Useless Weapons of Planetside2...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Psycobyte, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. libbmaster

    I'd object to the Gauss SAW-S being called useless, but yeah this is too true.

    I personally believe that all "burst only" variants and "S" variants (the ones that are just worse, but have more attachments) of the default weapons should have their functionality just outright rolled into the default weapons.

    There is literally nothing good about separating them like this.

    The S variants only get bought for the grenade launchers, the burst variants don't get bought at all, and there's nothing to lose by giving rookies access to both of those features (plus extra attachments) on their starting gun.
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  2. Rovertoo

    Yeah, I was very confused to see that the Burst Variants even existed, why not make burst mode another option on the default?

    As for the S variants though... I love my Gauss Compact. So much. Now that I have the Fortuna, it's not as shiny to me, but it's the first gun I ever Aurauxiumed. The sheer adaptability is it's selling point. Jack-of-all-trades, Master of none kind of deal. I usually ran it with HVA, Silencer, Shotgun, and a 3.4 sight. Longer ranges I swapped out the silencer for a compensator and foregrip. The thing was just so useful at all ranges that I could never put it down.

    (But hey, if our good devs decide to buff the S-variants, nobody would be more happy than me!)
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  3. Frostiken

    I actually found the Vandal to be extremely useful, but only in specific circumstances. It's great on Hossin where you can enjoy lots of cover and players tend to get isolated. Even with a suppressor it's fantastic.
  4. Frostiken

    Except the smoke spam. Rookies are idiots and won't know how to use smoke properly.
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  5. Targanwolf

    My nomination of one of the most useless....ENGINEER'S MINES
    -the glow in the dark
    -they can be seen through walls
    -they can be seen from up to 20 meters thanks to a enhancement specifically designed to do just that
    -they cannot be accurately placed or picked up when they flop in the wrong place
    -want to carry a few must strip yourself of armor protection
    -they are easily destroyed from a distance

    and SOE wonders why some players feel the way they do about SOE's developmental decisions.
  6. Yuukikun

    that or you're using the Immortal. Because with its velocity you need to lead at 10m
  7. asmodraxus

    Lets see

    Low damage semi automatic pistols (hmm the VS seem to of cornered the market in uselessness there).
    Semi Automatic Scout rifles
    Semi Automatic rifles (battle rifles and sniper rifles)
    VS and TR empire specific sniper rifles (well at least the VS got a semi sniper rifle the TRAP doesn't qualify as a sniper rifle scout possibly)
    S Variant Carbines and Assault Rifles
    Burst Carbines

    Then there's the specifics like most of the VS LMG selection barring the Orion...
  8. Hatesphere

    by leading i meant using it like a primary, having it out all the time instead of your LMG, SMG AR or whatever. you know like how you can dummy people with pistols in cod since they are pretty powerfull.
  9. Yuukikun

    The other meaning is also plausible considering if you shoot people at a range where you have to lead shots, you're doing something wrong.
  10. Hatesphere

    true enough i guess.
  11. Predator01cz

    Did somebody say Decoy nades?
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  12. DatVanuMan

    We've been over this before...
    I told you to change that stupid picture...
    But now, I have but a few words to say...

    P.S. Please mod, don't find me.
  13. -Synapse-

    Wow such resemblance.
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  14. Schizomatic

    What'sa huh?
  15. lawn gnome

    i thought i was going to have to put down another anti lasher thread, but this turned out to be just some general hatred of game mechanics and aesthetics.

    i would like the game to be deadlier and more like the Arma series, but the general populous would abandon this game if that ever happened so as things are this game is pretty decent and i have plenty of fun even if it isn't everything i ever wanted. i do wish the devs would take more risks and innovate a little, but the forums throw a hissy fit any time things change even slightly so this is what we get.

    i am just glad they have ignored the forums and resisted the urge to turn my lasher into a mild variant of every other generic gun they have in this game.
  16. iller


    I'm not disappointed in the OP.... I'm disappointed in everyone else on the first page who didn't bust out the image macros

    Well obviously it's a "Nekoge", ie: one of those human animal hybrids George Dubya was trying to warn us about
  17. Hatesphere

  18. TraatAdmiral

    I dunno. There are a lot of weapons that are generally considered pretty worthless, semi-auto snipers being a prime example, but every time I've actually used any of them I've had a blast. I got the CQC semi-auto yesterday and have found it to be a great battle rifle; I have 125 kills with it already. I don't have much experience with the faction specific semi-auto scouts, but the Vandal is great too. I think there are a lot of guns that are criticized more than they really deserve.
  19. tgipier

    Semi Scout is fine. Its at a good place.
  20. Rithlar

    This is because TR cried about having glowing laser lines on their mines yet the other factions didn't have glowing effects. Yet, 99% of the time the glow effect on TR mines never show on enemy screens, and now NC and VS mines are VERY visible.