listen when players make a ****storm because they are afraid that people stop playing.
    And because they listen only to ****storms people overact on everything and try turn everything in to the ****storm so they listen to them.
    Also sorry but the speed of rebalancing is sluggish ad best. ZOE, Striker, PPA they were existing for months before they do something about them. And in all cases they overnerf.
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  4. FateJH

    Personally, I don't think it's the anecdotal whining that makes the change. It's when the statistics (metrics) they capture can support the anecdotal whining.

    In any case, core gameplay rounding, e.g., all the "phase ones" projects currently out there. Resolve those 1/x's into x/x's and then you can release as much rainbow **** armor as you want.
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  5. Goretzu

    This, almost all the recent changes tend to support that. With the possible exception of the Striker which was performing no where near as badly as was generally claimed, but I think knew they needed to make it more unique no matter what and things like the Van shield which I suspect was a "seen to be doing" issue to try and make it go away.
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  6. Golconda

    well that's true, but I think that they listen much more than other games' devs, so I think it's worthwhile to try and change/anhance faction traits instead of crying about nerfing everything lol
  7. tahn1000

    and example of how people "listen" to their players is right here in my siggie. just listen.

    personally i wish they had just stuffed their ears with cotton wool.
  8. Pirbi

    But MLG, Bra. We need to use the same weapons, no shotguns, no maxes, pistols only, and only fight in 12v12 gentlemanly quarrels. Then we MLG, we get sponsored by Jergens, women start to acknowledge us. The next update should include a white glove slap mechanism which will start a civilized duel.
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  9. KirthGersen

    Buff L100 HE please! I want mah 8 m outer radius back!
  10. KiakoLalene

    If they listened to the community, they wouldn't be working on implants again. Look at all the downvotes and comments.
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  11. Foxirus

    Why hello! Are you tired of not having enough faction Diversity? Are you tired of having to break out the manual to tell the difference between those three guns that look exactly the same? Well then, Have I got a thing for you! *Hands you a Pamphlet*

    Please read, comment and like to save Planetside 2's faction diversity today, Before its too late!
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  12. Golconda

    I'm one of the many ones that downvoted the implant system when it was about to be released, now I would be lost without my regeneration II implant.
  13. Pikachu

    ppl cried about ZOE
    ppl cried about liberator durability
    ppl cried about viper
    ppl cried about shredder
    ppl about HE cannons
    ppl cried about shotguns
    ppl cried about fracture
    ppl cried about nanoweave
    ppl cried about phoenix
    ppl cried about AV grenade
    ppl cried about concussion grenade
    ppl cried about rocket pods
    ppl cried about vanguard shield
    ppl cried about harasser
    ppl cried about vulcan
    ppl cried about saron
    ppl cried about enforcer
    ppl cried about airhammer
    ppl cried about scout radar

    Lots of forum nerf requests has been answered.
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  14. Goretzu

    To be fair it wasn't implants anyone really had an issue with (they were in PS1 and were good).
    It was P2W aspects.

    - the inital rentable idea was terrible and was redesigned.
    - the second (current) idea people were concerned about (myself included), but they've set the collection rate. recharge rate and overall power about right, so it is fine.
    - T4 and T5 implants we'll have to see, if they do them as well as the current ones they'll be fine.
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  15. Flagonswarm

    They have a hard enough time balancing the fairly limited asymmetry there is already, doubt they're going to go crazy with faction specific stuff any time soon.

    Plus they suck at creating interesting faction traits and mechanics, the current differences in infantry weapons only serves to limit our options on each faction while only a few are substantially different - most are just downgrades to some other faction's gun.
  16. Runefugue

    Until faction traits get revamped I'd rather just have NS guns.

    Sick of them slapping bigger magazines but smaller damage on everything TR, it's not fun it's boring and often it comes with such a downgrade in accuracy it isn't worth having it. I prefer being able to land more bullets on target myself.
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  17. Golconda

    so you stick to NS because there's not enough weapon diversity? o_O
  18. Runefugue

    No, I'm saying I'd rather they make more NS weapons than faction specific ones, because faction specific usually means TR gets shafted with a downgraded gun with more bullets.
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  19. Golconda

    not wanna sound offensive, but if you prefer weapons with less ammo in the mag and more accuracy you choosed the opposite wrong faction, lol. high capacity/high RoF IS TR trait, you wont see (I hope) VS guns in their arsenal. more weapon diversity doesnt mean that every faction has ES versions of the same guns, it actually means the opposite.
  20. TammelTR

    To fix resources, rework class system and cert allocation, un-nerf vehicles so that they're actually effective at AI, phasing out of NS and replacing those resources with ES ones.