Server Smash Emerald vs. Cobalt stats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fellgnome, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Fellgnome

    Top weapons
    1. LA1 Anchor 3108
    2. Orion VS54 2932
    3. SVA-88 2654
    4. AF-4 Cyclone 1308
    5. EM6 1237
    6. Carnage AR 880
    7. GD-7F 871
    8. C-4 812
    9. H-V45 787
    10. Terminus VX-9 775
    11. Light PPA 671
    12. Frag Grenade 649
    13. Dual Photon Pods 585
    14. Saron Laser Cannon 556
    15. NS-44 Commissioner 532
    16. Blueshift VM5 510
    17. NC05 Jackhammer 478
    18. M40 Fury 444
    19. Serpent VE92 424
    20. NS-11A 415
    Looks like the most noticeable change is the lack of AV grenades from the top 10, even top 20. It was fairly consistently in top 5 killers. It doesn't look like MAXes completely took over or anything as a result though.

    From the vehicle kill tab though it looks like Cobalt dominated the air game, with Scythes more than doubling Reaver kills. Normally Reavers seem to be the preferred SS ESF as well.
  2. gibstorm

    Wow, TR not picked again....Didn't see that comming
  3. Bindlestiff

    Banshee and Pounders OP, none of the TR outfits wanted those highlighted in the top weapons stats so it could be nerfed even harder.
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  4. Outreach

    I guess this is what TR has decided to whine about while they figure out the next OP VS weapon?
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  5. BarxBaron

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  6. LodeTria

    What was the final score?
    Was it as bad as Ceres V Cobalt?
  7. ColonelChingles

    I guess surprising everyone, Connery won! Which is probably why the forums are a little quiet right now. ;) Connery is in shock, and Emerald is considering jumping off a building somewhere.
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  8. Fellgnome

    64% Cobalt / 33% Emerald

    Although I think it might've been higher for Cobalt than that, the site usually cuts off a little before the end.
  9. gibstorm

    It's true, Any time you go to watch them TR is never there.
  10. gibstorm

  11. ColonelChingles

    Ooops I think I mixed up Cobalt and Connery in my post.

    At least I can say that we didn't lose to Connery. Now that would be the death of Emerald!
  12. FocusLight

    Are you honestly so desperate to complain about TR gear being OP that you will blatantly state, for everyone to see, that TR, AS A FACTION, deliberately DOES NOT PICK TR IN SERVER SMASH TO AVOID HIGHLIGHTING ANY POSSIBLY OP TR WEAPONS?

    You do know that would mean that the NC and TR players on Emerald and Cobalt are "in" on this little conspiracy as well, right? You know that means the VS in general collectively utilized the ZOE en-masse and used the PPA en-masse to deliberately get their weapons nerfed, right? Unless you want to argue that TR is such a hive-minded collectivist bunch we all agreed to IGNORE TR IN THE SS to keep attention off our "OP weapons" while VS could not care any less about theirs, but whined anyway when they got nerfed?

    You know, I happen to own this awesome super-modern tin-foil factory I wanna sell ya, it will only cost you a few billion SC to get it...
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  13. FocusLight

    "Losing an SS match against a different server would have hit the Emerald collective ego so hard we would all have rage-quit the game and this would have killed the server!"

  14. Fellgnome

    I thought it was a joke.

    I hope it was a joke.

    I hope the people liking it thought it was a joke.
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  15. ColonelChingles

    Not just any different server, Connery. :p I mean I suppose losing to Cobalt (or anyone else) would hurt, but losing to Connery would be catastrophic.

    I mean you saw how in the Mattherson-Waterson smerger smash how upset that Mattherson was when we barely won. The drama from a loss to Connery would be deafening.

    On the plus side, hopefully Goku will be a little less vocal now that they've eaten a little humble pie.

    Naw, who am I kidding. They'll just push off the blame on someone else. :D
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  16. Imperial Sect

    Clearly NC weapons are OP, please nerf SOE.
  17. KiakoLalene

    If they are so OP, why did no one use them? A weapon's OPness never prevented people from using them before.
  18. FocusLight

    Has Emerald lost a SS to anyone yet though?
  19. gigastar

    Not since becoming Emerald if memory serves.
  20. Saool

    The TR have been picked a few times, however I do not believe they won. I'm not prepared to say they lost because that server picked TR however, there are two many other factors.

    But NC and Vanu are picked because they have features that are considered useful in the 'highly specialised environment of SS' where rapid redeployment and point crashing is the order of the day, and very few people, appart from the odd top level ego maniacs, care for any type of stat (it's amazing how having everyone called ServerSmash123 changes play styles). The NC max is a good example.

    It does bother me. Howerver, regardless of how specialised the envoronment is, that TR is not considered a viable option. I don't play TR. I don't like TR, but if TR is not balanced, soon enough I won't be playing at all.